F3 Knoxville

Shovelflag Handoff at The Project

THE SCENE:  68 and clear – perfect.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

Willy Mays Hays
Seal squats
Down/up dog
Mountain climbers

Mosey to the Friendship Bell
10 lateral box jumps
20 dips
30 derkins


Dirty MacDeuce
1. 12 Flutter kicks (4 count)
2. 12 Shoulder taps (4 count)
3. 12 Hello dollys
Run a lap.
Repeat x 4

Mosey to K-25 Hill
11s – Burpees and Freddy Mercury (4 count)

Long Bernie up the road


Mosey back to the Friendship Bell

Mucho Chesto

Freddy Mercury IC

Another Mucho Chesto

Another Freddy Mercury IC


Me and 22 of the best men I know


We showed honor to Erector and acknowledged that The Project exists today because he and others (Rocket, Chaco, Snaggletooth, Samaritan) launched it in February 2019.  What a positive difference it has made in my life – and in the lives of many other men in the Oak Ridge area.  T-Claps, brothers!  Erector led for a while, then Snaggletooth, and it was my joy and honor to lead for a season, and today it was a privilege to pass the flag to a man whom I esteem so highly.

The mission of F3 is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups of men for the invigoration of male community leadership.  Fitness is not the endgame or the goal.  Your virtuous leadership – in your family, in your work, at your church, in this community – that is the goal of F3.

What makes a man a Leader?  What enables a man to do what a Leader does?

What F3 says it takes to be an effective leader are these four capabilities;

  • Vision – the ability to recognize Advantage and the Movement required to achieve it
  • Articulation – the act of describing his Vision to others
  • Persuasion – the initiation of first Movement
  • Exhortation – A leader is ready to use Exhortation to incentivize his followers

But an Effective Leader is not necessarily a Virtuous Leader. For that, F3 says he must also possess the Leadership Virtues.

  • Candor: graciously telling the hard truth and demanding to hear it from others
  • Commitment: unwavering loyalty to the Group and unflinching determination to accomplish its Mission
  • Consistency: to be unchanging in nature, standard, or effect over time
  • Contentment: stability of emotion engendered by the Consistent pursuit of Joy rather than Happiness
  • Courage: setting aside fear to turn hardship into grace

To Lead Right a person must be both an Effective and Virtuous Leader

We could have a BOM on each one of those capabilities and virtues separately – but I wanted to cover the whole F3 leadership model this morning as an introduction for the man who is accepting the shovelflag.  That dude is the whole package.  He possesses every one of these capabilities and I’ve seen each of the virtues reflected in his life.  Mathlete is going to be an outstanding leader of this group – and I look forward to following his lead and am excited to see where we go!


If he had been there, Baby Chest would have loved the double Mucho Chesto.

Mucho gracias to our visitors from JUCO, Shamrock, and Equalizer – awesome to see you guys!


Prayers for Ribbed’s wife’s healing, for Boy George’s wife’s interview today, for an unnamed F3 brother.

No Man Left Behind, No Man Left the Same

THE SCENE: Muggy. Midsummer for sure.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – Administered.

Wrist & neck roll (courtesty of Cave man)
Richard Simmons (inspired by Mermaid’s shorts but also pre-planned)
Ankle roll
Seal clap squats
Forward lunges
Backward lunges
Tennessee rocking chair

Mosey to the turf field
Reps in 30 seconds:
Skater hops (same)
Merkins (same)
Line over over under under (hop scotch)
Suicides – 10 yard increment
Monkey Humpers / Calf Raises

Mosey to CMU pile

Complete reps & then do more of an exercise: 11’s
4-ct Flutter kicks
Q stopped about 1 rep left of deadlifts

Mosey to the shovel flag (jailbreak? Decided against it but pushed the normal mosey pace)

Do a circuit for time
4 corners- (aka Judge Judy special)
Mountain climbers/ Leg lifts – 20 each
Squats / LBC – 20 (4-count LBC’s)
Merkins / Dolly – 20 each
Gas Pump / Gas Pump – 20

Core at the end holding a plank, glute bridge or pick

Dealer’s choice. We had lots of time for that. Crazy, huh?
11 Hard-working men.
“To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (not being outside the law of God but under the law of Christ) that I might win those outside the law. To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings. Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭9:21-27‬ ‭ESV‬‬

When we welcome people in from the outside, we ought to do both pieces of the F3 matra:
“No man left behind”. This means we run in such a way that we know how to bring others alongside us.

We get to circle back for other guys. Do exercises when we are done. Run through Dealer’s Choice. Count off. Count rest.

These are all things we do together.

But it’s also no man left the same.
AMRAP. Complete reps & then do more of an exercise. Do a circuit for time (4-corners). Push yourself!

Where do you need to become as one under the law? Where can you voluntarily submit to the authority in your life for the good of others and God’s glory?

Where do you need to become as one not under the law (but still under grace)? How can you submit yourself to God’s freeing law? Where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty?

So let’s read this again:
Today, become someone who leaves no man behind but leaves no man the same. For God’s glory & our good.

I’m signing up for more Q’s so I’ll show up more. A little bit of healthy pushing myself a little bit of learning to lead better by stepping up. You can do the same or even join me for a co-Q!
Sign up to support the F3 / FiA booths – see Slack!

Shamrock – ABC easy as 123

THE SCENE: Very gloomy and humid

Mountain Climbers – IC – 15 – 4 count 

Tie Fighter 4 CT x 10 each

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 10

Cherry Pickers x5

Stretching – Quads and back 

Demo – the 1-2-3 MerkBurpee (1 Wide-2 Standard-3 Tri merkins, then up to complete a burpee) 


Mosey to Fox Lonas then back to the flag. 

A-B-C  easy as 1-2-3:  

 At the bottom of the hill do 5 sets of 1-2-3 MerkBurpees (1 Wide-2 Standard-3 Tri)  then walk backwards up the grassy hill. 

A – Air Squat – 10

B – Big Boys – 10

C – Crabettes- 10 

Repeat for a total of 4 rounds. The 1-2-3-MerkBurpees became really challenging after the 1st 2 rounds. 

Mosey over to some tall curbs

8-8-42 – My Dad’s 80th birthday today so in honor of him we did: 

8 – 4-count tricep dips in cadence 

8 – decline merkins 

42 – Calf raises 

Mosey to the river rock. Grab two 2-5 pound rocks. 

10 IC – Butterfly, then hold on the 10 for 10 seconds

10 IC – behind your back flutter with rocks – then hold for 10 seconds 

Hold rock in front of you and do LBS – Little Bouncy Squats 10 IC- then hold on 10. 

We did 2 rounds of this, then on round 3 we did 15 reps with 10 second holds. 

Round 4 we did 20 reps with 10 second holds. 

Mosey to the next parking lot. 

We traveled across the lot 4 times dealer’s choice: Bear, Crab or lunge. Can change it up each time if you want. 



dealer’s choice – Curveball with LBCs, Caveman with Cherry Pickers, VooDoo with 5 Burpees before Betty had a chance to demand it. Betty snuck in some pickle pounders. 

Curveball, Caveman, Voo Doo, Betty, Osteen, Mermaid, Tailhook, Baby Boomer, Curry, Dumpster Dive, Honeydew, Slappy, Anchorman,

I may not know what the day may bring, but I know who brings the day. 

Job 38

3 Brace yourself like a man;
I will question you,
and you shall answer me.

“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?
Tell me, if you understand.

Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!
Who stretched a measuring line across it?

On what were its footings set,
or who laid its cornerstone—

while the morning stars sang together
and all the angels[a] shouted for joy?

We often do our best to control our day and we think we know what is best for us. 

Like the potter and the clay example, does the clay vase know what is best for it? Or does the potter who created it know what is best and care for it? The potter has already planned out all of the future steps for that lump of clay.

Prayer for Skidmark’s new baby girl, PomPom’s foot, Curveball’s friend who lost their mom, teachers and kids, my work travel this week and that Betty does not steal my local legend segment while I’m gone.


THE SCENE: little overcast but not to yucky

Mosey to pick up CMUs

  • Two rounds
  • <span;>10 WWI heavy sit ups
    <span;>10 WWII heavy sit ups
    <span;>10 X Factor
  • Heavy al gore holds in between 
  • Heavy imperial walkers for till  whole PAX has prayed
  • Four sets of 25 reps of curls
  • Windmill
  • Seal claps

Mosey back to the parking lot for PAX led

10 Pickel pushers

10 Pushups

10 Bascales



For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10 NKJV



Back to School, Back to School

THE SCENE: “It’s too darn hot for a penguin to just be walkin’ around here!”

