F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Cold but not too cold
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yes – all the stuff.

  • Projectivators
  • Tempo Squat
  • Tempo Merkin
  • Mountain Climbers
  • LBAC/fwd-bwd
  • Overhead Claps
  • 5 burpees OYO


  • Mosey to Pool Wall – 10 Wall-ups
  • Mosey to Playground – 10 Pull-ups
  • Mosey to Recruiting Center – grab 2 CMU
  • BRICKWORK: Begin exercise 1 at Parking Lot Island 1. Farmer Carry (FC)(pinch grip) CMUs to Parking Lot Island 2 for Exercise 2. Then Farmer Carry (FC) both CMUs back to STARTEX for next set of exercises.
    • 10 Blockees – FC – 10 Plio-merks
    • 10 CMU Kettlebell Swings – FC – 10 American Hammer (4-ct)
    • 10 CMU Thrusters – FC – 10 Tricep Extensions
    • 10 Lateral Step-ups (2-ct) – FC – 10 Bentover Rows
    • 10 Overhead Press – FC – 10 CMU Curls
    • RINSE AND REPEAT – We broke up the 2 sets with various Heavy Mary exercises (with CMU).
  • Mosey back to ShovelFlag


6STRONG: Erector, Rocket, Kickflip, Mathlete, Biohack, and Snaggletooth

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (I Thessalonians 5:16-18)

It’s been hard this year to rejoice always. My hope has felt weak and anemic. With weakened hope, it’s not surprising that it’s also hard to pray. But I can give thanks. So we spent some time giving God thanks. Then we got coffee and my burdened already felt lighter for the company and our joint work together. I also read from Psalm 130 that reminds us that we wait for and hope in the Lord – because HE IS UNFAILING in His Love for us. He forgives, He provides, He comes through for us. For me.

And that is enough.

Leadership – Completing Various Projects

THE SCENE: 32F. COLD but great workout weather.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER + COVID: Administered (Full F3 Disclaimer link cited)

Windmill x 7 IC
Moroccan Night Club x 10 IC
Water Wheel x 7 IC
Spider Man w/reach x 5 ea OYO
Seal Clap Squat x 7 IC
Calf raises x 10 IC
The warmup ended up a Dealer’s Choice… and an exercise happened that has never happened during a Pool Boy Q before… and probably never will happen again. If you want to know what it was, you can ask The Project AO-Q – but it shall be known to YHC as “Voldemorts” henceforth.

Mosey to Courtyard
Sets of 11’s + Hold until the 6 is up:
1. Step-ups (1 step-up = 1 rep) / Incline merkins + Hold a Pickle Pointer (Glute Bridge)
2. Squats / Dips + Alternating Side Plank Switch every 10 seconds(Slappy started with Dips – they were harder near the end for sure!)

Mosey to the CMU Pile for 7’s
1. Blockees / Heavy Freddies (Pickle Pointer Hold for the 6)
2. Thrusters / CMU LBC’s (“not an LBC” mumblechatter) (Side Plank Hold for the 6 aka YHC)

Round 3 was planned but skipped because we needed to move to the 3rd thing (not to mention the Q was gasping for air)
Started walking (not a mosey) and the Q asked for an exercise we could do while walking – Lunges to the curb + Rocky Balboa as an intermediate way to still exercise and catch our breaths

Mosey to the traffic light. Wait on light to change we did an exercise (I think squats?)

Mosey across Oak Ridge Turnpike. Press next walk arrow and we did another exercise (also dealer’s choice but YHC did not remember)

Fast mosey to ORHS Tennis courts.
Across the tennis court (aka the direction not running into the net):
Bear Crawl from to next line – 1 x Werewolf – Crawl Bear Back to first line, 1 Squat, repeat to 2nd line all the way through the 4th line. Brief rest, repeat

Suicides (using the same lines) to end the workout x 3
60 seconds rest so we can really go hard

Went about 30 seconds over on the Q but got a great burn at the end!

Negative, ghost rider.

Done – 7 PAX including 1 rucker (Kick-Flip!)

F3 is about leadership – I want to talk about some aspects of leadership this morning.
I want to introduce you to or remind you of some F3 terms about leadership that we all should be looking to put into practice (even as those who in the Church would aspire to become a pastor or deacon would fit the higher qualifications in the Word of God for those positions)
1. Leadership is about stepping up
43 feet  – Building a Leadership Road forty-three feet ahead of the people driving on it.

2. Bad leadership is better than no leadership
ClusterQ An abomination of a Q that elevates the self-confidence of all other PAX in attendance, thereby convincing PAX on the fence that they couldn’t possibly do worse than THAT guy, leading to an influx in Q signups.

3. Leading well is making it about others – some F3 terms to put together how we assemble a Q that makes it about others
Brick – A singular positive Habit that is Advantageous to the individual or others.
Bricklaying – The joining of Bricks into a Routine.
Routine – A conjunction of Bricks that forms a Guardrail.
Guardrails – Foundational precepts that protect and Incentivize Acceleration to Advantage.
F3 workouts aren’t designed to showcase the Q. They’re about the PAX. We want to challenge, encourage, and help them become HIMs not just Sad Clowns who have been EH’d or even regular “PAX”

4. Leading well is about leading by example being prepared AND being willing to and seeking to delegate responsibility.
80/1 Rule: The Q’s Delegation of every Task that a Team Member can do 80% as well as he can, except that 1% that absolutely and positively must be done by him.

I want to leave you with one (of I’m sure the many you and I both could cite) verses to inspire you to step up, lead, lead well, and lead by example:

1 Corinthians 11:1 – Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.

Prayed for Kick-flip’s family, wife, and children as they both grieve and rejoice today, December 15th. Praise for Ribbed’s M’s surgery going well and prayer for healing and relief of pain as the recovery continues.

