F3 Knoxville

13 Reps at the 13th Grade!

THE SCENE: 41 degrees, light, drizzling rain

  • Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 (IC) followed by Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward X 10 (IC) followed by Michael Phelps
  • Cherry Pickers X 10 (IC)
  • Side Straddle Hops X 15 (IC)
  • Squats X 20 (IC)
  • Merkins X 13 (IC)
  • Mosey

THA-THANG: (many people think of junior/community colleges as the 13th grade so we did 13 reps everywhere)

McWherter Parking Lot (Light Pole to Light Pole – Suicides)

  • 13 pushups & 13 squats (OYO) at light pole (home base)
  • run to next row of parking lot (approximately 20 yards)
  • Touch line with hand and return to the start
  • repeat 13 pushups and 13 squats and run to the 2nd parking row (40 yards away)
  • Repeat to next row, etc.
  • Early finishers did Imperial Walkers
  • Mosey

Behind Maintenance Building 

  • 13 Overhead w/ block (OYO)
  • 13 Goblet squats w/ block (OYO)
  • 13 Curls w/ block (OYO)
  • 13 Bent Over Rows w/ block (OYO)
  • Put block down and run up the stairs to the Fitness Center
  • At the top, 13 Chris Loftons – jump shot squats; run back down
  • Repeat
  • Mosey

Bagwell Center 

  • 13 Dips and 13 Step Ups w/ each leg
  • Repeated for 3-4 rounds
  • Mosey


  • 13 Box Cutters (IC)
  • 13 Big Boy Situps (OYO)
  • Mosey


10 PAX – Bartman, Booster, Glock, Neutron, Onesie, Peach Fuzz, Proton, Rusty, Scrum, Waxjob


Live every day like it’s our last, because it could be!

I met with a friend who is a business/time management coach. I shared my struggles to be a great husband, father, friend, etc. while also trying to develop a small cancer charity into a leader in the region and state.  She challenged me to come up with a personal mission statement and develop SMART goals for the 1st quarter of 2018 which includes both personal and professional goals.

While I’m just starting my potential 1st quarter goals now, my “current” working mission statement is:

I will spend quality time with those I love while exercising my mind, body and spirit so to fulfill my purpose of leaving our world better than I found it.

I encouraged everyone to think about their own goals and impact.

Thank you to the PAQ at JUCO today and everyone else at F3 for being so supportive of me and everyone else.  The gloom is a great place to be when you’re with family!
No Christmas Day workouts.  Enjoy your family and A Christmas Story, It’s a Wonderful Life, and Die Hard (it’s a Christmas movie)!

50 & below

THE SCENE:   Debatable between 21, 22 and 24.    Either way: COLD!!


  • stretch
  • around the worlds
  • figure 8’s
  • halos
  • stretch some more

My last few Q’s have been descending ladders….they’re easy to plan and give you a sense of accomplishment as you complete them.  Today was no different.   Descend the ladder, then eliminate the lowest number exercise.  Rinse & repeat until only one exercise left.  Use a KB for everything except the JR and merkins.

  • 50 jump rope
  • 45 curls
  • 40 big boys
  • 35 overhead press
  • 30 goblet squat
  • 25 hip thrusters
  • 20 Russian swings
  • 15 Lizard merkins
  • 10 American swings
  • 5 Turkish getups


4 PAX:  Ratchet, Shooter, Pogo, Bartman

Pace yourself.  Don’t hurt yourself by overextending yourself.  I’ve been doing a lot of remodeling around my house lately and still posting regularly for workouts which has me exhausted and beat up.  It’s OK to take a rest day.  Your body needs rest occasionally.   Listen to it.

We all decided that Mexican food trucks and Vietnamese food should be the official food sponsor of F3.

Sweet looking Bomb Shelter shirt hitting the gearstore soon!

No Degrees Today

THE SCENE: Clear skies and crisp out at JUCO.  “Cs” may get degrees, but there are zero degrees C this morning.

Let’s get going quickly to generate some heat! Mosey around the parking lot while Q spouts disclaimer from Bernie.  Pax kindly alerts Q to the impending curb and embankment…
Next we have:
Cossack Squats x10 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC, keep plank for:
Alternating shoulder taps x15 IC
Al Gore Tuck Jumps x8 IC (most reps yet for this exercise… Literally fell to the ground on last rep)
Somewhere between 5 and 10 burpees. These were mainly to rest the quads for:
Monkey Humpers x15 IC!

Mosey to the drainage ditch and pick up 2 hand-size coupons.
Dang, these are friggin’ cold!
Side raise IC x15
Forward raise IC x15

Keep the coupons and mosey toward the fitness center.
Stop at the long parking lot.
“Cat on a hot tin roof” (bear crawl, but extend arm and leg fwd/back) for 2 parking spaces, 2 Raise the Roof. 2 more spaces, 4 Raise the Roof
Dang, these coupons are still friggin’ cold! And slippery. Audible to standard bear crawl. Continue to 20 Raise the Roof.

Get rid of still-frozen coupons at a different drainage ditch.

