F3 Knoxville

Q101 + GrowSchool

Asylum AM

F3 Q101 + GrowSchool

  • 9.25.21
  • 0700-0900
  • AO: Asylum

[ The Scene ]

Dark. Chilly. Foggy. The creaks and moans of men arriving are accompanied by the wake up calls of Creation.

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness-Fellowship-Faith
  • My name is Steam and I am honored to be your Q this morning
  • This will be a Q101 + GrowSchool:
    • Q101:
      • For the next 60 minutes, we will be doing a Q101 — walking through how to lead an F3 workout with tips and tricks along the way. If you haven’t led an F3 workout yet — you have what it takes to lead. This will be a great learning experience and catalyst for your leadership.

      • For those of you that have led an F3 workout, this is not a time to coast, but a time to work and sharpen your skills.
    • GrowSchool: An intentional time of leadership development in the form of an extended BOM after the Q101.

5 Principles of an F3 Workout:

  • Be free of charge
  • Be open to all men
  • Be held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  • Be led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
  • End with a Circle of Trust

Many of these seem self-explanatory but can get lost in the moment:

  • Start on time. Wear a watch. End on time.
  • Be prepared for your lead to be more strenuous physically than you think.  Counting cadence while you exercise can make it harder to breathe.
  • Remember you have help. If for any reason you want someone to grab a part of the workout even while you are out there, speak up.
  • When you screw up or fail, keep calm and drive on… count louder and push forward. As Dredd says, “When falling, dive!”
  • Every man thrashed, no man left behind. To promote “you versus you” but also to keep the PAX together, offer extra credit to the frontrunners via burpees, planks, merkins, etc.
  • Don’t take unnecessary risks or do stupid stuff. The Pax is looking for leadership and will follow often before thinking if they’re getting a great workout.
  • If your region has the Q do the shoutout, think of CoT words in advance.
  • HAVE FUN. F3 groups are always supportive of new Qs. We love to see new people stepping up.

Disclaimer and Notice — From f3nation.com

“F3 Nation, Inc. (“F3”) is a peer-led, zero-cost non-profit workout group. F3 makes no representations with regard to the skill level of workout leaders, the safety of the exercises performed during workouts or the hazardousness of the premises upon which workouts are conducted. The men who lead F3 workouts are not paid to do so and no representations of any kind are made by F3 about their skill level. The premises upon which F3 workouts are conducted are not owned or maintained by F3. F3 makes no representations of any kind regarding their safety. Although F3 workouts vary widely in intensity, all F3 workouts tend to be rigorous and are undertaken upon uneven ground during periods of limited visibility. Therefore, there are certain dangers inherent in participating in an F3 workout. Participants must be 18 or older and are assumed to have made their own reasonable decision as to whether they should so participate. Participants under 18 must be accompanied by a father or male legal guardian. F3 disclaims any and all responsibility for any individual’s decision to participate in an F3 workout. By participating in an F3 workout, an individual assumes the risks inherent in doing so. This Disclaimer and Notice is made by F3 on its own behalf and on the behalf and for the benefit of any person leading an F3 workout and/or otherwise acting for the benefit of F3.”

  • Another and way easier of saying this is:
    • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
    • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning
    • Few things before we begin:
      • I’m not a professional
      • You’re here on your own volition
      • You know your body better than anyone, so if you need to modify anything we do this morning, feel free to do so, but push yourself and the men around you — they deserve it and so do you.
  • FNGs? — always check for FNGs. This helps with identifying them to the PAX so they can help them throughout the Q.

[ Warm o Rama ]

Think of muscles like taffy… when cold, snapping happens easier. When warm, nice and smooth.

This is probably the trickiest part for new Qs. Calling Cadence in the F3 style serves a number of purposes:

  • Creates rhythm which distracts the mind from the task at hand
  • Builds teamwork by synchronizing PAX and creating focus
  • Not knowing the number of reps discourages budgeting of effort; you get used to going as long as you have to
  • Cadence
    • “The next exercise is…” [pause] “Side Straddle Hop!” (or name of other exercise)
    • “Starting Position…” [pause] “Move!”
    • “In Cadence…” [pause] “Exercise!” (begin count 1..2..3)
  • There is not a magic # to hit for how many reps you should do. You’re the Q, you choose the # of reps. But be strategic in this effort as well (i.e. not leading 300 squats right out of the gates)
    • SSH: 25×4 IC
    • Rockette: 20×4 IC
    • Squat: 15×4 IC
    • Baby Arm Circles: 10×4 IC (B and F)
    • Merkins: 5×4 IC

For how to lead a cadence — see here: https://youtu.be/xRTitxnE-mI

[ The Thang ]

KISS = Keep It Simple Superstar

If you’re a planner, “schedule” more exercises than there is workout time. Time will pass faster than usual, most likely.

