F3 Knoxville

Burpeevators? Thanks Curveball…


THE SCENE: Hot, humid. Just barely missed a torrential downpour.

10xWindmills, 10xSeal Claps, 10xOverhead Claps, 10x Tempo Merkins, 10xHairy Rockettes, 10xTempo Squats
Mosey towards the CMU pile stopping at various spots to perform Burpeevators (credit to Curveball for inventing these)

Burpeevators = Burpees with increasing merkins on each rep. We performed 3, then 6, then 8. That was enough…

Grab a CMU and wander over to the maintenance building parking lot.

Four part circuit:

  1. Merkins, bear crawl to first parking line where you placed your CMU
  2. CMU thrusters, carry your CMU to the second parking line
  3. CMU Swings, leave your CMU and lunge to the other curb
  4. BBS

Run a lap around the parking lot and repeat in reverse.

Started with 10 reps of each and added 10 reps after each lap. Made it to the 30 rep round.

Put up the CMUs and moseyed over to Sophomore Hill.

At Sophomore Hill performed an elevator with Burpees/Bobby Hurleys. Start with 5 burpees at the bottom of the hill, bernie up, 5 Bobby Hurleys, mosey back down. Add 5 reps after each round. Made it through 10.

Mosey back towards the flag stopping for some Mary along the way.

On the mosey towards the flag we stopped for: Flutter Kicks, Freddie Mercuries, Planks, and American Hammers.
11 men, 1 2.0, and 3 runners hit up JUCO for some work.
Philippians 3:20

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Let’s always be srue to remember that our ultimate citizenship is in heaven, not on this Earth. It’s easy to get caught up in the things of this world. Having just celebrated July 4th we are all very aware of the pride and love for this country that most people have. While there is nothing wrong with being thankful to God for living in a country that grants us religious freedom and allows for the church to grow and operate freely, we need to keep ourselves in check in regards to taking pride in our identification as “Americans”. Paul in Galatians says that we should boast in nothing except for the cross of Jesus Christ. Let’s be thankful, but remember to place our pride and identification in something greater than things of this world.

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