F3 Knoxville

Super Suicides


THE SCENE: Sticky but then cooled down by the rain.

15 SSH, 15 Imperial Walker, 15 Moroccan Night Club, 10 tempo merkins, 10 tempo squats, 15 harry Rockettes
Mosey to the big parking lot east of campus and line up perpendicular to the aisles.  This is a suicide style workout.

  • Run to the first line and do 10 merkins, 10 squats, and 5 burpees
  • Return to start
  • Run to the second line and perform the same exercises
  • Return to start and then run to the third line, etc., until you reach the end
  • After the return from the last line, start scaling back down.

No time
Lucky 13 this morning!
Proverbs 15:1 – “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

So much can be said about how to apply this verse and I encourage you to meditate on it.  My M set me straight a long time ago, but that doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with this.  She told me to “let her cool off first” after we would get irritated at each other.  Before she wanted to work through it, she wanted to make sure that our emotions were down and we could have a rational, beneficial discussion.

I think about how I sometimes get frustrated when my children don’t listen.  For some strange reason, I think that if I bear down on them by raising my voice, it will end the frustration.  What have I done? I have taught my children to respond to their emotions when they get frustrated.  Quite the opposite impact I was hoping for.

What other aspects of our lives do we let our emotions take over? How could a “gentle answer” have a stronger impact? Think on this.

Kudos to everyone for pushing hard this morning through a non-stop beatdown!
Continue to fill up the Q calendar. Betty VQ on Wednesday!