THE SCENE 71 degrees and DARK
F3 Welcome & Disclaimer
Side Saddle Hop ICx20
Imperial Walkers ICx10
Baby Arm Circle ICx15
Reverse Arm Circle ICx15
Squats ICx15
Calf Raises ICx15
Burpees OYOx10
PAX divided up into groups of three for a set of grinders at the AO. One member started on a set of 250 merkins at one end of the parking lot, while another member started 250 squat presses with a CMU. Third member of the team carried a sandbag from one end of the parking lot to the other. Rinse and repeat until groups finished 250 of each exercise.
Mosey to Cardiac Hill
PAX did 30 merkins OYO at the bottom of Cardiac Hill, sprinted to the first turn and did a bearcrawl to the second turn- before sprinting to the top and finishing with another 30 merkins.
Mosey back down to start point (bottom of Cardiac Hill)
30 lunges at the bottom of Cardiac Hill, with a sprint to the firs turn. Lunge to the second turn and sprint to the top. 20 squat jacks at the top.
Mosey back to the AO
PAX did 20 merkins in the parking lot, then divided into two teams.
Mosey to the playground parking lot
PAX formed two lines and took turns racing 100 yards to the end of the parking lot and returning to the starting line. While a team member was running, the rest of the PAX were doing lunges, squats, LBC’s and merkins.
Mosey back to the AO
Hello Dolly ICx25
Number off and Name O Rama
YHC read Proverbs 17:17 and discussed that we need to lean on our brothers when we face adversity. We also need to have the awareness to see when our brothers need a lift.
YHC then prayed us out.
Lots of spirited mumblechatter and general male goofiness. It’s a blessing to begin the day with this group.