F3 Knoxville

Part of your balanced breakfast

THE SCENE: Like 26 or something.  Dry and comfy… good grief, I don’t think I even feel the daggum air anymore.

SSH x15 IC, then x15 more I-Faster-C
Burpees x5 OYO
Plank Twist and Reach Through x10 IC each side
LBAC x15 each way IC
Hindurkins x10 IC
Burpees x5
Al Gore Tuck x10 IC
Bear Crawl around the outside of the circle!
Dang, that feels farther than it looks.

Insert information about the workout.
Mosey over to the amphitheater… Balance set up at the top.
14 PAX, so load one side with 2 handfuls of gems (about 60)
PAX gather at the bottom of the stairs
Everyone does sets of 15 merkins OYO, taking a gem up the stairs to the balance and moseying back around the path.
Once the balance tips, dump one side and everyone switches to sets of 15 BBS.
One more tip, switch to sets of 10 Box Jumps on the stage.

After about 3 sets of Box Jumps we’re running out of time. Gather at the top and Indian Run back to the AO

Circle up on your six:
Flutter Kicks x15 IC
Slutter Kicks x15 IC
Side Crunch x15 IC each side
Superman Swims x15 IC
AMRAP Merkins until time called!

14 today – 2x the number of completeness. Perfectly balanced!  Sorry Petey, couldn’t find you on the site to tag you…
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

We are all out here this morning exercising physical discipline in training our bodies. I probably wouldn’t exactly call F3 strict training, but it does take a good amount of self-discipline to pull your socks on at 5am and get out in the cold. And, as anyone who’s been away from the gloom for a while can tell you, the “crown” we gain out here of a modicum of physical fitness certainly doesn’t last.

So I want to encourage you throughout the day to exercise in your spiritual life that same level and more of self-discipline and the intentionality of action, looking forward to the prize that your Lord has for you.

It was great sharing the gloom with you HIMs this morning! Sorry to Peach Fuzz for getting the “same Q second verse” treatment, having experienced the balance at JUCO on Monday…
Pray for Popeye and a group from Celebrate Recovery heading down to St Kitts to minister to people whose lives are gripped by destructive addictions!

2 Handfuls

THE SCENE: 41 degrees and overcast

Cherry Pickers x10 IC
SSH x20 IC
Torso Twist x8 IC
What time is it?
Ab Crabs x15 IC
Al Gore Tuck Jumps x8 IC
Planche Practice x5

Mosey to curb:
20x Calf Raise OYO
25% Run across lot
20x Calf Raise OYO
50% Run
20x Calf Raise OYO
75% Run
20x Calf Raise OYO
20x Calf Raise OYO

Mosey to the main quad, where the balance is set up.
One handful of gems loaded to one side of the balance (around 30-ish)

PAX assemble 40yd away.
Each HIM does sets of 15 merkins OYO, carries one gem to the balance.
R&R until the balance tips!
Peach Fuzz finally tipped it, so on to the next exercise!
Sets of 15 BBS
Came so close to tipping, but ran out of time!

Circle up on Six for
15x Side Crunch IC (each side)

8 PAX, including FNG: Jammies (Paul Hester Jr). Progeny of Peach Fuzz!
Colossians 3:23: Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.

This was spoken by Paul specifically toward slaves and their relationship to their masters, but of course it applies to us as well. I’m often guilty (this past week in particular) do doing things grudgingly rather than heartily. Whether it’s for your master, your employer, your spouse, your in-laws… do it heartily. Your mind has a lot of control over your emotions. If you make that choice, not only will you be honoring to God, you’ll do a better job and be happier for it.

Props to Jammies for finally posting after a bunch of EHing from all sides! Heads up, Big Ballers… I think the balance may be headed your way on Thursday. I’ll start the handful a bit smaller so we can get more in!
Don’t forget the Alcoa CSAUP 2/24

Looking Back

THE SCENE: I Bomb Shelter, clear skies, light wind, 27 degree F.
WARM-O-RAMA:  Locomotive Breath by Jethro Tull

  • Baby arm circles – 20x both rotations
  • SSH 20x – 4 count
  • Tempo Squats – 20x
  • Tempo Merkins – 20x
  • Imperial Squat Walkers – 20x

THA-THANG:  Whipping Post by The Allman Brothers Band Live at the Fillmore East

  • Indian run to Mt. Crumpet (2x sprint to front)
  • Mt. Crumpet workout – 5 trips up (run, Bernie, run, bear crawl, run), 5 burpees decrease to 1 burbee at top, 2 BBS to 10 BBS (increase by 2 each trip) at the bottom of the hill, mosey down each trip.
  • Mosey to fountain center – 10 dips, 10 merkins, times two reps
  • Mosey to Grinder stopping halfway for 10 BBS and then 10 BBS at Grinder
  • Grinder workout – 10 bench hops, 10 merkins, 10 dry docks, 20 dips. Each one separated by running length of the grinder for 20 SSH then back.  (Two repetitions.)


  • Hello Dolly’s in cadence 20x
  • Leg lifts/box cutters on command
  • Bicycles
  • Superman/Banana
  • Little baby crunches

17 including FNG “Tinkle” and renamed PAX “Pup”
I read my response to an email chain with a former boss from April 17, 2003.  Towards the end he asked me if I missed my days as a volunteer baseball and soccer coach and the days when my children were still at home.  In it the following thoughts and points were presented.

