F3 Knoxville

Cards Against Us All

THE SCENE: 41 degrees, clear and beautiful

10 4 count side straddle hops, run a lap, 10 tempo merkins, 5 tempo cherry pickers

Draw 2 cards.  Exercise as follows:

  • Clubs: Big boys
  • Spades: 4 count flutter kicks
  • Diamonds: Merkins
  • Hearts: Squats
  • Joker: 20 burpees

Run a lap around the parking lot.  Repeat.

Next, each member drew a card and we ran to the dip bars.  Together we added 10 to the number on each card and did that number of inverted pull ups together.  Ran to the Friendship bell and did the same with box jumps, crunches, and squats.

Returned to the parking lot and did 2 more card circuits.



Arise early in the morning and do important work.  There are several examples of people in the Bible arising early in the morning and then doing something important:

  • Joshua 3:1, 8:10, 6:12, 7:16
  • Exodus 34:4, 24:4, 9:13
  • Genesis 19:27, 28:18
  • 1 Samuel 29:11
  • John 8:2


3 Amigos

THE SCENE: 23 and perfect gloom

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yep, yep, and yep.

1. 8 Project Motivators – IC
2. 15 SSH – 4ct, IC
3. 15 Tempo Squat – 4ct, IC
4. 10 Iron Mikes (each leg, 2 ct) – OYO
5. 10 Arm Circles (both directions)
6. 10 Overhead Clap – IC
7. 8 Tempo Merkins – 4ct, IC
8. 5 Cherry Pickers – 4 ct, IC
9. Pick up CMU, mosey to Friendship Bell

CMU Work @Friendship Bell: 20 bicep curls, 20 overhead press, 20 tricep extensions, 20 squats, 20 BBS w/CMU (2 ROUNDS) – Take CMUs, mosey to K-2(5)
Doras @K-25: Partner 1 starts on 50 Blockees, 75 BBS, 100 Derkins, 200 squats (w/CMU) while Partner 2 starts on Sprints WITHOUT CMU up the hill. Switch off with partner until rep count is complete. Mosey back to Shovel Flag. Whew!


3 AMIGOS: Mathlete, Slappy, and me, Snaggletooth.

God, Touch Our Hearts (John Piper)
Saul went to his house at Gibeah; and the valiant men whose hearts God had touched went with him. (1 Samuel 10:26)
Just think of what is being said in this verse. God touched them. Not a wife. Not a child. Not a parent. Not a counselor. But God.
The One with infinite power in the universe. The One with infinite authority and infinite wisdom and infinite love and infinite goodness and infinite purity and infinite justice. That One touched their heart.
How does the circumference of Jupiter touch the edge of a molecule? Let alone penetrate to its nucleus?
The touch of God is awesome because it is a touch. It is a real connection. That it involves the heart is awesome. That it involves God is awesome. And that it involves an actual touch is awesome.
The valiant men were not just spoken to. They were not just swayed by a divine influence. They were not just seen and known. God, with infinite condescension, touched their heart. God was that close. And they were not consumed.
I love that touch. I want it more and more. For myself and for all of you. I pray that God would touch me anew for his glory. I pray that he would touch us all.
O for the touch of God! If it comes with fire, so be it. If it comes with water so be it. If it comes with wind, let it come, O God. If it comes with thunder and lightning, let us bow before it.
O Lord, come. Come that close. Burn and soak and blow and crash. Or still and small, come. Come all the way. Touch our hearts.

This Q and BOM/COT were originally from January of this year and it remains as true to speaking to my heart as it did pre-COVID at the beginning of the year – not because I have not changed but because God is wrought this in my life even more this year.

January 2020: “There is something about the phrase “the valiant men whose hearts God had touched” that inspires me, and rouses a hunger in me. I have found myself in this new year hungrier for a deeper, more powerful, intimate closeness with God. I believe it’s the natural consequence of F3 and my purity group, and what God is doing in my family and church. At the beginning of the year, I felt God give me the word FOCUS. Makes me wonder about what this year will be like. Whatever else 2020 may bring, this hunger for greater friendship with God is a worthy and holy pursuit.”

Who knew what the year would have brought except God Himself?!

Circ de Project

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

10 The Projectivator, 15 Imperial walker, 10 tempo Merkins, 15 Moroccan night club, 10 tempo squats, 15 harry Rockettes
Mosey to the amphitheatre. This will be our home work out station to try to stay off of the soggy ground. Other stations are the wall, the end of the walking path on the east side of the park (trail end), and the playground.