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Dutifully delivered.

SSH x15
Knox Cherry Pickers (Late season cherries for obvious reasons) …Enough. We lost count.
Tempo Merks x10
Tempo Squats x10
Grady Corn x10
Moroccan Night Clubs x10
Chatty Cherries x10
SSH x15

Mosey to the school yard!


PAX performed a Billy Madison Routine. Inspired by Billy Madison’s journey through back through school, this routine involves a running loop and exercise per grade. For best effects, perform routine on school grounds. Begin with 12 reps of an exercise, then take a lap to the bridge. Billy passed the 1st grade…”Oh what a glorious day!” Do the 1st grade exercise x 12 reps plus the second grade exercise x 12 reps. This concludes 2nd grade. Continue adding an exercise each time with the lap until you’ve completed one loop and exercise combo for each of the 12 grades. We added a full lap around the parking lot for 6th grade and 12th grade because Middle School is terrible and learning is hard for me SO BACK OFF!

Exercises were as follows:

  1. Air Squats
  2. Merkins
  3. Heels to Heaven
  4. SSH
  5. Shoulder Touches
  6. Big Boys
  7. Monkey Humpers
  8. Flutter Kicks 4 ct
  9. Diamond Push-ups
  10. Bonnie Blairs 2 ct
  11. Burpees
  12. American Hammers

Several PAX made it to the 11th grade but unfortunately did not pass. Poor Billy, Billy Boy.


LBC x15 4ct.
Awkward Turtle x15 4ct.
Rosalitas x10 4ct.
Basilisk x10 4ct.


1 Peter 5:8-11

8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 11 To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.

What this doesn’t say God will keep you from being tempted. It says God will give you strength and restore you. I’ve stopped praying that God would keep me from being tempted. “And lead us not into the time of trial” is a better translation. Temptation will always be there in one form or another. Jesus was tempted! A leadership author (who’s name I have forgotten) wrote that the more you find yourself in leadership, the more you will find yourself tempted and with more at stake.

Instead, of asking for God to take away temptation, I’ve been praying for strength to stand firm against temptations of the flesh, temptations of the world, and temptations from the enemy.

One practical thing I’ve been learning is about will power. Will Power matters more than IQ. According to the Marshmallow Test (search it on YouTube), the 15 minutes of this test could predict kids’ future for the next 15+ years. Kids with will power perform better than kids that have a higher IQ.

Here’s what to remember about your will power: IT’S A MUSCLE – It gets tired. How do you hack your will power? You pre-commit. In Homer’s Odyssey, Odysseus tied himself to the mast and had his crew put wax in their ears to avoid the song of the Sirens. Tempted? Don’t even allow it into your hearing. Be tied to the mast.

I struggle with lunchtime decisions. I started to pre-commit by making my own. I struggle with snacking on junk when I get home. I started to pre-commit with healthy options and eliminated the unhealthy. Other options? TV – unplug it. Social Media? – Delete it and use browser. Waking up to workout in the morning? Hard Commit!


Workout Playlist was as follows…

  1. Old John Braddelum – Alan Mills
    (Everyone loved this one! Considering 45 mins on repeat next time. Great idea, Borg!)
  2. ABC – The Jackson 5
  3. The Stroke – Billy Squier
  4. Carry on Wayward Son – Kansas
  5. I’ll Tumble 4 Ya – Culture Club
  6. Jump Around – House of Pain (I forgot. Clearly not edited. I apologize.)
  7. Beat on the Brat – Ramones
  8. Renegade – Styx
  9. Rock ‘n’ Roll (Part 2) – Gary Glitter (Obviously from Happy Gilmore but we needed a break, right?)

Fun was had by all! Thank you for enjoying this workout!


  • July 30: 7 AM.  Shovelflag handoff at the Arsenal. See Slack for details.
  • August 6: Family Workout, 8:00AM. Pancakes in the Park after the workout. See Slack for details.
  • August 6: Shield Lock Pool Party at Borg’s!  10:00 AM.   See Slack for details.
  • August 6: 7 AM.  Work Day at the Cerebral Palsy Center.  See Slack for details.
  • Aug 12-14:  F3 Dad Camp 4.0 @ YMCA Camp Ocoee. See Slack for details.
  • Hey. See Slack for details.