F3 Knoxville

Antarctica or Knoxville

THE SCENE: Sunny, temps in 30’s

20 Side-straddle Hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Windmills, 25 Prayer Reaches, 10 Cherry Pickers, Little of This and That
Mosey to large parking lot south of northern ball parks.  We will be doing suicide sprints to five different cones set up along parking lot.  Each cone is a further distance from starting line.  After we are finished with the first set of suicides we will do 25 Merkins and 20 Hello Dollies.  We will do a second set of suicides but each time back from an inlet do 20 Baby Crunches.  Afterwards, we will do 25 more Merkins and 20 more Hello Dollies.

Mosey to start of Serpentine Sidewalk.  We will be doing 14’s all the way to the perimeter trail at the end of the side walk.  In the first set of 14’s we bear crawl for one light, then run four lights and continues this pattern until the end of the serpentine sidewalk.  Those finishing first sweep others back.  In the second set of 14’s we lunge for one light then run four lights to the end of the serpentine sidewalk.

Mosey to parking lot by northern ballpark entrance.  Split into teams of two.  Each team grabs a Cinder Block.   We will do Doras with one partner doing Bernie Sanders to end of parking lot, then sprinting back while other partner does exercise with cinder block.  Then partners switch.  We will do 100 each of the following exercises:

  • Overhead press
  • Curls
  • Rows

Place cinder blocks back in pile and mosey to AO

20 Boxcutters, then leg lifts high to low
9 men, no FNG’s.
While listening to NPR yesterday, I heard a story about and interview excerpts with Colin O’ Brady, who recently became the first man to trek across Antarctica solo, unaided by assistance or wind power.  The 932 mile trip took him 53 days.  He started his journey dragging a sled of gear (tent, sleeping bag, skis, food) that weighted 375 pounds.  He generally traveled 12 hours per day and many times faced white out conditions in incredibly cold temperatures.

O’ Brady can be admired for not only what he did, but what he overcame to get to the point where he was able to make the trek.  The 33-year-old from Portland, Oregon was burned in a freak accident and suffered major burns on the lower half of his body.  He was told he would never walk normally again.  His mother encouraged him to overcome his circumstances and he worked hard at doing so.  A few years later he won an Olympic Distance Triathlon.

To prepare for the Antarctica trek he spent many hours preparing.  He did planks by plunging his feet and hands in ice water!

O’ Brady accomplished this feat through hard work and a belief in improving himself.  We may not accomplish a trek across Antartica through our work outs in F3.  But we are each working on bettering ourselves.  We each know what it is like to want to give in but keep pushing on.  O’ Brady was asked by the interviewer if he felt like giving up.  He told her there were many times he wanted to give up.  The second day of his journey he thought about contacting his wife and telling her the whole thing was stupid and impossible.  The time he wanted to quit most occurred in the last week of his journey.

Another thing about O’Brady’s story that made me think of F3 was a story about O’Brady’s relationship with another man from Great Britain named Louis Rudd.  Louis started his own separate trek across Antarctica at the same time.  The two were acquainted with each other and shook hands before the trip started.  The only other time they saw each other before the end of the trek was when O’Brady passed Rudd after about a week on the journey.  But they did see each other again when Rudd finished.  That is because O’ Brady waited for Rudd, sleeping in the cold for two days at the finish line while he waited for Rudd to finish his journey.  Leave no man behind!!!

Beer gathering at Union Jacks immediately after this workout!

Bump n run on hump day

THE SCENE: 22 degrees and clear

jog across the parking lot x 2, High knee skip x2, but kiss x2, monkey humpers x15 IC, Bac forward and reverse x 10 IC, 7’s at baby hill but more like 4’s…Monkey humpers at the bottom and burpess at the top. I wanted to get into the thang so I cut it short but it was a thigh burner as we Bernie sanders up the hill between exercises.

Bump n Run

  • number off and split into 3 groups
  • Group 1 started at Hairburner station. with each group, pax partnered up in 3s. one pax is pushing a plate across the parking lot to the other side. once they get to the other side, pax that is on that side pushes the plate back across to the 3rd pax. Whille the plate is being pushed back and forth, one side the pax is doing HR merkins and the other side is doing monkey humpers. Go back and forth like a relay until Group 3 bumps you
  • Group 2 is at the pavalon doing 10 box jumps and 10 bench pull ups, AMRAP until group 1 bumps them to the next station
  • Group 3 or the 3rd station is ABS. 10 LBC on the 4 ct IC and 10 Flutters on the 4ct IC. This is the station that sets the pace or the duration of each station. When they get get done, they run over to relieve the group at the next station, thus bumpin them off and sending them to the next station to bump that group.
  • We got in about 3 rounds

Flutter kicks by Hot tub IC

captain thor to 5:20

boat, canoe, catamaran with a sail
21 pax
F3 is about making us as men better in all facets but we cant do it alone:

Ecclessiastes 4:9-1

Two are better than one, because they had a good reward for their labor. For if they fail, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth, and hath not another to lift him up.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.

