F3 Knoxville

2020 Year in Review – A Blackbast from the Past!


THE SCENE: mid-30’s and sprinkling. Back-up Q in case of rain ready in hand (preparedness is key to leading!)
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – Administered + COVID reminder

The following Q is a compilation of a part of the backblast of the first workout of each month we had this year (no Q’s at JUCO in April). Links included!

-New Year’s Day at JUCO by Mermaid
Karaoke (down to 2nd light pole & back)
Walking Lunges (2x down and back in parking space)

-What Does Frozen 2 & 100 Burpees Have in Common? by Booster
Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
Baby Arm Circles Backward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
Hand Release Merkins – OYO X 10

-Do over with miles and burpees by Ribbed.
5 cherry pickers

Today after all of our exercises we will add a buffer of each PAX’s choice: (this is a buffer added to mesh all of the exercise pieces from various workouts together)
5 burpees / 10 squats / 25 LBC’s
When completed, plank for 30 seconds at the end of exercises.
If you finish the plank before the Q calls recover to move on to the next exercise location, repeat but don’t do the same exercise the twice in a row.

-Mosey toward CMU Pile. Along the way we’ll make some stops:
-4-way stop #1: JUCO RECON MISSION (the post says IC but we did these OYO to allow for more work for those who wanted it)
15 Merkins
15 Squats
15 Plank Jacks
15 Cherry Pickers

-4-way stop #2: JUCOnapolis 500 by Mailbox
20 merkins

-4-way stop #3: Better late than Bernie by Stye
10 Burpees
20 BBS
30 Lunges

-Mosey the rest of the way to the CMU pile: A New Beginning by Booster. 10 x each of the following:
Kettle Bell (CMU) Swings
Goblet (CMU) Squats
Tricep Extensions

-Median’s VQ – by Median (aka Guardrail’s 2.0). Another 10 x each of the following:
(Hello) Dolly
Jungle Boi Squats
Calf Raises

-JUCO circuit by Erector:
5 pull-ups
20 OHP

Mosey to the big parking lot between the Shovel Flag and the CMU pile. IMPACT by Judge Judy:
Pole to Pole: 10-20-30

  • 10 Merkins, Mosey
  • 20 Merkins, Mosey
  • 30 Merkins, Mosey to curb
  • Repeat w/Squats
  • PAX were given the choice to do a mystery exercise or to repeat with Lunges. They chose the lunges so I’ll save this for next

Cold and Difficult Things by Guardrail
Dealers choice – LBC’s, Flutter Kicks, Hello Dolly, & Hillbilly Walkers were done x 10 ea IC and then time ran out!

7 PAX in sprinkling weather

I have a friend who likes to say the following response when someone says “that was unexpected” – like the Spanish Inquisition! (sketch is from Monty Python – it’s clean so you can watch if you like – Spanish Inquisition Part 1Spanish Inquisition Part 2).

PAX were asked to name something unexpected: many difficult things were named. Obviously, 2020 and COVID-19 were unexpected. At least to us. But God has His sovereign hand in it all. He is sovereign over salvation. He is sovereign over sanctification. He is sovereign over everything – including the workout we just did.

The workout we did today was a compilation of pieces from the first backblast of each of 11 months (no F3 in April) of this year. These Q’s are from Mermaid, Booster, Ribbed, Judge Judy, Mailbox, Stye, Booster (again), Median (Guardrail’s 2.0), Erector, Judge Judy (again), & Guardrail. These are posted in the Backblast above. And let me also say that backblasts are very important, and here are the reasons (with full explanation in this link) – So why do we write BB’s in the first place? (and here’s a link for how to post a backblast on the F3 Knoxville website)

1. It documents the actual workout itself.
2. Along these lines, it gives FNG encouragement.
3. It builds community amongst the PAX who posted there that day, and also amongst PAX who posted.
elsewhere so they can see what they missed. Maybe most importantly, it builds community amongst PAX who didn’t post for whatever reason.
4. It gives Q’s (especially new ones) great ideas for their weinke by reading about what other Qs have done.
5. Accountability, which is one of the major factors that makes F3 work, is found in the BB’s in 2 ways (see link for explanation): First – it makes you do what you said you’d do. Second, it shows who posted and keeps a record of it, making others more likely to post.
6. Gives our data people information and stats about workouts and helps us guide decisions on if/how/where/when to add new AO’s.

BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, God has the future in His hands. I will be thinking about and setting yearly personal goals this week. Last year, I set a few & completed some as well Many of you know my story how God exposed my sin to save me. I am so thankful that He disciplined me as a son (Hebrews 12:1-17). But He also gve me exactly what I needed in 2019 and He has done the same in 2020. Our trust in His sovereignty means that 2020 has gone exactly has God has intended, no matter the “regrets”, “wants”, or “hopes” we had, have, or will have. I read the following quote 2x yesterday. 1x from a pastor at my church and another time from Ribbed’s M’s CaringBridge and I want to leave you with this so that you can get perspective and trust on God’s call for you today

“I compare the troubles which we have to undergo in the course of the year to a great bundle of sticks, far too large for us to lift. But God does not require us to carry the whole at once. He mercifully unties the bundle and gives us first one stick, which we are to carry today, and then another, which we are to carry tomorrow, and so on. This we might easily manage, if we would only take the burden appointed for us each day; but we choose to increase our troubles by carrying yesterday’s stick over again today, and adding tomorrow’s burden to our load, before we are required to bear it.” -John Newton.

I sincerely appreciate every PAX who posts a BB. It doesn’t have to be complex or take a lot of time, but I encourage you to be diligent and carry the stick today when you Q- post a BB, add a little more flavor if you’re already posting, and encourage other to do so going into 2021.

The 2021 F3 Q Calendar is now open! #ThanksRatchet #StepUpPAX