F3 Knoxville

Hard Decisions

Asylum AM
AO: asylum-am
Q: P3
PAX: Matlock (Bill Maddox), Sawdust, Pac-man, Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), Charmin (John Willis), Trotline (Britton Carver), Grandslam, P3, Code Brown
FNGs: None
Burpees, SSH, TieFighters, Shoulder Swings, Cherry Pickers, BBQ Squats, Tempo Merkins

Rustic Pavilon – 2 rounds
Option 1:
20 Inclined Merkins (Feet on Bench)
15 Table Rows
20 Bulgarian Split Squats

Option 2:
25 Decline Merkins (Hands on Bench)
15 Table Rows
20 Jumping Lunges

Matlock (Bill Maddox) chose Opt 2

Cloud – 2 rounds of
Option 1:
40 Big Boi Sit ups.
15 Burpee Bench Jumps
15 Superman’s

Option 2:
60 LBCs
15 Burpee Jump Tucks
15 Superman’s

Grandslam chose Opt 2

Bottom of baby Everest – 2 rounds of:

Option 1:
Burnie up, 10 burpees at the top
20 Peter Parker Merkins at the bottom

Option 2:
Run up, 15 Burpees at the top
20 Merkins at the bottom

Trotline (Britton Carver) chose Opt 2

Pavilon – 2 rounds of:

Option 1:
20 Carolina Dry Docks
30 Gas Pumpers
15 Table Rows

Option 2:
15 Outer Banks Dry Docks (feet on bench)
25 Box Cutters
15 Table Rows

Snitch (Cory Beilharz ) chose Opt 2.

AO Parking Lot
Option 1:
1 Lap
Bear Crawl Across
Lunge Down and Up

Option 2:
2 Sprints – down and back (all out)

Charmin (John Willis) chose Opt 2.


Lower and Upper body recovery stretches


Escape from Haw Ridge April 5th, and GTE Grow Ruck with convergence is weekend of April 27th


Life is full of hard decisions… Many times with no clear best option. Remember that we are not alone in these decisions..
Proverbs 2:5-6 Trust in the lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding