F3 Knoxville

Passing of the Torch

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

SSH for Pax coming in Hot! 40ish in cadence
Mosey to Football field, randomly stopping to acquire more reps of miscellaneous things for the 6 along the way.

Pax will work down and back on the football field doing the reps and exercises shown. Then, once pax have completed down and back Q calls out 10’s and 30’s for the pax to work down and back, then 20’s and 40’s.

Football Field:

  • Endzone = (5) Burpees
  • 10 = Merkins
  • 20 = WW2
  • 30 = Shoulder Taps
  • 40 = Ankle Touches
  • 50 = Line Jumps
  • 40 = Flutter Kicks
  • 30 = Monkey Humpers
  • 20 = Peter Parkers
  • 10 = Jump Squats
  • Endzone = 5 Burpees

No Time!

18 Pax!
I struggled and battled with clearing my mind and coming up with the words to say ahead of time.  I went and spent some time at the football field and the AO the night before, to soak in the atmosphere and listen to God. I prayed over the field where we would work out and I prayed at the AO. Ultimately I asked God to provide me with the words that needed to be spoken and I believe He did so.

I sum it up like this:


  • Put the pax before yourself
  • Lead from the front, laying out the next 43 feet ahead of the pax
    • In reference to building a leadership road 43 feet ahead of the people driving on it. The metaphor extends to mentoring and being willing to share your life lessons with guys who are just behind you on their life journey.
  • Pax, you are all freed to lead. F3 promotes male leadership. This is not Drifter’s AO. It is yours, and he speaks for it.
  • Drifter, motivate and empower your pax. Lead from the front and always be ready to jump into the trenches with them.


F3 Knoxville CSAUP Saturday Morning!
F3 Alcoa Rucking Beer Tour Saturday Evening!