THE SCENE: 42 and clear.
- Push the block up
- Let the block pull you down
- Grady corns
- Seal squats
- CMU merkins
- Stretch OYO 30 seconds
Bear crawl to line 1, 20 merkins then plank. Bernie back
Bear crawl to line 1, 20 merkins, lunge to line 2, Al Gore. Bernie back
Bear crawl to line 1, 20 merkins, lunge to line 2, Al Gore. Crab walk to line 3.
Grab a block…
16 stations. Perform exercise at the station and move to the next clockwise. Every 2 minutes a timer will sound – when it sounds, run a lap around the house. Remember your location and rep and count! When you return from your lap, pick up where you left off.
Stations were;
- 20 Heavy lunges (10 each side)
- 40 Shoulder Presses
- 30 Heavy LBC
- 20 Bobby Hurley
- 40 Triceps
- 20 BBS with press
- 20 Thrusters
- 40 Curls
- 20 Good mornings
- 10 Heels to Heaven (4-ct)
- 10 Burpee jumpovers
- 25 CMU Swings
- 20 Heavy Freddy (4-ct)
- 10 Plyo Merkins (10 each side)
- 25 Goblet squats
- Colt 45
PAX choice for the last 2 minutes
When a man has the courage to talk about his struggle, we don’t owe him acceptance. We owe him something far better – alliance. We become his allies in battle. There is zero condemnation – because each one of us has garbage in our heart that we are fighting against. We don’t accept where he is – we challenge him to be better. That is iron sharpening iron.
Proverbs 27:17, “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:5-6, “Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend…”
From Tooth Fairy, (paraphrased) It’s hard to be transparent about struggles because society/culture tells us to just ‘man up’. Let’s father our children better than that – so they can grow up to be emotionally vulnerable in a healthy way.
Prayers for Mrs. and Baby Spotter. Praise for Stitch’s mom. Prayers for Shrubbery and Wagon Wheel.