Complete three rounds of each of these.

  • 30 merkins at home
  • 10 quasi-muscleups at the wall
  • 30 squats at trail end
  • 30 Flutter kicks (2-ct) at home
  • 30 Carolina Dry Docks at home
  • 10 pull-ups at the playground
  • 30 lunges (15 each leg) at trail end
  • 30 Freddie Mercury (2-ct) at homel

Only got 2 rounds of the second set in before time was called.

10 burpees – just a taste of what the third set was supposed to be.
7 including Kick-flip’s ruck
In Paul’s letter to the Christians at Colossae (and by extension us), he speaks to the incomparable Christ. Christ rescued them from darkness, He is the head of the Body (the Church), and He gave the ultimate sacrifice. Take a look at this passage.

“And although you were formerly alienated and hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds, yet He has now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death, in order to present you before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach— if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, was made a minister.” Colossians 1:21‭-‬23 NASB

Despite our evil deeds, Christ died that we may be reconciled. However, we shouldn’t miss the qualifying statement. If we continue in faith, we are able to stay reconciled to God through His sacrifice.

Continued prayers for all suffering from COVID-19 related hardships.

happy tuesday.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: YES. All the things.

• Mtn Climbers
• Tempo Merk
• LBAC (fwd/bkw)
• 5 burpees OYO
• Reach for the Skies/Let It Hang
• Cherry Pickers


  • Bear crawl to Bissell Park end of Parking Lot /25 Calf Raises on curb
  • Sprint to Library/25 Squats (hold Al Gore)
  • Mosey to Amphitheater/Mucho Chesto (10 merkins, 10 wide merks, 10 diamond merks, 10 stagger/10 stagger) X2 Rounds (hold plank)
  • Mosey to Pool Wall/15 wall ups/ BBS (hold leg lift)
  • Mosey to Playground/15 burpee Pull ups (hold chin up)
  • Mosey to Parallel Bars – 10 Lunges each leg/10 Dips (hold Al Gore)
  • Mosey to Friendship Bell/ATM (15 Alternating 4-ct Shoulder Tap, 10 Tempo Merks, 10 Merks) X2 Rounds (hold plank)
  • Mosey to Parking Lot/25 Squats – Sprint to other side/20 Lunges (each leg) –  Sprint back

MARY: Pax Choice: Flutter kick x15 (Unibrow), Freddy Mercury x10 (Slappy)

6STRONG: Unibrow, Slappy, Chaco, Rocket, Mathlete, Snaggletooth


I Peter 1:24-25: “since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God; 24 for “All flesh is like grass
and all its glory like the flower of grass.
The grass withers,
and the flower falls,
25 but the word of the Lord remains forever.”

And this word is the good news that was preached to you.

In troubled and troubling times, it’s good to know that at least one thing remains: God’s word. His word is as enduring as God is eternal. He is faithful – what He says, He will do.

F3 on a cold day shakes all the laziness and love of the fartsack out of the body and mind.

Collecting coats with JUCO for Veterans’ families in need.

Hills, ponds and peace bell…

THE SCENE: beautiful morning mid 50s

Welcome, I’m Rocket & I’m on the Q today; I am not a professional, you are here on your own accord, F3 is free, I don’t know your injuries so work hard but modify if you need to, and make sure to social distance

  • Side straddle hops (IC) 4ct
  • Plank, lower and raise distance to ground
  • downward dog
  • Moroccan night club (IC) 4ct
  • Stretch on your own

Insert information about the workout.

  • 7s at bell, booby hurly and derkins
    Mosey to K-25 hill.
    2x – modified Blimps: 5 burpees, 10 lunge each leg, 15 imperial walker stop and run the hill and back. Then 20 merkins, 25 plank jacks, 30 squats, stop and run the hill again. Repeat that sequence twice.
    Mosey to pond and partner up. One runs the pond while the other does: flutters, dolly, LBC.
    Mosey back to bell, and do partner merkins. Hold plant while partner does 10 then switch. Do this until each person does 50 merkins.

We did player choice on mary for 5 minutes

Insert the WORD here.
For the word, we kept with the theme of quotes and discussing their meaning. This is from Y0-Yo Ma as his underlying goal: Strive to build trust through the seeking of truth all within the idea of service.