Give it away at the Wesley House tonight at 5 pm.

2-Mile Truckstop Tour

THE SCENE: A lovely 28 degree morning… The swamp is fully flooded from the recent rain, but the pavement is dry. A few ice patches over the paths…

SSH x20 IC
TN rocking chair x15 IC
Mountain Parkers x15 IC (Mountain climbers, except opposite knee-to-elbow)
Crabettes x15 IC
LBAC Fwd x10, Rev x10
That woulda been it, but then Sparky arrived, needed to make sure he was warmed up.
15 more Mountain Parkers IC
20 cards with 10 different exercises have been distributed over a 2 mile course.
Each card also has a #1 or a #2. PAX with F3 name A-M are #1, N-Z are #2.
PAX mosey as a group along the course, taking turns flipping the card as they arrive.
If the number of the PAX who flips the card matches the number on the card, double the reps!
Additionally, four “You guys are screwed” tokens were distributed to trustworthy PAX.
When a token is played, add a repeat of the previous station to the current station.

The final station – Slalom bear crawl under the guard rail by the Watt Rd. soccer field

Made it back to the AO just in time for about 3 rounds of Row your Boat
12 HIMs plus one giraffe
Since my 2.0 goes to a Christian school, she has a verse to memorize nearly every week, and has ever since kindergarten. We’ve always used the drive time to school to learn that verse together. I really appreciate the time to dwell on the Word and let it sink in.
This week’s passage was Jeremiah 29:11-14. Verse 11 is pretty popular, but the one that caught me was verse 13: “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” We’re all seeking God, whether we know it or not. Everyone is looking to fill that hole that only He can. Seek Him with all your heart, and He’s promised that you will find Him.
Shoulda started my watch when I laid out the course… Only got credit for half the miles I ran this morning!
Thanks to everyone who brought snacks for Wesley House. Delivery this week!

Sun Rise Saturday

THE SCENE:  Chilly but it didn’t take long to warm up.
SSH x 25, BACF x 15, BACB x 15, SSH x 15, Imperial Squat walker x 15, Cherry picker x 10, Hand release merkins x8

It only 3.  Start at the top of the serpentine path and runs down. 3 reps at every light pole and lung after the last pole to the end.

  • Merkins
    • Run back to the top of the hill stopping every 4th light pole to complete 2 burpees
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups
    • Run back to the top of the hill stopping every 4th light pole to complete 2 burpees
  • Froggy Squats
    • Run back to the top of the hill stopping every 4th light pole to complete 2 burpees

Pickets Charge – Run to the top and touch the Asylum.

10 Burpees on your own

She Hate Me Escalator – increasing Burps and Merkins each set by 5 up to 20

  • 20 Lunges
  • 10 Burps
  • 10 Merkins


Dips and Burpees

Take the hill, Mosey back
50 Flutter Kicks

Winter Mix

THE SCENE: Rain/Snow 40 degrees

T-Plank Arm Circles x10 Each Direction, Each Arm

Fabreez (2 sit up then 10 air presses with feet 6″ off ground; 4/20; 8/30)

Global Warming-Hold Al Gore and move in circle. Q calls out exercise (5 merkin, 5 burpee)

Charles Bronson: Complete reps listed on white board, run to first cone (75 yards), bear crawl to second (5 yards)

  • 50 SSH
  • 50 Merkin
  • 50 Burpee
  • 50 BBS
  • 50 Jump Squat

F3 IM: Complete exercises in 1:30. After 1:30 add one rep up to 10 reps. Each round is only 1:30.

  • 5 Burpee
  • 5 Merkin
  • 5 flutters (single)
  • 5 SSH

Capn Thor

Flutters x 30 IC

Hello Dolly x 20 IC

Boat Canoe

Ring of Fire

Pray. Lots of prayer requests for our PAX. Take time at lunch to repeat our prayers from this morning.