F3 Knoxville

Lushish lunges

The Dog Pound

THE SCENE: 40 and clear


Lushish lunges

  • mosey to the outhouse 20 box jumps OYO
  • mosey with CMUs to where the boats park
  • lunge/curls between light poles first 5 poles
  • 10 merkins at each pole
  • lunge/overhead press between light poles next 5 poles
  • 10 squats at each pole
  • increasing squats/bent over row between lights poles
  • 10 merkins at each pole
  • lunge/curls between light poles next 2 poles
  • merkins at each pole
  • mosey back to the AO

No time for Mary
Welcome FNG Vegan
Friends, you have some you haven’t spoken to in awhile call them and check on them.  Friends in F3 hold each other accountable to workout, but we should also hold friends accountable to read the Word and spend time with our God.  Plus, we all have friends we haven’t heard from in awhile or haven’t contacted in awhile and we need to reach out and check on them.  We never know what trials and tribulations other brothers are facing and the simplest text of “hey checking on you” or “hey haven’t heard from you” can change a persons day.

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born out of diversity” – Proverbs 17:17
I’m a friendly guy.  I have good stories and funny jokes.  I have many people I know.  I’m in a career field where I trust my life to my coworkers.  But…I have very few true friends.  However, since joining F3 I have not only made friends but meet my “brothers form other mothers”.  Lifelong friends are not something you have and make everyday, but I have made them through F3.  I’m talking about guys helping each other through the darkest of times, death, divorce, depression, etc, to give them a shoulder to lean on or a hand to help them up.  To guys celebrating life and birthdays and making time just to be together.  And I’m talking about guys that not only drive to Asheville when I’m on a road trip and my motorcycle breaks down, but who I share a Bible study with and who are more than willing to hold me accountable to spend time in God’s word.  Friends talk about that kind of stuff, but brothers do that kind of stuff.

EDIT: Afterwards I was told my Q seemed a little soft from my normal Qs.  I’ll have to work on that for next time….
Tank’s OCR race Hardship Hill