F3 Knoxville

RAW meets the Dumbee

THE SCENE: Low 70’s….possibly the most humid morning of the summer….ugh…



Mosey from the outhouse to the tennis court fence and back.   OYO stretch as we review the exercises.


  • 8 Stations
    • Decline Merkins
    • Big Boy Situps (30lb ruck sack)
    • Jump Rope
    • Overhead Press (35 KB, 2×25 dumbbells, golden cmu)
    • Curls (30, 25, 20 dumbbells….start heavy and lighten as needed)
    • Tricep press (2x50lb plates)
    • Squats (box of rocks, 2x30lb ruck plates, big cmu)
    • Dumbees (burpees using 15lb dumbbells)

Man doing dumbees is the timer….everyone rotates when he finishes his set.   Round 1 = 15 dumbees.  Round 2 = 10 dumbees.  Rounds 3 & 4 = 5 dumbees.

Finished with a slow mosey to the tennis court and back.


Dealers choice:  v-ups x 20;  shoulder-tap merkins x 20;  side crunch x 15 (per side)

8 strong!    Abscess, Aladdin, Driftwood, Waxjob, Cavalier, Bueller, Tweet-E, Bartman

Talked about Paul’s ministry and how we was bold, yet he also had a plan to engage with audiences where his conversation was likely to be engaging.   We should practice this in our walk as well as we try to reach others with the gospel.  Look for fertile soil where the conversation will be received.   We can be bold and smart at the same time.



  • Truckin to the Pound – Sept 14th
  • Goliath at the Gorge  – Oct 19th
  • Hardship Hill planned for April 2020
  • Iron PAX challenge getting ready to kick off

4 Corners With a Ring of Fire

THE SCENE: Light drizzle early, kinda sticky

The standard protocol


3 count Cherry Picker 10x, 1 burpee, Moroccan Night club 10x, 1 Burpee, Baby Arm Circles 10x, 1 Burpee, Reverse Baby Arm Circles 10x, 1 Burpee

Indian Run to and around perimeter of the large parking lot,

  • 4 corners (William Wallace per the exicon) setup, with CMU in the middle. even teams per corner start with 1 HIM spring to center and perform 5 reps of CMU cleans and spring back to team. Team performs their corners exercise per corner while taking turns sprinting to CMU Center. Once everyone has completed their turn the team then moseys to next corner and begins the new corners exercise while repeating the CMU sprint. corner exercises consisted of Squats, Merkans, Pickle Pumpers and Freddie Mercury.  Once all 4 teams completed all 4 corners The PAX meet in the middle, form a circle and hold an Al Gore. 1 VQ Him does a burpee and sprints around the circle while the PAX holds AL Gore position. Once around circle the next HIM does a burpee and sprints around. After about 4 -5 turns we modified and all HIMs began to perform the burpee with the next sprinter to make for an improvement to the drill. 10 count recover once all around the “ring of fire” and mosey back to the AO

Judge Judy, Trolly, ribbed finished up with a nice variation of core destruction exercises

researched scripture that applies to each F, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith

Fitness = Ephesians 6:11 & Proverbs 27:17

Fellowship = Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Faith = 1 Corinthians 16:13, Romans 1:12 Romans 14:1 & 1 Corinthians 2:5

Prayer request for Judge Judys wife and family
No additional announcements

It’s Audible time in Tennessee

THE SCENE: Football season weathe, not really. Warm and humid

Typical warm up

too dark for original plan and “bull in the ring did not work out so we audibled

Mosey to bleachers: 7’s of box jumps and shoulder tap merkins

mosey to field 3: Bear crawl tag football. Using the soccer box on one end of the field, team 1 has to get the ball across the line before team 2 tags them. Switch and repeat.

Did some sprints.

Mosey to field 2: two teams. suicides on lines. Pitching the ball at least once per line to a teammate.  If dropped all must run back  to start and then go back to where they were before drop. All must pitch and catch the ball.

did some more sprints. Alternated bear crawls and sprints at each cone for full length of field.

