F3 Knoxville

Brickyard Year 3

THE SCENE: Partly Cloudy, 38°F, Feels like 37°F, Humidity 96%, Wind 4mph from WSW

  • LBAC x10 Each Direction IC
  • Little of This, Little of that
  • Tempo Merkins x10
  • Tempo Squat x10
  • Imperial Squat walker x15


  • Mosey to the front curb
    • Brickyard Bear Crawl (ascending bear crawl 1 to 13 merkins)
  • Mosey to back lot
  • Kraken
    • After completing an exercise at the station, full lap to next cone
    • Station 1: Squat, Jump squat, smurf jack x 15
    • Station 2: BBS, LBC, Flutter (4ct), x 15
    • Station 3: Merkin, CDD, Shoulder taps x15
    • Station 4: Mtn Climbers, Peter Parker, Hello Dolly x15 (all 4ct)
  • Ascending Lt. Dan from near cone to far cone (1 squat 2 lunges forward, 2 squats 2 lunges, etc.)
  • Mosey back to AO


  • Hurricane Hoedown:
    • Flutter kick with arms up x20 IC
    • Flutter kick incline position x20 IC
    • Flutter kick & BBS, 1 BBS to 4x 4ct Flutter, 2BBS 8x 4ct flutter to 5 BBS and 20x 4ct flutter


Three years ago Dec. 2, 2017 A-Rod took a chance to start a new AO for F3Knoxville in Powell, TN. In that COT, he stated that as men we were not designed to operate alone. We need a community and to work together. Three years later, the Brickyard AO is still here and we have come together. We have added and lost men over the years, but we are not the same as we were the first day we stepped out. Part of the ideal of F3 is Iron sharpening iron. At the Brickyard, we may not speak in the most politically correct ways but we push and help one another to be better. I know that I am a better man for coming in the gloom and being shoulder to shoulder with these PAX. A-Rod had a prior commitment today (rucking long distance with 60lbs) so he asked if I would share his words as well:

Three years ago I started this AO and knew only one FNG was going to show up. I knew other F3 men were coming from other AOs to support me, but didn’t know if there would be any turnout. I was pleasantly surprised! Not all who helped start Brickyard are still participants, but we have a very strong group that show up and that encourage each other. Thank you for making F3 Brickyard the fun and challenging AO that it has become. Thank you for supporting me and now Herbie as we lead you. Continue to make this AO great by volunteering to lead and bring others out with you.
Brickyard was made by a normal (barely athletic) guy so that other men could find friendship and better themselves physically. It has worked but only because of your involvement. I look forward to steering our way through 2021 as a group and supporting each other through the coming challenges of the year.
Thanks again for your commitment!
Strength and Honor


Jan. CSAUP at the Asylum more info to come.

Outsourced faith

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

15 SSH, 10 Imperial walker, 10 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo Merkins, 15 Moroccan night club, 10 tempo squats, 5 cherry picker
Assemble at the nearest corner. The four corners of the combined parking lots where the cars are and the shovel flag were used for our four workout stations. Spread out as needed between two corners and start the work: 10 4 x 4’s.

Mosey to JUCOmanjaro. We used the white marks as stopping points for exercises. The following exercises were performed at the stops, one per stop. Repeat list to the top.

  • 5 Prison cell merkins burpees (see exicon) (1st stop)
  • 20 Merkins (2nd stop)
  • 20 squats (3rd stop)
  • 20 flutter kicks (4th stop)
  • Repeat once and then mosey to the top

At the top, do another round of the exercises until the 6 gets in. Mosey back down stopping at various places on the way down. We did 10 burpees and 20 diamond merkins. On to the shovel flag.

No time
17 crushed it this morning!
I would venture to guess that most of the PAX attend worship services at a local church on at least a semi-regular basis. How many of that same group study the Bible daily on their own? How many serve others regularly? How many teach others the Word of God?

My M and I have had discussions in the past about the danger of outsourcing our faith. Do we rely on the leadership of the church to perform all the work? Do we rely on them to do all of the Bible studying? What about serving those in need? Unfortunately, YHC fully admits to this happening a lot in our house. I don’t spend time in the Word as I should and I don’t serve God the way I should around the community.

This is something that I am working on. If you have the same struggle, I encourage you to work on it and reach out for help. Help those around you to be accountable as well.
Had to audible the workout. When we finished the 4×4’s, we were supposed to repeat the four corners with Prison Cell Merkin Burpees, but YHC quickly realized that we would not even close to have the time for them. My gift to all of the JUCO PAX today.
Boys and Girls club workout Wednesday. Two Rivers church service opportunity this weekend.

Haulin Cube

THE SCENE: About 25 degrees

  • 5 x Burpees
  • 15 x SSH IC
  • 5 x Burpees
  • 10 x Imperial Squat Walker IC

Do each of the 6 exercises, lunging in-between each station with your CMU. After completing all 6, run to the end of the troll bridge for 10 Body Builders. Rinse and Repeat.

  • 5 x Mr. Spectacular
  • 10 x Thrusters
  • 15 x CMU BBS
  • 20 x Spider Curls
  • 25 x Merkins
  • 30 x Calf Squats


  • 20 x Hello Dolly IC
  • 20 x BBS OYO
  • 20 x CMU Flutter Kicks IC
  • 20 x BBS OYO

17 braved the cold! 1 glass cutter!
I wanted to thank everyone in F3 for leading as great examples of what men should be. I grew up without a father figure in the house, so becoming a father myself was something I thought I’d always go into blind and figure out along the way. Being apart of this group for a few years before fatherhood was extremely helpful to me, and I’m sure it’ll be helpful to many others in similar situations. #ISI
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Ruck PT

THE SCENE: 40, cloudy

Put your ruck on
Ruck 1 mile with sandbag

  • 50 sandbag burpee press
  • 100 curls
  • 50 ruck snatches (each arm)
  • 100 sandbag rows
  • 100 sandbag squats

1 mile ruck
Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

1st Annual Gobbler Challenge

1st Annual Gobbler Challenge

When: 2020-11-26
QIC: I-Beam
The PAX: I-Beam, La-Z-Boy, Junk, Slide Rule, Tweet-E, Waxjob, Zoom, Butters, Wallball, Repeat, Frosty, Unibrau
3 FNGs – Quidditch, Jetta, Compass

Conditions: Gloomy, 57 degrees

Side Straddle Hops x 10 IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Cherry Pickers x 5 IC
Baby Arm Circles x 10 IC

Gobbler Challenge
5 Rounds of KB swings and an exercise
10 KB Swings, 10 Exercise
15 KB Swings, 15 Exercise
25 KB Swings, 25 Exercise
50 KB Swings, 50 Exercise
Run a lap (1/4 mile)

Repeat substituting next exercise

Exercises: Hand Release Merkins, Squats, Bent Over Rows, Rowers, Overhead Press


Thanksgiving. Remember the reason for thanksgiving and give thanks for all that we have and those on our life that support us and make us better.