F3 Knoxville

Rude Awakening

THE SCENE: Nice cool morning…52 degrees at circle up

20 SSH on the 4ct, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 tempo squats, a little this and that, 8 cherry pickers, then to the curb for some butt kickers down, high knees back, and 20 Rocky Balboa’s on the curb
Mosey to the Waxjob hill on the tail of the dragon.  Perform 40 single count merkins and do 8 hill sprints.  SSH’s while waiting on 6.

Mosey to bottom of Cardiac.  10 carolina dd’s at bottom, first and second bend, and at top.  SSH while waiting on 6.

Mosey towards overlook and stopped half way for 50 4ct LBC’s.  Keep mosey on to overlook.

Once at overlook put all exercises together 20 merkin, 20 dd’s, 20 4ct LBC, 20 SSH then a lap around the loop.  Perform 3 times.

Once completed we did 20 Freddie Mercury, 20 Hello Dolly, and a Pac Man led box cut session.  Moon gazed then mosey back to AO.




Talked about our plans vs God’s and how we often make our plans without him or without prayer.  We ask him to bless the plans we came up with.  Instead, we need to realize what God has planned for us is far better than anything we could ever come up with for ourselves.  We make it too difficult.  All he’s asking us to do today is love him and love the person in front of us.

Just 80

THE SCENE: 70 and wet

  • Arm circles x10 IC
  • Cherry Pickers x8 IC

Jog over to the oval office. 4 cones were spread out around the track. Do 80 reps at each cone, and then run another lap around the track when complete. Start over with 60 reps, then 40, 20, etc. Exercises are:

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • LBC’s
  • Heel Touches

No time for Mary!
4 PAX to do exercise

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Be 20-60-20 or be like Brick!

THE SCENE: Balmy, humid afternoon



Little baby arm circles, Side straddle hop, little this, little thay

Partner up, 4 rds of lateral jumps and jogging laps, switch off with partner.


  • 11’s with Jane Fonda’s, bear crawl up, crawl bear down
  • 20x-60x-20x running up 3 tiers of stairs. 1st group was meekins, bbs, meekins. 2nd group was A. Hammer, squat thrusts, A. Hammer. 3rd group was hello dolly, squats, hello dolly.

Hold 30 second plank like Brick to finish out workout.


Every person in an organization  or team fits somewhere it top 20%, middle 60%, or bottom 20%. The top 20% are the overachievers, who are going to succeed  most of the time. The bottom 20% are people, who put out little effort to contribute to the team’s success. That 60%, however, can be influenced the most when all remaining individuals come together contributing their 1%  When that happens that team  can ûmove in any direction to achieve great things.

Crazy 88s or Can I go back to doing burpees now? IPC2

THE SCENE: Sorta cool, but your shirt is still getting drenched with sweat

Very short:  A few SSHs and some quick X-factors to prep for the IPC, and then a quick mosey to the parking lot on the other side of the Cloud.
4 rounds.  Distance covered is always 60 yards.

  • 8 burpees, run to other marker, 8 burpees, run back.  Repeat 11x (for 88 total burpees);
  • Grab your CMU for Squrls (Squats with a curl).  Do 8, CMU carry to other marker, 8 more, etc. x 11 (88 total Squrls)
  • CMU again.  This time, it’s 88 overhead presses in a row, rifle carry to the marker, 88 overhead presses again, rifle carry back to the start.  You are now done with the coupons!
  • Last one:  88 X-factors in a row and either bear crawl or crawl bear to the other marker for 88 more x-factors, then bear crawl or crawl bear (whichever one you didn’t do to get you to the marker) back.
  • Plank it up while waiting on the Six (just kidding – catch your breath)

Circle up for some mumblechatter and star gazers

From something I heard the other day that’s been pinging around in my head:  “If you have a goal and just keep working toward that goal, the universe will train you.”  I don’t know about that, but I do know that if you want to accomplish anything, the path forward is so much easier when we let God train us.  We do that when our goal is to seek God’s guidance, listen for him, open our hearts and our minds to him.  I find that much, much easier to say than do.  Frankly, it takes a lot of strength to pursue that goal every day. Hence, our verse for the BOM:  “But you, be strong and do not lose courage, for there is reward for your work.”  2 Chronicles 15:7.
Continue praying for Matlock’s father in law and family and their very tough situation.

Also, shout out to Waffle House, who wins beast-of-the-day award.  We were one short on CMUs, so the Q grabbed a coupon from the big rock pile.  Not wanting to cheat, I picked a decent sized rock. It turned out that was the Rock of Pain, very much heavier than a CMU coupon.  After seeing the Q struggle through round 2, he took on the rock and completed the most grueling part of the workout with it.  That is a HIM in action!
Hardship Hill- Sign up!  And we still need guys to help build the obstacles we are responsible for.

Drexler is the new Barkley?

THE SCENE: Mid-60s, post-rain, really nice!

The Q was late, so Hot Tub got us started with SSHs, Q arrived in time to throw in some Cherry Pickers.  Time to Mosey
It’s the Barkley.  But with 25s at each station, so I guess that makes it the Drexler, although there was this whole Slack back and forth that led to that.  Trust me, you just had to be there.


So, the Barkley is the circumnavigation of the top of Everest, the Colosseum, and the the Asylum building.  There are 4 stations to check in:

  • Station 1: 25s of Merkins and Big Boys;
  • Station 2: 25s of Calf Raises and LBCs (4 count for each);
  • Station 3: 25s of Carolina Dry Docks and Amer. Hammers (4 ct)
  • Station 4: 25s of flutters (4 ct) and squats

Complete as many laps as possible. (2-3)

None today.  Ran out of time.
Grief has been on my mind lately.  We all grieve. We grieve the loss of a loved one, the loss of friendships, the loss of a marriage, a job, a pet, activities or function from injury.  The list goes on.  If we don’t deal with it, it will deal with us.  It will get out and cause damage.  For me, I get angry at people I love for no reason.  Rely on God to help, reach out your brothers in the Pax, to loved ones.  Exercise the body, the spirit, and the mind.  Don’t let grief take hold of you.  Hat-tip to Omaha for the verse for the day: 2 Corithians 12:9-10

Hardship Hill – sign up and help with obstacle builds!