F3 Knoxville

The Pavilion Grinder

THE SCENE: 72 degree Hot Box

25 SSH on the 4ct

Tai Fighters x10 L and R

Tempo Merkin x10

Curb for Rocky Balboa’s x20 Mosey to other end of lot for 12 4ct Plank Jacks, Back down for some “This and That”, Butt Kickers to mosey to Pavilion
35 Minute Timed Workout

  • 1 Min SSH
  • :30 Al Gore
  • 1 Min Burpee
  • :30 Plank
  • 1 Min SSH
  • :30 Wall Sit
  • 1 Min Burpee
  • :30 OH Claps
  • 1 Min SSH
  • :30 Squats
  • 1 Min Burpee
  • :30 Plank
  • 1 Min SSH
  • :30 Wall Sit
  • 1 Min Burpees
  • 2 Minute Run
  • 1 Min Table Row
  • :10 Sec Rest
  • 1 Min Dips
  • :10 Sec Rest
  • 1 Min Merkins
  • :10 Sec Rest
  • :30 Table Row
  • :10 Rest
  • :30 Dips
  • :10 Rest
  • :30 Decline Merkins
  • :10 Sec Rest
  • 2 Minute Run
  • 1 Min Wall Sit
  • 10 Sec Rest
  • 1 Min Squats
  • 10 Sec Rest
  • 1 Min Step Ups
  • 10 Sec Rest
  • 2 Min Run
  • 1 Min Flutter Kick
  • 10 Sec Rest
  • 1 Min Box Cutters
  • 10 Sec Rest
  • 1 Min Big Boys
  • 10 Sec Rest
  • 2 Minute Run
  • 1 Min Seal Claps
  • 1 Min OH Claps
  • 30 Sec Seal Claps
  • 30 Sec OH Claps


No Time
It’s easy to get into a workout and make it about us.  How hard it is for us.  To think about ourselves.  We do it too often.  Encouraged each brother to look outside of themselves.  To reach out to another brother today.  To check in.  To say they had their 6.

Asylum Tour

THE SCENE:  Swampy

Start with SSH x25 on 4ct, Tempo Merkins x10, Plank Jacks x10, Mosey to Curb for T Fighters x12 R Mosey to other side to finish them out. Mosey back down for Rocky Balboas then …

Mosey to the front of the Asylum for a little 5 burpees at every other lightpole.  Ended up with 9 light poles, so 45 burpees.  Mosey to steps up the Asylum for 25 4ct calf raises on steps, Mosey to Overlook for 2 rounds of 20 merkin, 20 carolina dd, 20 4ct flutter, 20 squat (run a lap after first set, SSH after second)

Next we did 7’s on the west side of the overlook doing burpees and 4ct LBC’s.  Running form middle of overlook to trash cans.  When done, down to steps for 25 more 4ct calf raises.  Mosey to stop sign for 20 merkin and 20 dd’s.  Mosey to crosswalk for 20 4ct flutter and 20 squats…then mosey back to AO.

Had time for some Freddie Mercury and LBC’S

Remember that the third F is an action as well.  Just like the first two.  Let people know our faith because of our actions.  Live out your faith.

