THE SCENE 50 degrees, cool
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Side Saddle Hop ICx20
Squats ICx15
Baby Arm Circle ICx10
Reverse Arm Circle ICx10
Side arm stretch
Mountain Climbers ICx10
PAX moseyed from the tennis courts down to the rockpile with CMU’s.
99 repetitions of the following exercises:
- Merkins
- Squats
- Overhead Press w/CMU
- StarJacks
- CMU curls
- LBC’s
- Flutter Kicks
In-between each set was a run from the AO to the boat dock area – returning to the AO (approx. 2 ½ miles total)
Hello Dolly (Sparky)
Number off and Name-O-Rama
P-nut talked about anxiety and stress. Reflected on the need to give your cares over to God and be thankful for your life, gifts and blessings. Philippians 4:6
P-nut then prayed us out- including a prayer request from Tank.
Lots of mumblechatter from the PAX. Woodshack started us off with lots of wet gaseous noises during warm-ups, followed by his discovery of dog poop in the parking lot. Junk had the line of the day when he described Peyton as a “small package.” It went steadily downhill from there… Great morning with the PAX!