F3 Knoxville

Getting off the bench

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: Nice, clear morning with a temperature of 35 degrees

Not a professional or doctor, socially distance, push yourselves to get better


Warm up consisted of SSH (15), 10 Imperial Squat Walkers, 8 little baby arm circles, 8 Mountain Man Poopers,

We started off with a merkin exercise of bring sally up to the song Flower by Moby. This consists of 3 minutes of merkins, with holding at various positions.

PAX then took to the AO benches to do a battle buddy style beatdown consisting of:

  • 20 Single Count Step Ups
  • 10 Burpee Bench Jumps
  • 15 Derkins
  • 15 CMU RDL’s
  • 30 Dips
  • 15 Seated CMU overhead press

While one partner was working, the other took an AO lab. Workout was completed independently, meaning each PAX kept track of individual reps and excercises.


A brief Mary was done by PAX picking an exercise for other PAX to complete while they mosey to the other end of the AO to complete 10 single count Iron Mikes. Exercises completed were 10 Thrusters, 10 CMU swings, 10 Mountain man poopers, and 10 4 count CMU flutterkicks

18 Came out. Napster, Hammy, Drifter, Postpone, Scoutmaster, Moses, Avocado, Taco, Espy, Limbo, Smoky, Genome, Nado, Toad, Nair, Hundo, T-Bone, Hellbender.
Insert the WORD here.

“There’s three things, to my account, that I need each day: One of them is something to look up to, another is something to look forward to, and another is someone to chase,” McConaughey

I encouraged PAX to answer these three questions, and challenged them to be the person today they want to be tomorrow. Everyday we must make hard decisions to better ourselves and our community.

The Arsenal AO launch is scheduled for March 6th!!