F3 Knoxville

Battle Buddy Beatdown

Round 1 (x3):

  • Buddy Presses x10
  • Buddy Lateral Raises x10

Round 2 (x3):

  • Pull-ups x10
  • Buddy Leg Throw-downs x10

Reverse Indian Runs

Push-up Ring of Fire


Longest Day (Be A Man)

THE SCENE: 70 Degrees with 85% Humidity. Beautiful sunrise on the longest day of the year.

  • SSH x25 IC
  • Tempo Merkins x15 IC
  • Freddie Mercury’s IC
  • Little baby arm circles forward/reverse x12 IC
  • SSH x 20 IC

Mosey to rock pile next to the Asylum.

Pick out a rock and don’t drop it until you’re done with 3 sets of:

  • 20 curls
  • 20 shoulder press
  • 10 american hammers (4 count)

Mosey to playground:

  • 11’s: Catalina Wine Mixers and Dips

Mosey to picnic tables:

  • 5 SETS:  Grab a partner and switch off between 10 table rows and wall sits.

Mosey to playground:

  • 40 flutter kicks (4 count) – in cadence
  • 25 Hello Dolly (4 count) – in cadence
  • ABC’s

Mosey to parking lot AO — full length parking lot lunges and bear crawl back.


7 Men for a Thursday: Gibbler, Husker, Possum, Full House, Umbro, Cosmo, SlimShady


What does God say about being a man?  Millennials are picked on for being soft (which they are), but God’s definition of a man is not how we typically visualize a “real” man.

I Corinthians 13:4

I Corinthians 13:11

I Corinthians 16:13-14

Terra Firma Triple Decker

THE SCENE: Warm & muggy



  • SSH x 15
  • Tempo Merkins x 10
  • Tempo Squats x 10
  • Burpees OYO x 10
  • This/that stretch


  1. Mosey to the grass hills that lead up to the Asylum building.  It’s a 3 level tiered hill….placed 6 cones in a line up the hill.   PAX ran suicides up the hills to the cones doing increasing burpees at each cone.  2,4,6,8,10,12
  2. Mosey down the hill to the flat bowl for Pyramids
    1. Round 1:  10 Merkins, run the hill
    2. Round 2:  10 Merkins, 20 Squats, run the hill
    3. Round 3:  10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs, run the hill
    4. Round 4:  10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs, 20 Shoulder Taps (was supposed to be 40 but the Q was smoked!), run the hill
  3. Mosey back to the AO
  4. Paula Abdul bear crawl the parking spaces and do 5 squats each time you back up one space
  5. Paula Abdul running the parking spaces and do 5 squats each time you back up one space


  • Box cutters x 30
  • Boat/canoe
  • Peter Parker
  • Run lap around parking lot
  • AMRAP squats


Walkabout, Ribbed, Pusher, Rusty, Slide Rule, Pringles, Cheatsheet, Dog Bite, Cosmo, Mogul, Hot Tub, Fabio, Capn Crunch, Bunny, Gibbler, Smalls, Woodshack, Umbro, Chaco, Pinkeye, Jenner, Strava (FNG), Waffle House, Carney, Bartman


Have the right perspective when things go wrong.  My A/C went out in my house and it’s going to be expensive to fix.  While I don’t like spending a ton of money unexpectedly, it’s not the end of the world.   My family still has a roof over their head, clothing on their body and food to eat.  As leaders in our home we need to remember that our wives and kids are looking at us to see how we handle adversity.  We need to show them that they are the priority, not material possessions.




Give us shade, please!

THE SCENE:Hot and humid, temp above 90.

20 Side-Straddle Hops, 15 Mountain Climbers, 8 Twisties, 10 Windmills, 10 Rockettes
Mosey to top of Roadshow Run.  20 Star Jumps at top, 20 Big Boys at bottom of stairs, 10 Burpees at beginning of Summit, 20 Merkins in Shade at top of summit.

Mosey to shaded area by stop sign at northeastern side of Admin Bldg.  20 Hello Dollies, 20 American Hammers

Mosey to first cone on roadway that is below Admin Bldg.  Run to each cone and do the listed exercise.  Rinse and repeat two more times.

  • First cone:  40 baby crunches
  • Second cone:  20 Smurf jacks
  • Third cone:  20 Squats
  • Fourth cone:  Up and down stairs east of street (twice)
  • Fifth cone:  20 Diamond Merkins
  • Sixth cone:  20 Imperial Walkers (four count)

Mosey to Admin Bldg Front porch.  Go up steps doing five calve raises on each step.  Do 20 Flutter kicks at top.  Go down steps with five calve raises on each step.

