F3 Knoxville

Dragons, Christmas and Lazy #4


THE SCENE: 40’s and dry

  • Tennessee Rocking Chair – Stretch version
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward/Back
  • Tempo hand release Merkins

Mosey to the coupon pile. Stop on the way for a welsh dragon in honor of Lil’ Spice. May health return quickly.

Arrive at the coupon pile for in time for the 12 Days of Christmas:

  1. Burpee
  2. Thruster
  3. Coupon Swing
  4. Pull Ups
  5. Imperial Squalkers
  6. Goblet Squat
  7. Merkins
  8. Heels to Heaven
  9. Bent over Rows
  10. Big Boy Sit-ups
  11. Lunges ea.
  12. 1200m Run

Pullups at 4 was a lot. Consider moving to 1. The run up the hill is a nice reset after a round and I can’t even do 4 pulls on a good day….. 😏

Didn’t show today. Timing was impeccable. 👌


Little Known Facts about Laziness #4

First a quick review:
Laziness #1
Laziness #2
Laziness #3

#4 They can’t make lemonade…

We have an expression, when life gives you lemons… make lemonade! The idea is grow where you’re planted, make the most of your situation, be content, etc.

Consider this verse:

Whoever is slothful will not roast his game, but the diligent man will get precious wealth.

— Proverbs 12:27

This this guy has the game, but it’s raw. He won’t roast it. I’d hate to hear his kids at that dinner. So close…

Another verse to consider:

The sluggard buries his hand in the dish; it wears him out to bring it back to his mouth.

— Proverbs 26:15

Wow, what a picture. He has food, it’s prepared (at least he’s gotten further this time), it’s in the dish, his hand is in the dish but it’s just too much. Can’t get it to his mouth. Don’t even ask him to chew. It better be soup for this guy.

Obviously this is being a little extreme with a touch of sarcasm. Be careful not to dismiss this as not you. The challenge is to consider your life, thoughts and motives. Are you this guy? Am I this guy?