F3 Knoxville

Sound the ALARM

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: 54 Perfect degrees, partly cloudy and still a little moisture from the overnight storms

Little of this/Little of that, Michael Phelps, Big Arm circles, Cherry Pickers x 9, Easy jog to middle of parking lot, then high knees to the other side, Butt-kickers to middle, easy jog to the curb.

Started with a bear crawl CMU drag from one end of the grinder to the other.  The CMU was then used in the following circuit:

Round 1 – 20 curls, 20 dips

Round 2 – 20 goblet squats, 20 lunges (10 per leg)

Round 3 – 20 BBS, 20 2-count flutter kicks

Round 4 – 20 Rows, 10 pull-ups

Round 5 – 10 Merkins, 20 CMU bench presses

Between each round, PAX ran an approximately 1/4 mile loop.  At the end of Round 5, start over again with Round 1

We cashed out today to the Cupid Shuffle.  During the verse, PAX would perform Mtn. Climbers, during the “down” part of the song, Pax would perform Merkins, during the “to the left” and “to the right” parts PAX would kick their feet in that direction from a plank position.  Continue through the song (4:39 in length).

One year for Christmas a kid in my neighborhood got a 10-speed bike.  We all had BMX bikes with the old school coaster brakes and Mike Benson was the first in our neighborhood to get a 10 speed.  There was a large hill we called Denton’s Hill that ended into a cross street.  You had to go left or right at the bottom, straight was a field with a picket fence.  We were riding down the hill and got near the bottom and Mike went flying past us, eventually crashing through the fence and into the field.  Turns out he didn’t fully understand how the brakes work on a 10-speed bicycle.  He got away from the fundamentals.  Often as men, we over-complicate things.  In our jobs, with our wives, with our kids and our friends. I have found that if I keep 2 simple, basic fundamentals in mind, everything else just kind of falls into place.  Those are:  love God and love my neighbor.  That is it.  If I am doing those things correctly, I treat my co-workers, my wife, my parents, my kids and my friends the way that God has called me to treat them.  My challenge to myself and the PAX is simple, get back to the basics; love your wives the way you did when you first started dating, be present in your kid’s lives, be the kind of friend that God wants you to be.  Get back to the fundamentals.