Lots of Q spots open at #the-project and of course other F3 Knoxville locations. Step up to lead, strive to lead well, and keep trying when you fail as you trust God to work more than all the planning in the world can do!

Created in His image

THE SCENE: 30s and clear

The Projectivator from 10, 10 Imperial walker, 10 harry Rockettes, 10 tempo squats, 15 Moroccan night club, 10 tempo Merkins
Mosey to the Recruitment Center and grab a block. 4 corners style workout. Carry your block as you go.

Corner 1

  • 20 curls
  • 20 rows
  • 20 tricep extensions
  • 20 overhead presses

Corner 2

  • 20 Merkins
  • 20 thrusters
  • 20 heavy Freddie’s (2-ct)
  • 20 heavy flutter kicks (2-ct)

Corner 3

  • 10 staggered right block merkins
  • 10 staggered left block merkins
  • 20 squats
  • 20 lunges (total)

Corner 4

  • 20 blockees

Repeat AMRAP

No time.

5 got stronger this morning.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. Genesis 1:1‭-‬3 NASB1995 

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” Genesis 1:26 NASB1995 

If you want to be reminded about how small we truly are, read the creation account in Genesis. God made mankind in His own image. Some times we may try to twist that around and make God out to be who we want Him to be. The fact is that He created us. We need to take our place at His feet, be obedient to His will, and submissive to His word.

Cards Against Us All

THE SCENE: 41 degrees, clear and beautiful

10 4 count side straddle hops, run a lap, 10 tempo merkins, 5 tempo cherry pickers

Draw 2 cards.  Exercise as follows:

  • Clubs: Big boys
  • Spades: 4 count flutter kicks
  • Diamonds: Merkins
  • Hearts: Squats
  • Joker: 20 burpees

Run a lap around the parking lot.  Repeat.

Next, each member drew a card and we ran to the dip bars.  Together we added 10 to the number on each card and did that number of inverted pull ups together.  Ran to the Friendship bell and did the same with box jumps, crunches, and squats.

Returned to the parking lot and did 2 more card circuits.



Arise early in the morning and do important work.  There are several examples of people in the Bible arising early in the morning and then doing something important:

  • Joshua 3:1, 8:10, 6:12, 7:16
  • Exodus 34:4, 24:4, 9:13
  • Genesis 19:27, 28:18
  • 1 Samuel 29:11
  • John 8:2


3 Amigos

THE SCENE: 23 and perfect gloom

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yep, yep, and yep.

1. 8 Project Motivators – IC
2. 15 SSH – 4ct, IC
3. 15 Tempo Squat – 4ct, IC
4. 10 Iron Mikes (each leg, 2 ct) – OYO
5. 10 Arm Circles (both directions)
6. 10 Overhead Clap – IC
7. 8 Tempo Merkins – 4ct, IC
8. 5 Cherry Pickers – 4 ct, IC
9. Pick up CMU, mosey to Friendship Bell

CMU Work @Friendship Bell: 20 bicep curls, 20 overhead press, 20 tricep extensions, 20 squats, 20 BBS w/CMU (2 ROUNDS) – Take CMUs, mosey to K-2(5)
Doras @K-25: Partner 1 starts on 50 Blockees, 75 BBS, 100 Derkins, 200 squats (w/CMU) while Partner 2 starts on Sprints WITHOUT CMU up the hill. Switch off with partner until rep count is complete. Mosey back to Shovel Flag. Whew!


3 AMIGOS: Mathlete, Slappy, and me, Snaggletooth.

God, Touch Our Hearts (John Piper)
Saul went to his house at Gibeah; and the valiant men whose hearts God had touched went with him. (1 Samuel 10:26)
Just think of what is being said in this verse. God touched them. Not a wife. Not a child. Not a parent. Not a counselor. But God.
The One with infinite power in the universe. The One with infinite authority and infinite wisdom and infinite love and infinite goodness and infinite purity and infinite justice. That One touched their heart.
How does the circumference of Jupiter touch the edge of a molecule? Let alone penetrate to its nucleus?
The touch of God is awesome because it is a touch. It is a real connection. That it involves the heart is awesome. That it involves God is awesome. And that it involves an actual touch is awesome.
The valiant men were not just spoken to. They were not just swayed by a divine influence. They were not just seen and known. God, with infinite condescension, touched their heart. God was that close. And they were not consumed.
I love that touch. I want it more and more. For myself and for all of you. I pray that God would touch me anew for his glory. I pray that he would touch us all.
O for the touch of God! If it comes with fire, so be it. If it comes with water so be it. If it comes with wind, let it come, O God. If it comes with thunder and lightning, let us bow before it.
O Lord, come. Come that close. Burn and soak and blow and crash. Or still and small, come. Come all the way. Touch our hearts.

This Q and BOM/COT were originally from January of this year and it remains as true to speaking to my heart as it did pre-COVID at the beginning of the year – not because I have not changed but because God is wrought this in my life even more this year.

January 2020: “There is something about the phrase “the valiant men whose hearts God had touched” that inspires me, and rouses a hunger in me. I have found myself in this new year hungrier for a deeper, more powerful, intimate closeness with God. I believe it’s the natural consequence of F3 and my purity group, and what God is doing in my family and church. At the beginning of the year, I felt God give me the word FOCUS. Makes me wonder about what this year will be like. Whatever else 2020 may bring, this hunger for greater friendship with God is a worthy and holy pursuit.”

Who knew what the year would have brought except God Himself?!