Four Corners @ Shamrock

  • Welcome: All are welcome – those who come are awesome!  Welcome to the Jungle!  I’m not a professional, but neither are you, so lets go have some fun! By the way, it was  a perfect 70 degrees this morning.
  • Warmup:
    • Merkin to chest – Arm shake
    • Squat with leg shake
    • First Corner of parking lot :25 Merkins
    • Second Corner of parking lot :50 LBCs
    • Third Corner of parking lot: 75 Squats
    • Fourth Corner of parking lot: 100 SSH
  • Workout:
    • Repeat the warmup for every parking lot on campus.
    • We ended up doing 500 SSH, 375 Squats, 250 LBCs, and 125 Merkins.  (we did throw in some CMU exercises for good measure too).
  • Warmdown:
    • 50 Freddy Mercuries
    • 25 Hello Dollys
    • 25 Scissor Kicks
    • Leg Lift Holds
    • Ring of Leg Fire
  • Wrapup:
    • Fruity Goals: Bored?  Need direction? Need a goal?  Pratice fruit! Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, faithfulness, Gentlness, Self-Control.   Sounds silly to Practice fruit. But do it. Pick one today, add a little focus to your goal.  Write it on your hand.  Write it on a sticky.  Nudge yourself in that direction today.  Put effort into that thing. Be intentional about it. Go outside your comfort zone.  The reality is that it is difficult and you will fail if it’s just you trying.  So before you start on your chosen fruit of the day, ask God to nudge you in that direction.  Ask Him to fill you with more of it today.  Ask Him for help in exercising that new muscle.  You are His and He is yours.  Partner with God and His Holy Spirit today in practicing fruit.  At the end of the day – review your Fruity Goal.  How was your nudging? How did God do as a partner?  Share how it went with someone or write it down.  Now repeat that every day.  🙂
    • But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24 Now those who [a]belong to Christ Jesus crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
    • But what happens when we live God’s way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard—things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely.
  • Announcements

Life, the Universe, and Everything

THE SCENE: A bit cooler than it has been recently. Might rain… (but it didn’t)

SSH x42 IC
Cherry Pickers x4 IC
TN rocking chairs x15 IC
Cobra burpees x4 OYO
Regular burpees x2 OYO
Crabettes x10 IC

Pax has a choice: “42” beatdown at the AO, or “Over the hill” beatdown at the boats.
“Over the hill” won by a landslide (over Choirboy’s warnings), so let’s grab a CMU and head off!

Stations are set up by the hill with the boats. First station is the timing station – Carry the 90lb sandbag up and over the hill, coming back around by the road.
Remaining stations are AMRAP:
Twist lunge
Tricep extensions
Calf raises
Up & Over Merkins
Ice skaters

Didn’t think about the fact that our FNG may not know the lay of the land… He ended up taking a wrong turn, and we had to send out a search party. He was 80% named at that point (Waldo). The W got changed to a B during the COT due to cranial physique.

Out of time today. Thanks Abu and Tank for teaming up to bring the sandbag back to the AO!
11 helped YHC kick off the 43rd trip around the sun. Welcome to FNG Baldo!
Short word of gratitude to the PAX for the fellowship, encouragement, help, and accountability over the last four years
Thanks to everyone who brought blowers to clean off the AO. Not sure why everyone then decided to leave the AO for the beatdown…
Hardship Hill coming up – Sign up! Plus help build some obstacles.
Off the Chain on the 21st!

Shamrock – Clock_Merk

THE SCENE: 65 cool temps, but lots of sweat inducing humidity

Side Straddle Hops 20-4 count

5 Merkins

Cherry Pickers: 5 (on #5 Mermaid released an impressive amount of stomach tension)

10 Merkins

Tie Fighters

15 Merkins

High knees – about 30 seconds while we awkwardly smiled at each other 

20 Merkins


Mosey to pull up bars

1 rule: If you are not doing pull ups….you are doing smurf jacks or mountain climbers. Go for about 10 minutes. 

Mosey to the school stairs. 

Run up and down, then do clock merkins. (20 total merkins each round)

Repeat the cycle 5 times for 100 merkins total. 

Run to CMU pile. 

25 Curls (for the girls)

50 Block press

50 windshield wipers (Curveball realized he was set to “Intermittent speed” 

Hold CMU above head and do mini bounce squats ( some called it twerking ) 

We did this cycle twice. 

Mosey back to AO flag

Flutter kicks 20×4 and 30 seconds of calf raises
Osteen, Cheatsheet, Mermaid, Curveball, Waxjob, Jitters, Dumpster Dive, Paper or Plastic, Betty, Anchorman

Proverbs 3:5-6 5

     5 Trust in the Lorde with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding;

6 in all your ways submit to him,

and he will make your pathsf straight.


A big reminder that we need everyday. We need to stop trying so hard to figure things out on our own. Stop trying to fix everything. Submit to Him and He will make it work.


Prayer requests; teachers, sick and shut-in, Mermaid’s uncle who is likely dying without family being able to visit and other family members with medical issues.