Usually you’ll want something that’s a time-eater after a warm-up, search for “routine” in the exercise DB and remember the “pearls on a string” concept. You stop, do something, run to another place, so something else.

(1) 4 Corners

  • 2 Points of contact
    • Parking Lot Corners (4)
    • Pavilion
  • Parking Lot Corners: 10 squats
  • Pavilion: 10 incline merkins
  • Run down to the pavilion, do our 10 incline merkins, and come back up here to 1 of the corners and execute our 10 squats. We will rinse and repeat that process until we hit all 4 corners up here.
  • Recover up here in the parking lot after you finish your 4th corner — merkin plank

(20 seconds and talk)

(Mosey to Cardiac Hill)

(2) SlingShot

  • Battle buddy up
  • 3 points of contact
    • Top
    • 1st curve
    • Bottom (light post)
  • The exercises for cardiac hill is the big boy sit-up + mountain climber
  • One battle buddy will run from the top to the 1st curve — execute 10 big boy sit-ups while battle buddy #2 is at the top executing mountain climbers.
  • Once battle buddy #1 is is done with his 10 BBS at the 1st curve, he will come back to the top and now both battle buddies are running to the 1st curve.
  • This time, the BB that was doing the mountain climbers the first time will run from the 1st curve to the bottom and execute 10 BBS, while the other BB stays at the 1st curve and executes mountain climbers.
  • Once his BBS are complete, he will come back to the 1st curve and BOTH BB will run to the bottom and execute 10 BBS and 10 mountain climbers on a 4 count together.
  • Both BB are going down cardiac, but taking turns being the slingshot

(20 count and talk) — Pause for the Cause

  • Huge learning experience with this
  • The failure or success of an F3 workout is ultimately on the Q and his communication and leadership.
  • Halfway through the “Slingshot” workout, it became clear that there was a miscommunication between the Q and the PAX.
  • This is on the Q. Let me say this again — this is on the Q.
  • The Q circled everyone back together and restated the instructions of the workout and the PAX completed the workout all together until the end.
  • After a 20-count, the Q went through the above bullet points with the PAX — learning experience.

[ Mary ]

Post-beatdown, usually some core Xs or cool down, depending on the Q

Core 4

  • Flutter Kicks: 25

Run across the lot and back

  • LBCs: 25

Run across the lot and back

  • American Hammers: 25

Run across the lot and back

  • Cockroach: 25

Run across the lot and back

Stretching with Steam

  • Q led the PAX in light stretches to end the Mary portions before the COT.

Takeaway from the Q101:

HAVE FUN. F3 groups are always supportive of new Qs. We love to see new people stepping up.

[ COT ]

  • # off — start and finish with the same # of guys 
  • Name o Rama
    • Hospital name, age, F3 name
    • 50 = Respect
    • 60 = Double Respect
    • 70 = Triple Respect
    • 80+ = basically immortal
  • FNGs — none
  • BOM (GrowSchool)

The BOM is a time for the Q to share something that’s on his heart with the men. An encouraging quote, a motivational story, something from the Bible, as long as it is something positive, encouraging, and challenging to the growth of the PAX, that’ll do.

The Q shared a few points from the GrowSchool portion at the COT, and then the PAX converged to Coffeteria at Panera to continue.

Q Source: The F3 Manual of Virtuous Leadership

Foundation: Disruption

Socratic Qs // TPQs

  • What do leaders do?
  • What effect does leadership have on the status quo?
  • Is there a common characteristic shared by leaders who leave a legacy?

Disruption = a disturbance to the status quo

The connection between movement and leadership is critical because it presupposes a need for action, a recognition by the leader himself that that status quo is something less advantageous than some other place — a location the leader visualizes and then articulates to his followers.

Because it induces movement, leadership causes disruption, or a disturbance to the status quo.

If a man calls himself a leader but does not cause disruption by initiating movement, then he is not practicing leadership.

Like the agitator in a washing machine, leadership dislodges things long embedded in people’s emotional fabric.

A Leader is a person who influences movement to advantage.

A great leader’s legacy is built on love, because a great leader’s focus is always upon his followers rather than himself.

He views leadership as a craft that must be honed through continual study and application

It is their (the followers) advantage, not his (the leader’s) to which he initiated movement.


  • Leaders influence movement to advantage
  • Because it induces movement, leadership causes disruption
  • A great leader’s legacy is built on love

For everything about your first Q — check this out: https://f3nation.com/q101/