The scene: 60 and clear
F3 Welcome and Disclaimer
SSH IC x 10
Merkins 4ct IC x 10
Cherry Pickers IC x 10
Rockettes IC x 10
Tha Thang:
2 laps around boat dock parking lot stopping at each light pole & alternate the following:
- Lap 1- Mountain Climber x 10; BBS x 10
- Lap 2 – Wide Merkin x 10; American Hammer x 10
- 20 Merkins (4 ct), run hill
- 20 Reverse Lunge (4 ct), 20 Merkins (4 ct), run hill
- 20 SSH (4ct), 20 Reverse Lunge (4ct), 20 Merkins (4 ct), run hill
5 cones. Do 2,4,6,8,10 (increasing at each cone) of the following
- Rd 1: Starjacks
- Rd 2: Dry Docks
- Rd 3: Sumo Squat
- Rd 4: Diamond Merkin
Dead Bug x 20
Box Cutter x 20
LBC x 20
Peter Parker
Count off and name-o-rama
Challenge the way you think. Proverbs 23:7 says “as a man thinks in his heart, so he is”. Luke 6:45 says “out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks”. In both of these scriptures, the word heart refers to our mind….how we think about things. Our thoughts are forerunners to our actions. Whatever you allow to happen internally between your ears will eventually develop into your external actions.