F3 Knoxville

Walk that walk

THE SCENE: Foggy and cool



  • Willie mays Hayes
  • SSH: 15 x 4 IC
  • Tempo Merkin: 10 x 4 IC
  • Toe Merkin: 25 x 4 IC
  • 4 count cherry pickers
  • Tempo Squat: 5 x 4 IC
  • Little baby arm circles 10 x 4 F & 10 x 4 B
  • Chattanooga cherry picker
  • Seal claps
  • Overhead claps
  • Knoxville cherry pickers


Mosey to bus then back to shovel flag hold Al Gore until 6 in

Round 1

10 burpees.

Mosey to fort then back to shovel flag hold Al Gore until 6 in

Round 2 

10 Burpees

25 push-ups

Mosey to bus and back to shovel flag hold Plank until 6 in

Round 3

10 Burpees

25 push-ups

50 lunges

Mosey to fort then back to shovel flag hold Al Gore until 6 in

Round 4

10 Burpees

25 push-ups

50 lunges

100 LBC’s

Mosey to bus and back to shovel flag hold Plank until 6 in.

Round 5

10 Burpees

25 push-ups

50 lunges

100 LBC’s

150 air squats

Completed with 3 minutes to go.

HIM’S you did:

50 Burpees

100 push-ups

150 single count lunges

200 LBC’s

150 air squats

Roulette for 3 minutes

olive oyl 10 box cutter

Airborne 60 second Freddie Mercury

Feeny 30 second leg lift hold



COT today is about walking in Faith

I am teaching through Ephesians. Yesterday we covered a portion of chapter 2 verse 2. It begins with the phrase, in which you formerly walked. It is referring to the spiritual state of the Ephesians people when they were dead in trespasses and sins.

I asked my youth kids what it meant to walk with something, and what was a life like if you are walking in sins. If you are walking with sins and trespasses, it’s a way of life for you. You have no relationship with holiness if you are walking in trespasses and sins.

Once we defined an unrighteousness walk, we looked at a Holy walk, and specifically Enoch. Enoch was Noah’s great grandfather, and Genesis 5 tells us that He walked with God and he was not, for God took him.

Then in Hebrews 11: 5-6 we see that Enoch was translated, he never died, and was taken up to be with God, for he pleased God. Then it says:

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

So my friends, if you want to please God, then by faith, walk with Him, believing that He is, and diligently seeking Him.

There are only two ways to do this, that is reading His word, and prayer. There are many ways to serve Him, but service does not grant you an audience with Him. Again, Hebrews 11:6 ,without Faith it is Impossible to please him.

Walk in Faith, believing in Him and earnestly seeking Him.
Saturday beat down, 7am with coffeteria

Discipline v Motivation

THE SCENE: Beautiful fall morning, clear sky for star gazing

  • Projectivators
  • LBACs
  • Grady Corn
  • Morocan Night Clubs
  • Chatty Pickers
  • Tempo squats
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers


  • Mosey to the stadium seats
  • Dora – One works while the other goes down the seats and back up
    • 200 Merkins
    • 200 LBCs
  • Mosey to the playground and rotate through pull ups while working on 150 squats OYO
  • Mosey to upper parking lot and line up on first spaces
  • Mosey to each line do squats, then merkins, then imperial walkers then bernie back. Start with 10 each, then 20, 30, 40.
  • Same idea, except broad jump between, do lunges, dry docks, and freddie mercuries. Start with 10 and add 5 each time.

RTF (with a JB)

No time

I heard this idea from Jocko Willink, who is a former Navy SEAL officer and author of a book called Extreme Ownership. He articulates the difference between motivation and discipline. Motivation is the opposite of discipline. Motivation is the spontaneous urge or desire to do something, and often leads us to start something new. But motivation is a feeling, transient and fleeting. It may support you for a while, when you are well rested, healthy, and relaxed. But like all feelings, it has a tendency to abandon us when we are tired, or sick, or stressed. Discipline is, by contrast, the learned behavior of perseverance in spite of obstacle. Discipline receives the conclusion of mental activity, in which we identify what we ought to do, and holds us to the doing. Motivation is like the impassioned “falling in love” which often propels us into a romance, but discipline is the agape/caritas/charity love that stands against the flux of time.

Motivation feels good, but discipline bears fruit. Discipline reminds you what you know to be true in spite of what you feel right now. I often desire motivation so that I need not exercise discipline, but my experience is that it usually cuts the other way: When I exert discipline and do what I know I should but don’t want to, I find that motivation often follows. The key is to enjoy it while you have it without becoming dependent on it, for as soon as you start seeking motivation, it will abandon you.

In Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis discusses this idea in his chapter about faith:

Now Faith, in the sense in which I am here using the word, is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods. For moods will change, whatever view your reason takes. I know that by experience. Now that I am a Christian, I do have moods in which the whole thing looks very improbable: but when I was an atheist I had moods in which Christianity looked terribly probable.

So when we see this common thread running through love and faith and discipline, I suppose it comes as no surprise that Jesus followers were first called Disciples, functionally “those under discipline.” So, I exhort you to abandon efforts to “get motivated” and instead “get discipline”.

Always a pleasure to visit the Men of the Fort. I’m even buyin’ the t-shirt…
2nd F on Saturday Oct. 1. 2.0 Q at The Project Oct. 8. Brolympics Nov. 5.

IPC week 3-the Project

THE SCENE: a little warmer than it has been lately (upper 60s)

15 SSH, 10 tempo squats, 15 Moroccan night club


  • 20 Coupon Presses
  • 20 Burpees
  • 20 Curls
  • 20 V-Ups
  • 20 Goblet Squats
  • 13 Man-Makers
  • 400M Run

One extra 400M run at the end
IPC…enough said
10 at the Project this morning
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. So you, too, outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.” – Matthew 23:27‭-‬28 NASB1995

This is just one of many things that the Pharisees were doing that Jesus teaches against. How often do we do the same things? We are to always be true and never try to act righteous just when we are seen by men. God is always watching! It is He who we should be pleasing. We are to be the same person in all aspects of our lives. We can’t be a truly godly man and be ungodly every where but Church at the same time.

It was nice to share in the misery that is Iron PAX with my brothers!

12 Pains of Christmas

THE SCENE: Cool, humid and Gloomy

  1. Projectavator
  2. Cherry Pickers
  3. Tempo merkins
  4. Tempo squats
  5. Mosey to the sign and back


  1. Burpee
  2. Imperial Squalkers
  3. Basilisks
  4. Merkins
  5. Big Boys
  6. Lunges
  7. Side straddle hops
  8. Prone rows
  9. Diamond merkins
  10. Heels to heaven
  11. Squats
  12. Burpees


  1. Circle of abs; each PAX got a chance to lead
  2. Ring of Fire merkins up to 5 and back down
  3. Mosey to the sign and back

Just like Christmas, don’t let the world take something God meant for good and make it a pain.

2nd F day at Rampart on October 1st. Iron Pax Challenge at The Project tomorrow.

Trying to turn back time

THE SCENE: A Fantastic 60

15 SSH

10 Tempo Merkins

10 Tempo Squats

10 LBAC Foreward 10 Backward

10 Morrocan Night Clubs

10 Grady Corn

10 Hallelujah

10 Chattanooga Cherry Pickers

5 Cherry Pickers

Mosey to the track (Our last day on the track before the city closes it down for upgrades!!) Perform a modified Millennial routine. Preform 50 of determined exercise then sprint 100m.

  • 50 squats; sprint 100m
  • 50 LBC; Sprint 100m
  • 50 Merkins; Sprint 100m
  • 50 SSH; Sprint 100m
  • 50 Toe Merkins; Sprint 100m
  • 50 Lunges; Sprint 100m
  • 50 2-count Flutter Kicks; Sprint 100m
  • 50 2-count Mtn. Climbers; Sprint 100m
  • 100 Hallelujahs; Run full lap
  • 50 Burpees; Indian run full track

Mosey back to circle. Plank while AC/DC Thunderstruck plays. Every time thunder is said do a merkin every time “Thunderstruck” is said do a burpee. Ring of fire squat jump to 4.


Dealers Choice around the circle
5 Awesome PAX
From “Dailydad.com Slow down or you’ll miss this gift” Were seemingly in a rush all the time, always in a hurry to get to the next thing, for seemingly no reason. Meanwhile our children, friends and family often take the back burner and we rush so much that we wind up missing them and everything important that one day we’ll give anything to get back. So slow down and appreciate today appreciate the ones around you and make sure to remind them ow much you love them.
Pray for the boys on the DR and DL and for all the men that showed up.
Rampart shirts are LIVE!! Put the orders in we have to weeks to get at least 12 in order for the  to go to print. Starting next month were gonna plan on getting coffee together every first Saturday of the month. 2nd-f opportunities are still always welcome though.