F3 Knoxville

The pain train

  • THE SCENE: cool and misty

    15 BLIMPS, 5 at either end of the parking lot and back to start point
    Mosey to upper soccer field, start at one corner bear crawl to center field, then lunge to the other corner followed by 20 merkins, then back the other way ending with 40 merkins, and back again with 60 merkins.
  • Lap around the field
  • Start back at center field with 10 4ct iron mikes, burney Sanders across the field followed by 10 8ct body builders, then repeat this with 15 reps of each, then 20 reps. This evolution somehow broke cosmos calf muscle (which are the size of watermelons normally) so he was firemen carried from place to place from this point on.
  • Mosey to the concrete bleachers

20 decline wide grip merkins IC and 20 diamonds IC

  • Mosey to dooky hill

Crawl bear up the hill and complete 20 easy ups then run down and 20 4ct OH claps


  • Mosey back to concrete bleachers

A second round of wide grip decline and diamond merkins

  • Mosey to AO

we opted to stay dry and finish up with some ring of fire merkins and diamonds.


I recently heard a statistic about Farragut high school that included the fact three students took their own lives in a single school year. I encouraged the PAX to daily challenge their kids to be different than most others in school and be kind to and stand up for their classmates who are being bullied.

Bringing F3 to the Mend House

F3 Knoxville has partnered with the men of The Mend House to bring our fellow brothers some Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. Reico Hopewell, The Mend House director invited us to hold a group workout a few weeks ago drawing over 30 men out on a cold evening. We have continued this with three additional workouts to date with more planned and possibly the birth of a new F3 location in Fountain City. One of the new F3 brothers who we named Bacon, said this after the last workout. “I Think I speak for all of us when I say even though its rough on us right now we truly enjoy and appreciate y’all taking the time and giving us the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. “. That is what it’s all about, leading, serving, and  encouraging each other. Stay tuned for a possible AO launch announcement in the Fountain City area in the next few weeks thanks to the effort of these men!


Swirly Q

THE SCENE: cold, little rainy

SSH, Cherry pickers, BAC, mosey to cess pool

bear crawl from sideline to sideline.  then, 10 merkins and jog around half of field to beginning

repeat bear crawls and add 10 merkins each time up to 40 merkins

Do it all again with lunges across the field and dips at the bleachers

Mosey to playground for Dora

BBS, pull ups, squats, merkins while partner runs lap around parking lot

Mosey to AO

Tire Pull, kettle bell swings, tire flip, shoulder presses, jump rope, running

Boat Canoe, side crunches, supermans


Be servants like Christ
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

We Love Burpees

THE SCENE: 40 degrees and damp.  Perfect weather!

SSH (IC) x 15, Little Baby Arm Circles Forward (IC) x 10, Little Baby Arm Circles Backward (IC) x 10, Windmill (IC) x 10, Cherry Pickers (IC) x 10, Hand Release Merkins (OYO) x 10


Mosey to JUCO Lake.  Do a Burpee Mile (12 Burpees followed by 1 Lap around the lake x 4) JUCO Lake is bigger than I remembered.  We only made it 3 Laps around due to time.  Some made it through 4 rounds of Burpees.  Did some Tempo Squats and Flutter Kicks as well.

Mosey to side parking lot.

4 Corners of Fun

At each corner of the parking lot do:

  • 20 Merkins
  • 40 Mountain Climbers
  • 20 Big Boys
  • 20 Squats
  • 5 Burpees

Mosey back towards AO

Play a little game of 21’s starting with 20 Calf Raises and 1 Burpee (Ran out of time today)

No time today
11 HIMs got better today with 1 FNG!  Welcome Cable Boy!

Give Thanks!  We should all remember to give thanks when it is due not just around the holidays.  In that regard, I would like to give thanks to my F3 brothers.  Thank you for keeping me motivated to come and get better early in the morning.  If it wasn’t for you guys, I would be stuck in my fartsack until I got up for work.  I also want to thank everyone who has been on Q and shared their message at the end of the workouts.  I’m a very reserved/compartmentalized person.  Everyone being open and honest and sharing what is on their minds/hearts has helped and continues to help me become a better person.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 – Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Props to Spotter for bringing 2 FNGs within the last 2 weeks!  Shoutout to the PreRuck crew Jude Judy, Doubtfire and Shooter!
3rd F event next Saturday 12/8

Fiddy Two

THE SCENE: Its cold now


My usual


Cherry Pickers


Tempo Squat


OYO for last thing

Insert information about the workout.

  • Mosey towards low brick thingys
  • Quick flutter kick session IC x 52
  • 7s on the wall (Step ups and Man Makers)
  • Mosey to Sophomore(?) Hill
  • Doras 200 merks + 150 5 inch LBCs
  • The rest was suicides and sprints… of course some superman swimming was in there

Waxjob did the classic row boat while I grabbed my phone

I was recently accepted into medical school. I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand it is a wonderful opportunity that I have worked very hard to attain, but also a whole slew of new doors and responsibilities await me. It is ironic that I have a certain place to go, yet I feel more uncertain now that I am accepted. With all that being said, it is time for me to go out into the world. There are times in life where opportunities arise and you must take the decisive step to take advantage of the opportunity. That means putting some of the uncertainty on hold and accepting it. It is a sort of leap of faith I suppose.

I know we all have done this after all. We all came out to our first F3 workout not knowing what to expect. Look at us now. 🙂
Toto mentioned during the COT that now is the time to reach out to our brothers. The holiday season can be the best of times and also the worst. Take the initiative and reach out!!!
3rd F comin up