Team up for Dora 1,2,3 with 100 Merkins, 200 Big Boys, 300 squats, partner runs up the hill and back carrying larger 2-handed coupon.
Ran out of time during squats, mosey back to AO:
Airplane mode (run with arms out to the side)
Zombie mode (arms straight out),
Praise the Lord (arms up straight)

Sneaked back into the AO with just enough time for a minute of boat/canoe
8 PAX, no FNGs this morning.
Brief Word this morning… This weekend was a but hectic as we had my niece and nephew for a visit. They lost their mother unexpectedly last July. Just a reminder to pour yourself into the lives of others, and especially cherish that time with your loved ones. Only God knows how long they will be with us. Don’t miss an opportunity to tell them you love them.
Not sure my fingertips have ever been colder than when holding those coupons this morning. Great teamwork by the PAX on the Dora 1,2,3!
No announcements this morning

You just thought it was bad, then Paula showed up

THE SCENE: 32, cold & clear



  • SSH IC x 20
  • Merkins IC x 6
  • Tempo Squats IC x 10
  • This/that stretch
  • Good morning stretch


  1. Reverse Ladder
    • Do the following exercises in descending order.  Once you’re finished box jump up the concrete bleachers & run to the top of the hill.   Rinse & repeat eliminating the lowest number exercise until you’re left with only calf raises.
      • 15 calf raises
      • 14 superman swims
      • 13 decline merkins
      • 12 squats
      • 11 American hammers (4 ct)
      • 10 thrust merkins
      • 9 reverse lunge (each leg)
      • 8 box cutters
      • 7 burpees
      • 6 squat jumps
      • 5 side crunch (each side)
      • 4 incline merkins
      • 3 iron mikes (4 ct)
      • 2 big boy situps
      • 1 ultimate merkin
  2. Paula Abdul (2 steps forward, 1 step back)
    • Line up in parking lot.
    • Bear crawl 2 parking spaces forward, do 10 Carolina dry docks
    • Crawl bear 1 parking space backward, do 10 Carolina dry docks
    • rinse/repeat until you get to the basketball goal
      • audible was quickly called and we backed it down to 5 CDD each time….shoulders were on fire!

No mary today….plenty of ab work throughout the main workout.

13 PAX:  Mayberry, Choir Boy, I-Beam, Booger, Toto, Swirlie, Shooter, Showcase, La-Z-Boy, Tank, Junk, Mr Clean, Bartman

I recently heard something on the radio that absolutely pierced my heart.  The speaker asked the following question:  If God answered every one of the prayers you’ve prayed over the past few months and gave you everything you’ve asked for, who’s life would be changed other than your own?  That hit me hard because I can be extremely selfish in my prayer life and focus on only myself and my problems.  As a Christian man I need to be more intentional about praying for Gods will in other people’s lives.  Who are you praying for intentionally?  Your wife?  Your kids?  Your boss?  Co-workers?  Missionaries?  When you pray is there a selfish motive behind what you’re asking for?  Christ tells us to pray for His will to be done.  My goal is to remember that when I come before the Lord in prayer.  Also to remember who I’m talking to and that there is a much bigger world out there that needs a loving savior the same as I do.

Paula Abdul may have become the most hated woman on the planet this morning.   She really brought out the mumblechatter!

3rd F event at the Outlook

Rock elevators

THE SCENE: 32…slight breeze….COLD!



  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Merkins x 20 IC
  • Squats (4ct) x 20 IC
  • This/That stretch


  1. Mosey to the corner below Asylum building.
    • Burpee Mile – start with 1 burpee at first light pole and +1 at each successive pole.   Stop at the white trailer at the base of Everest.   Total of 14 poles = 105 burpees!
  2. Mosey up Everest….forward first half, Bernie Sanders 2nd half
  3. Circle up and each man grab a rock for some elevators on the long hill.
    • Stop 1:  25 curls
    • Stop 2:  25 curls, 25 OH Press
    • Stop 3:  25 curls, 25 OH Press, 25 Goblet Squat
    • Stop 4:  25 curls, 25 OH Press, 25 Goblet Squat, 25 Merkins on your rock
    • Stop 5:  25 OH Press, 25 Goblet Squat, 25 Merkins on your rock
    • Stop 6:  25 Goblet Squat, 25 Merkins on Rock
    • Stop 7:  25 Merkins on Rock


  • Flutter kicks x 25
  • Hello Dolly x 25
  • Slutter kick x 25
  • 1 minute of AMRAP LBCs

16 PAX:  Quickbooks, Archie, Umbro, Rainbow, Neutron, Pusher, Bluebird, Booster, Streak, Doublewide, Snitch, Catgut, Cheatsheet, Rusty, Bunny, Bartman

Yesterday was Pearl Harbor day….which means to today is the day President Roosevelt addressed our nation and declared that we were officially at war.   Yesterday our country was caught sleeping, but today we began to pull ourselves up out of the ashes and prepare for what is likely our finest hour on the world stage.  The bible is full of characters who had to pull themselves out of the ashes as well:  Joseph, David, Moses, Job, Peter….the list goes on.   The challenge for you today is:  what are you going to do about challenges you face on a daily basis?   Are you going to wallow because of yesterday’s failures and hardships or are you going to pick yourself up, be a man, and do something about it?   The choice is yours.

Special prayer for Ratchet’s family as they’re dealing with the loss of their home in the California fires.

3rd F event tomorrow at the Outlook…..be there!!