Mosey to field 1, split into two teams. One team at one end one at the other. Team must complete a +-20 yard pass to a sprinting receiver while team does merkins.  If ball is caught player returns to team and QB goes to receiver and teammate goes to QB. Once all have caught pass, move to mid field. (If dropped, receiver runs back to end line and goes out again) 2nd pass jump squats,sprint to midfield repeat with  Merkins and jump squatS. First team to get all caught and sprints back to start wins

MARY: no time

12 pax including (not tagged Speedy Smurf and I FNG (Lightbrite)
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Pretty much the whole queue was made up as we went along except The three main things were done, but out of order and I just threw in a bunch of sprints, sevens, and other weird  Things

Remembering Bill

THE SCENE: Dark, mostly cloudy, 71 degrees F, 93% humidity

SSH, Imperial squat walkers, Peter Parkers, Little baby arm circles. Mosey to the bottom of Waxjob Hill.


Waxjob Hill 7’s

Burpees at the bottom

Bear crawl up hill

4 count flutter kicks at the top

Run down to the bottom

CMU SET at the Grinder

x12 each (or as noted) competed sequentially.

Bent Rows, Swings, Triceps Extensions, Upright Rows, Squat Press, Curls, On The Shelf (6 per side), Lawn Mower Pulls (12 per arm)

Run down path to junction with Alcoa Road

Calisthenics at Alcoa Road

x12 each completed sequentially.

Merkins, WWII Sit-ups, Shoulder Taps (4 count), Iron Mikes, Dry Docks, SSH (4 count), Get Ups, Body Builders (8 count)

Run back to Grinder and continue AMRAP.  Most completed two rounds.

Push Pull

Completed two rounds of 10 Pull Ups and 10 Box Jumps.

Protractors, Box cutters, LBCs.

Total of 21 HIMs including 1 FNG (Mitten – Mike Hanlon).  Good to have a couple back at the Bomb Shelter after a break.


April 1974, after touring Alcoa’s TN Operations, I was sitting across from Bill Mueller. He offered me a job prior to my flight back to Beaumont and the last few months of college. He is the reason I moved my wife to East TN two weeks after our marriage. Bill was a good manager. He wasn’t flashy. He was kind. He was giving. He had high expectations. He was a teacher. He had my back. He went before me. He protected me when engineering layoffs came in 1975. I wasn’t one of 7 mechanical engineers let go.
Bill’s personal life was tough. His wife Donna fought brain cancer for several years and the surgeries and radiation left her with significant mental and physical limitations. Bill pulled extra duty raising their three children.  He never complained. He only provided his love, patience, and care. He was devoted to Donna, Jeff, Julie, and Jayne.
Bill gave himself to Habitat in his retirement and has over 100 builds under his belt. His final one was called the Bill Mueller Build. Bill died last Saturday at the age of 91 and was buried yesterday.
I use Bill as an example of someone who has gone before me. Someone who has made my path straighter and less difficult. We all have these kind of people in our lives. Sometimes we realize it. Many times we don’t.  As Cap’n Crunch said after our F3 Convergence, “we all need Paul’s in our life.”  Bill Mueller was one for me.
Today I encourage us all to reflect on the Bill Muellers in our lives and to give thanks. Better yet, if your Bill Mueller is still alive, call him up and let him know just how much he means to you.
Prayers for Daniel, a friend of Flash, as he give the eulogy at a funeral tomorrow.  Prayer for guidance, reconciliation in next steps as one of our HIMs faces the prospect of divorce.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The Mobile Gym at RAW

THE SCENE: 72* Cloudy and 92%Humidity

Be careful I am not a professional


Lets get right to it!

  • 9 Stations with weights and exercises (1200 lbs and over 20 exercises to choose from)
  • Choose your station/exercise and go hard for 1 min
  • When timer goes off choose something heavy to carry up the parking lot and back
  • Rinse and repeat for 40 min


@abscess @Aladdin @Bartman @Bueller @Cavalier @Crossbar @Frosty @I-Beam, @Manilow @Mayberry @Moses @Ratchet @Wall Ball, @Waxjob
Knowledge and Hard-work are important but Attitude is what makes you most successful!
Special prayer for Lady Junk, Herbie, and Michael Silvey’s family (Wall Balls co worker killed in an car accident)

None mentioned