Mosey to Boulder Pile.  Take boulder to shade.  20 Overheads, 20 Curls, 20 Squats, 20 Rows.  Repeat.  Throw boulders back on pile.

Mosey to AO. 


Planks.  20 baby arm raises hands up, 20 baby arm raises hands down.

Ten men, no FNG’s.
Exodus 20:  8-10:  Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.  Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God.  One it you shall not do any work. . .

Mark 2:27:  And he (Jesus) said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.

God commands us to keep the Sabbath, yet Jesus says that Sabbath was made for man.  God created us.  He knows us and loves us.  In knowing us and loving us, he knows that we need rest.  As men who strive to succeed; who desire to do what is right for our families; who live in a world where we often find ourselves comparing ourselves to others; who are inundated with commercials, speeches, and words from books, magazines, the internet, and other forms of media about living the good life, achieving our dreams; as men who were taught by our coaches and own fathers to give it our all, to put in more than 100% . . . we often work so hard that we wear ourselves thin, wear ourselves out.  When we do this, we can become subject to burnout . . . suddenly work is just that . . . work.  It doesn’t bring us joy, it is just something we have to do to get through the day.  When we get burned out we can become stifled, fatigued, and depressed.

I am guilty of not taking sabbath, of not taking rest.  My wife often comes to my aid by reminding me of the old southern saying, “You gotta sharpen the saw.”  She means that if we don’t take the time to “sharpen the saw”, to relax and rest in order to revive ourselves, we then become dull.  Like the saw that is never sharpened, we do not do our work effectively and efficiently.  We must learn to rest, to take Sabbath, in order to replenish our hearts, our minds, our very souls.

So obey God’s command to keep the Sabbath.  He made Sabbath for you.

Abscess announced that some of us will be going to Chattanooga this Saturday morning to help the F3 brotherhood that is there.  They launched some time ago but have been struggling to increase membership.  Abscess will Q the workout which will begin at 7 am.  We will meet in the area for coffeteria afterwards.

We Are Sons

THE SCENE:  A little warm but beautiful




10 Cherry Pickers IC

15 Tempo Squats IC

10 Merkins IC

Mosey down to the Pavalon for a little bench work. 4 rounds of the following 4 exercises. 1st set = 20 reps each, 2nd = 15, 3rd = 10, and 4th = 5

  • Bench rows
  • Box Jumps
  • Derkins
  • Tricep Dips

Mosey to the bottom of Cardiac with some lunges on the way. At the bottom of Cardiac, 20 merkins. 1st turn = 15 merkins, 2nd switchback = 10 merkins, at the top = 5 merkins.

Mosey to the rock pile at the Asylum after a quick stop to take in the beautiful view of the river. Grab a rock and do 3 sets of the following 3 exercises (15 reps each). After the completion of Set 1 and 2, run and touch the Asylum stairs. After set #3, run down to the stop sign and back.

  • Bicep Curls
  • Overhead Press
  • Bent-over rows

Next, 3 sets of the following 3 exercises (we did these IC and ran to the Asylum stairs in between sets 1 and 2).

  • Tempo Squats (with rock)
  • Flutter Kicks 4 ct (rock overhead)
  • Hello Dollies 4 ct (no rock)

Mosey down to the bottom of Everest. 10 Merkins IC. Made our way back around the new path doing some lunges, squats, bear crawl, and American Hammers. Mosey down Little Baby Hill. Sprint back to the top 1 time.


Just a little bit of time left for some Flutter Kicks, plank work, and a few more SSH’s.


12 HIM’s – No FNG’s


In the spirit of Father’s Day weekend, I’m reminded of what it means not only to be a father but also what it means to be a son of God. I believe that I’ve been saved and that God loves me unconditionally, but I fail to live that way each day.

When we feel like we’re falling short, failing, or still struggling in various aspects of our lives where we think we should be better, it’s easy to forget that our heavenly Father still loves us just the same as when we’re standing on the mountaintop. Instead, we can quickly revert to a worldly way of thinking – that somehow God doesn’t love us as much when we’re stumbling or that His love and grace couldn’t possibly be vast enough to cover over our multitudes of sin. But that’s simply not the case.

“But when the time had fully come, God sent his son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons. Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, ‘Abba, Father’. So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has also made you also an heir.” Galatians 4:4-7