F3 Knoxville

Just Desk Work


THE SCENE: 52, dry surfaces, minimal fog

Cherry Pickers, Reach for the stars, Let it hang, Windmill, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins, Maracan Night club

8 HIMs ended the year right with a little desk work.
Mosey through the courtyard with mountain climbers to start, then side shuffle across each walkway.

Ended with Bernie to the old chair style desks by the PODS.   No CMU’s today.  Just an old desk.

  • Up and Over (step on the chair and hop over)
  • Curls of the deks
  • Derkins on the desk
  • Overhead Press with the desk
  • Squats
  • Float between 2 desks (while your partner ran the hill)
  • Dips between 2 desks (while your partner ran the hill)

The color of your chair/desk determined the number of reps you did each round.  10, 15 or 21

On the mosey back, each stop sign or crosswalk one HIM called a core excercise: Imperial walkers, Flutter kicks, Hello dolly, LBC, Heels to heaven.  Ended with 5 burpees and a start jump
Elementary School was basic. Reading, Writing, Math.
The Christian Walk is basic too. Prayer, Bible Reading, Worship and Service
Today I want to focus on how we finish off this year well with prayer.
I’ll share an article I read just recently and has already made a difference in my prayer life. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/stop-having-quiet-times/
In the gospels we are told Jesus went away to pray 20+ times.
To get away from distraction. but also to talk out loud to His Father.  I encourage you to do the same.
Luke 5:16 But he would withdrawal to a desolate place to pray.
This year, get away, pray out loud and see if it doesn’t breath new life into your prayer life.
Mat 6:6 But when you pray, go to your room and shut the door

Be sure to get away  from it all and pray out loud before the year is up

Happy New Year!  Great job in 2021.  2022 is going to be even better.