F3 Knoxville

Searching for Home – Waiting for Heaven!


THE SCENE: I thought it was going to be rainy but no just cool great weather for a beatdown
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – Administered (oops I forgot to mention COVID. Does that mean it’s over?? I sure hope so!)

IC Moroccan Night Club x 10
IC Crabby Pickle Pointer (in Crab position do a Pickle Pointer) x 10
IC (SLOOOOW) Cherry Picker x 5
OYO Standing T-spine rotation x 5 each
IC Tennessee Rocking Chair x 10
IC Calf Raises x 20 led by Booster
OYO Hand Release Merkins x 5
OYO Superman x 10
IC Tempo Squat x 10
OYO Reach for the sky // Let it hang / additional warmup as necessary

Falling Indian Run to the Pond – Alternating Lunges
“Burpee Mile” (modified from 4x to 3x)
12 burpees 1 lap x 3
Finish waiting for the 6 with alternating:
10 x Pickle Pounders
10 x Pickle Pointers

Falling Indian Run to CMU Pile
Partner does exercises at the bottom, other runs to the top and touches the brick wall. Flapjack. Go to next exercise and repeat after both partners do both exercises and run twice (I even got a partner right after I asked for one when Archie showed up!)
Kettle Bell Swing
Clock Pendulum

Put up blocks after ~3 rounds (“when you see Dart Gun” come back down is the cue we used to finish)
20 count (probably more like 40 seconds) wall sit for all PAX counted by Archie.

Walk to stop sign and we were just going to fix the cone I’d moved since we didn’t really have time for the last part but the PAX gave some mumblechatter so I went ahead and had us do 1 round of it:

At Sophomore Hill (Quick up and down)
10 x Crabby Pickle Pointer
Bernie Up
10 x Squats at the top
Lunges to the cone back down (Dart Gun beat me to cone after I called recover)

Falling Indian Run with Pickle Pounders back to the #ShovelFlag (“I see a pattern” was overheard by the Q from the PAX)
We arrived about 30 seconds later but we still finished the COT/BOM easily before 6:30.

Ain’t nobody got time for that (such a classic meme and S/O to the EPS line workers at DMTN who let me put that as our “NG Condition” all the way back in 2013…)

13 PAX and a beautiful sunrise! (no, not 5k’s 2.0 he wasn’t there today – we miss you if you read this!)

Waiting! Who likes it! But we’re told over and over and over in the Bible to wait. Waiting takes various aspects – waiting on ‘normalcy’ to return, waiting on God to answer our prayers, waiting on a future day of hope and joy that want to experience. And yet, God is the one in all of these that we must look to in order that our waiting would be to draw us to Him and not have us satisfied with our ‘current living conditions‘.

This is especially true for me. I’m waiting to find a house (hoepfully to buy). I’m not dissatisfied per say with where I’m living, but there is a sense that ‘a space of my own’ is what I long for and what is good and right. And yet I have to be patient. There are so many verses in the Bible about waiting for a home – God tells us to “seek first His kingdom” and “all these things will be added unto you.” God knows what we long for & in very good and healthy ways- but He commends those who looked to Heaven, Where Christ Is in order to show us where our ultimate and best home is:

Hebrews 11:13-16 talks about this – 13 These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them & greeted them from afar, & having acknowledged that they were strangers & exiles on the earth. 14 For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. 15 If they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have had opportunity to return. 16 But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city.

Reflection questions for you today:
1. How much stock are you putting in where you live? (both on earth and the physical house you have)
2. Is your earthly home where you’re storing up treasures (see my BB from Shamrock)?
3. Are you pointing others to your heavenly dwelling?

CS Lewis “If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.”

Amen. Come Lord Jesus.

Lots of prayer requests & praises. Butter Knife got to see some extended family for the first time in a long time. Mailbox’s mom doesn’t have a torn achilles so that’s another praise. Spotter’s M is recovering but still be in prayer for her and Spotter. . Prayed for Booster’s M’s mother who cannot care for herself but may need a house on her own (see my above mention about searching for a home). Guardrail mentioned some situations to pray for regarding the PAX who weren’t present today.

I thoroughly enjoy leading this group of men. The mumble chatter is just right, the fitness and fellowship challenge me to be a better leader when I Q and better follower when I’m not. JUCO is base AO and if I had a home in F3 it would be just that.

Also had to update this a couple of times due to my rushed job to get it posted (mostly proofreading errors).

Upcoming Convergence on June 12th is now canceled. See updates in Slack for options to reschedule / serve in other ways.