F3 Knoxville

Did someone order Pizza?

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: Perfect

  • SSH IC x 20
  • Ranger Merkins (4 ct) IC x 10
  • Windmills (4 ct) IC x 10
  • Cherry Pickers (4 ct – Dog Pound Style) IC x 5

Grab a CMU

  • Partner Up
    • Partner A – Drops down for 5 Burpees and 5 Ranger Merkins then runs to catch up to Partner B
    • Partner B – Farmer Carrying both CMU’s – alternating until you reach the base of Matterhorn
  • Rinse & Repeat the following until you reach the top of Matterhorn
    • 10 Sumo Hi-Pulls (Standing)
    • 15 Pizza Box Carry (Traveling Forward)
    • 10 Thrusters (Standing)
  • Mosey to Pull up Bars and deposit the CMU while you take a “Hot Lap” around the Big Island
  • AMRAP Cindy for Time
    • 5 Pull-ups
    • 10 Merkins
    • 15 Squats
  • Repeat Partner Exercise back to AO

Appreciate Mayberry calling out some abs to get us finished.

Let your mess be your message. I shared a story on FB to mark the 3 year anniversary of a death of a close friend. I talked about his struggles with his addiction and shed light on some of mine. Ultimately, he didn’t make it, but he left me with the advice to Never Stop working out. As result of sharing this story, his ex-girlfriend reached out to me to say that she hasn’t been herself since his passing. That when she read the post he could hear him encouraging her to get past her excuses and get back in the gym. I told her to send me a message when she gets her first workout in. She said that she was in the gym signing up at that moment! This shows that we relate to people more in the struggle than we do in the good times. Let your mess be your message.

Tried to make this one continuous circuit today, but the new exercises and the multiple locations made it too complex. We just have to take it one circuit at a time.
Everyone loved Escape from Haw Ridge!