Do you miss the past? Do you wish you had done things differently?  Do you find joy in the here and now?

What we make of life is mostly above our shoulders.  How much better would it be if we let our hearts rule!  How much better would our memories be if we just let our hearts have more influence and be less selfish!

The impact the parents have on their children and their children have on parents is a blessing.  Parents are teachers, bosses, and friends to them but the emphasis must be on the first two.  They can find friends elsewhere but they can’t find other parents.  What a joy it is when their is mutual respect especially as they reach adulthood.

Strive to live in a way where the need to “go back” doesn’t exist, where there is satisfaction in the past.  Look forward to the next bend in the road or the crest of hill knowing that the days of the past will help us face it.  Live by faith with Spirit and Truth.

I am so thankful that I have joined up with F3.  I am thankful that my son, I-Beam, thought to invite me, to have faith that I could endure this.  I look forward to the Fitness, I have come to cherish the Fellowship, I am blown away by the Faith that I have come to experience with F3.  I don’t know how long I will be physically able to stay involved but I do know that whether it is 1 year or 5, I will look back with great satisfaction knowing that this time will help me face the future.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
CSAUP February 24, 2018


THE SCENE: Just 30, but with the breeze it feels colder than some of those single digit mornings the last couple of weeks.  Nice coat of snow on the grass, but the pavement’s all dry.

SSH x20 IC
Warmup lap around the parking lot
TN Rocking Chairs x20 IC
Tempo Squat x15 IC
LBAC x15 IC fwd and back
One more warmup lap
Monkey Humpers x15 IC
Snot Blowers OYO


Five 50/50s on all the beautiful snow-covered turf fields of the luxurious Truck Stop. And one parking lot.

50/50s: Sprint 50 yards, do 50 reps (25 of each exercise), sprint 50 yards, do 50 reps

Mosey over the bridge (carefully… It’s covered with snow but not really slippery) to the lot beside the Watt Road field for
50/50s: Pickle Pounders/Gas Pumps

Mosey back around to the soccer field nearest the AO for
50/50s: Carolina Dry Docks/Ice Skaters

Back to the parking lot for
50/50s: Big Boys/Dips

To the upper field (15 impromptu body weight rows at the new outhouse along the way) for
50/50s: Merkins/Squats

Watt Road field for
50/50s: 4-ct SSH, 4-ct Imperial Walkers

Final mosey around the park to pick up the Weinke pieces, back to the AO for some Roll Your Own with the exercise D12.
2 rolls for everyone, to the best of my memory, it went something like:
-20 Iron Mikes
-15 Crab Walk Toe Touches
-10 Squat Jumps
-15 Burpees
-15 Star Jacks
-1 minute Jump Ropes
-15 Merkins
-15 Calf Raises
-20 Iron Mikes
-15 Burpees

15s Star Gazers after that last set of burpees…
Roll over for 15 Side Crunch IC both sides
A little bit of Protractors
25x LBC IC
AMRAP Merkins for the last minute!
5 HIMs this morning, no FNGs
I recently got the opportunity to get some constructive feedback that brought about a bit of an internal struggle for me between my ego and my rational mind. My ego wanted to go straight to being defensive or make justification/excuses for what needed improvement, but that is totally the wrong reaction. I had to take a step back mentally and make the decision to flush that ego down the toilet and open up to that feedback. Without that, I can’t improve. We’re all here in this relationship as HIMs and in our daily lives to help one another get better… Be careful not to let your ego get in the way of that process.
PAX moved fast in the cold today. Blew right through the 50/50s. Great to have Tank show up at Coffeeteria!
Alcoa CSAUP Feb 24!

Ribbed 66

THE SCENE: It was a balmy 49 degrees with a little mist as 18 men gather together for a BOM

Tempo squats 15X
Baby Arm circles (forward and backward) 15X
Some of these and those

Two lines and we Indian ran to the middle of the parking lot around the restaurant. We stopped at the break that runs down to the boat ramp and started with 11s. 10 Carolina Dry Docks and run to the other side of the split and do 1 Big boy sit up and rinse and repeat all the way down.

  • Ribbeds 66
    • lunges to the next light pole
      • 10 Burpees
    • Berny sanders to the next light pole
      • 10 Star Jaxs
    • Reverse Lunges to the next light pole
      • 10 Burpees
    • Sprit to the end of the parking lot
      • 10 tempo squats
  • Mosy to the AO stopping to do incline merkins 15X
    • 20-yard increments we did the following:
      • Bear Crawl to one side then 10 Big boys situps
      • Bunny hope to one side then 10 tempo squats
      • lunges to one side then 10 stare jax

Circle up

  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Box cutters

18 men: LaZyBoy, Bartman, Butters, Scutter, Pogo, Frosty, junk, waxjob, Mayberry, sparky, detention, compost, abacus, shooter, Frenchie, ibeam, booger, ribbed.

Thank you all for your example and faithfulness. It’s been a year since I started working out with F3, its because of all you men that keep asking me where you been, that I keep coming. As I look to goals for 2018 I look to lead at f3 at least once a month.