F3 Knoxville

Rock Blaster

Scene: 53 and clear

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15 IC Cherry Pickers

10 IC  BAC

10 IC Merkins


Mosey to pee rocks

Select 1 big rock, and 2 little rocks

While 2 members of the PAX complete 4 tire pulls each the rest of the PAX completes the following exercises

  • Big rock, arm curls/ overhead tri ext.  6 reps back and forth
  • Little rocks, hold one rock 90 degree, 6 rep curl 6 rep ext.
  • Big rock, press and skull crusher 6 rep press 6 rep ext
  • Little rock, moon curl, kick back 6 and 6
  • Big rock, wood choppers 6 each way
  • End of Round 1, then 10 Burpees OYO
  • Round 2 and then 20 Merkins OYO
  • Round 3 and then 10 Burpees OYO


Dealer’s Choice

50 LBC OYO (Swirlie)

25 IC Flutter kicks (Barney)

20 IC Macerna (Mayberry)

30 IC Box Cutters (Sparky)



I want to challenge you all to be Meek men, Abraham Lincoln said Meekness is not weakness- it is strength under control. Christ said blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the of the earth.
The word meekness always has an association with domesticated animals which I’ve never been crazy about, but when I think about it, an ox hooked to the plow isn’t weak but incredibly powerful because its strength is harnessed for a particular purpose.  
Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him and he will act. There are stories about prisoners in Nazi camps who were made to move heavy boulders from one end of a field to the other, only to carry them back again, many of the men were eventually driven crazy, not by the physical toll on the body but by the futility of the task. The apostle Paul says that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.
Don’t waste your strength aimlessly pushing boulders around the prison yard. Let’s stand strong as brothers for God and see what God can do with our harnessed strength.


A rope, pee rocks, and a VQ

SCENE: 21, clear and cold

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Jump rope Tabata 8 rounds


Bermuda Triangle with Pee Rocks

1st station 20 reps curls

2nd station 20 reps overhead press

3rd station 20 reps triceps

Mosey to the upper parking lot

Double dutch DORA

Groups of 3, #1 guy jumps rope, #2 runs, #3 completes reps of DORA

100 BBS

200 Merkins

300 Squats

Mosey to the Pav-a-lon

3 groups alternating

Pull ups, Dips, and Lunges

Mosey to the AO



“It is hard to succeed when you keep beating up on yourself.  Understand that you are on a journey, and part of that journey requires failure, struggle, and pain.  So when you find yourself experiencing hard times, instead of criticizing yourself, see it as part of the process and stepping stone towards your goal.”  -Justin Su’a

Excellent prayer to start the day by brother Junk.



That took some planning

The Scene: 39 degrees, moist like a nice bunt cake

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SSH x20, 10 merkins
Baby arm circles x 10 F&B, 10 merkins
Inchworm-burpees 10
Little of this and little of that

Mosey to bottom of hill at entrance to tavern parking lot w/CMU
7 burpees on bottom
1 Ratchet squat w/CMU
Take CMU w/you up hill and down
Plank/merkins when finished

F3 Logo
Follow Q and Mosey in single file line w/CMU thru cones, change carry position on command. (Overhead, curls, presses)… repeat but faster.

Mosey to TOP of Matterhorn w/o CMU
mosey to Pavalon.
10 pull ups, 10 dips, 10 Squats x 3
Mosey to CMU presses and curls till 6 catches then to AO

Circle of pain!
Each pax says exercise and #

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29:11‬

Our plans usually don’t work out exactly the way we want them to.  How many of us have had a grand idea of something and had it all planned out in our head or even on paper only to see it change completely when we try to execute it. …But what we don’t realize is that God’s plan is not always our plans. It may seem frustrating and even painful but Gods plan is so much greater than we can even grasp.  e.g. Relationships, work etc.  …So next time that we have something bust up our plans, we need to know what plan IS solid. HIS plan for us.

Leprechaun Hunt, 2.0s and Dads

SCENE: 52, sunny, and beautiful

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OYO Hand release Merkins

OYO Hop like a kangaroo

OYO Walk like an elephant


Leprechaun Hunt

Mosey to where the trees make it rain and do a reverse rain dance backwards around the trees x5 (splash pad)

Mosey to where the firemen slide and do your best fireman impression. (Playground)

Mosey to the place we have snack and walk the planks (Pav-a-lon)

Mosey to where we say the Pledge of Allegiance and hop like a frog x10 (Flagpole)

Mosey to Bend it like Beckham and plank while we wait on the PAX (soccer field)

Bear Crawl in traffic!  (Red light green light but the PAX bear crawls)

Leprechauns vs Shamrocks (sharks and minnows)

Mosey back to the AO

Kids choice of favorite exercise

5 burpees – Her Miney

10 BBS – Minnie

5 high kicks – Jaws

10 Merkins – Buckets

10 burpees – FNKid Wolverine

10 burpees – FNKid Wildcat

20 IC SSH – Charger

20 IC SSH – Blaze

10 Burpees – Slugger

5 Burpees – Haley




Relay Royale


35 degrees and clearly shorts weather.

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B-urpees x  5 OYO

L-unges x 10 IC (Each Leg)

I-mperial Squat Walkers x 15 IC

M-erkins x 20 OYO

P-lank Jacks x 25 IC

S-quats x 30 IC

Break into two groups


Group 1 – On the hop towards the marina for 1 minute. Stop and perform first exercise until Group 2 arrives.  Run for 1 minute and then begin second exercise. Rinse & Repeat until all exercises complete.

Group 2 – Hold Al Gore for one minute, then relay with Group 1.

Rotate Exercises as follows:


Dry Docks

Smurf Jacks

Flutter Kicks

Star Jacks

Hello Dolly


Lance Armstrongs



Group 1 hold Al Gore after last exercise to allow Group 2 to finish.


CINDY (The Quickie Version)

5 minute AMRAP

5 Pullups

10 Merkins

15 Squats

Mosey back to AO



“In this life we are not only held accountable for our actions, but also for our in-actions”

All of us in this PAX are leaders, fathers, brothers, friends, and other forms of High Impact Men. When we recognize a situation needs our involvement and then choose not to engage, that is an in-action. While we are not actively doing wrong, that in-action has consequences that we will be help accountable for. Push yourself to engage in areas that you might be ignoring. Abscess pointed out that James 4:17 addresses this as well:

“If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them”