F3 Knoxville

Pre-Election Day at #TheDogPound

Manhattan’s VQ!!!
F3 Intro and Disclaimer

Baby Arm Circles / Reverse  10x IC
Imperial Walkers   15x IC
SSH  15x IC
Merkins 15x OYO
ISO Squats 15x IC

Mosey to Baby Everest for “Debate #1”

“Double Dog Pound National”
Declining Merkin Ladder
18 at first light pole
17 at next light pole
Repeat-o for second lap with Incrementing (from one) with Big-Boy Situps

Al-Gore until Six arrives

Mosey to big hill

Inform the PAX that next exercise is “Debate #2”
Bernie Sanders up the hill
10 Burpees
Plank until Six arrives

Mosey back to AO

Guantanamo is “Debate #3”

Writers inspired by God and separated by several centuries wrote these words of advice to encourage Christians:

Old Testament states the following: Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

New Testament letter stated the following: Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

We must be “on guard” against Satan at all times to protect our friends and families. Satan is ruthless and cunning and while we would never intentionally let down our guard and let him attack our family, we must always “guard our heart” to defeat him.

The PAX repeated the phrase “Guard your heart” twice for emphasis on what to remember from the session and we closed with a prayer to guard the PAX families, a prayer of wisdom for our political leaders during the election and after, and finally a prayer of thankfulness for Jesus paying the ultimate sacrifice for us.