F3 Knoxville

Sweet Sixteen and Heading to the Finals

THE SCENE: Cloudy, cool, had rained earlier in the morning

Side Straddle Hops, Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Body Twists
Mosey to top of trail at northern end of park.

Starting at cone we will do Route 66 downhill.  The first to get to the cone at the 11th light should turn around and sweep all men back to the first cone.  The following will be the exercises:

  • Mountain climbers (four count)
  • Squat Jumps
  • Carolina Drydocks

Mosey back down trail until we reach area by Big Tree.  20 Merkins

Mosey to perimeter trail on other side of northern park entrance.  20 Merkins

Mosey on perimeter trail to area below Mount Everest.  20 Diamond Merkins

Mosey up Mount Everest to boulder pile near Administrative Bldg Parking Lot.  Each man takes cinder block weight boulder.  We will do the following exercises with boulders:

  • 20 Overhead Presses
  • 20 Curls
  • 20 Triceps
  • 20 Lifts
  • Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to stop sign on Northeast side of admin bldg.  20 Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey to Pavilion by AO

We will do Totem Pole with following exercises. Exercises to be performed for 30 seconds, adding on another exercise each time until we have done all five.  Then we drop bottom exercise, etc. until we finish with last exercise.  Thus, all exercises will have been performed five times by the time we are done.  The exercises are:

  • Burpees
  • Big Boy Sit-ups
  • American Hammers
  • Picnic Table Pull-ups
  • Bicycle Kicks

Mosey to AO


Sixteen men.  One was FNG whom we dubbed “Notorious.” Another man, “Shakespeare”, is transplant from F3 at Columbia, SC.  He now lives in Knoxville and we welcome him!
The scripture of the day is from Matthew 6: 5-9.

“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love xto stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. yTruly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, zgo into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. aAnd your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

“And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as bthe Gentiles do, for cthey think that they will be heard dfor their many words. Do not be like them, efor your Father knows what you need before you ask him. fPray then like this:  (then the Lord’s Prayer is recited).

When we pray, we do not have to worry about praying with beautiful sentences or big words.  God wants you to be yourself.  God also wants time with you alone.  He made you and desires relationship with you, conversation with you.  Because He wants conversation with you, both talk to Him and listen to Him.  Take time to listen in prayer.  If things happen in your day, ask God what He is wanting you to learn from those things.  What is God trying to tell you?  And remember, when talking to God, that He is Love.  Do not shy away from your father, who created you, who knows you, who loves you.
Coffeeteria Baby!!!

It’s Raining HIMs!!!!

THE SCENE: 40 degrees with a chance of rain


Phiffer and Zygote got 15 HIMs ready to tackle the day!

Side Straddle Hops x 25 IC


11’s at the stage  ( Derkins & Rows )

8 to 1’s in the 11th Street Garage

  • Catalina Wine Mixers
  • WW2 Sit-ups
  • Sumo Squats
  • Flutter Kicks

Abs to finish

15 HIMs accounted for at the big ball this morning.
Matthew 6: 1-18
The PAX kicked some serious butt this morning and got better together! Way to go guys!

Shoulder Day Saturday

THE SCENE: mid-40s – wet ground but we dodged the rain



  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Rockettes x 10 IC
  • Temps Squat x 10 IC
  • 10 Burpees OYO


  1. Mosey to one end of the parking lot.
    • Bear Crawl 11’s
      • Dry docks on one end / Peter Parker Merkins on the other end
      • Always face same direction while bear crawling (crawl backward coming back to start)
  2. Mosey to CMU stash
    • CMUs have gone missing….audible!  Battle buddy up for some DORA.
    • Partner A does exercise below while Partner B runs to bathroom and completes 5 burpees.
      • 200 Squats
      • 200 Merkins
      • 200 Box Cutters
  3. Mosey to paved hill by the playground
    • Backward bear crawl up the hill
    • At top of hill find a spot on the wall
      • 1 minute wall squat x 2 rounds
      • 1 round of single leg wall squat (10 seconds on/off per leg)
    • DORA Calf raises x 200 while battle buddy does 10 pullups on bar
    • Inchworm merkin back down the hill
  4. Mosey back to AO


  • Flutter kicks x 20 IC
  • Hello Dolly x 20 IC
  • Peter Parker

9 total:  La-Z-Boy, Mayberry, Shooter, Sweeper, Deadhead, Landline, Cosmo, Pirate, Bartman


Have your wife’s back.  My wife and I had a fight this week that centered around her feeling that I didn’t have her back in a certain situation.  The scenario had to to with our kids and I basically let her be the “bad cop” without stepping in to help her out.  Lesson of the week:  cover your wife’s 6 at all times!


  • CSAUP event at Alcoa – February 24th
  • Hardship Hill OCR – May 19th.

The Long Lap

THE SCENE: 0530, 30s, not quite character building weather, but not hot either

“Is it going to be warm?” —- “No. But it will be good.”


“Welcome to F3: Fitness-Fellowship-Faith. My name is Steam and I’ll be your QIC for the next 45 minutes. I am not a professional, and you are here on your own volition, which means if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning – feel free to do so but push yourselves and the men around you. You came here to work and get better so let’s get after it.”

1. Side-Straddle Hop (SSH): 25 x 4 (in cadence)

2. Rockette: 15 x 1

3. Cherry Picker: 10 x 4 (in cadence)

4. Slow Baby Arm Circles: 10 x 4 Forward || 10 x 4 Backward (all in cadence)

5. Backwards Lunge: 2x for each leg –> hold for 5 seconds each rep

  • Mosey to Big Ball Amphitheater
    • Flag out front, carried by FNG Daniel Anders (Now “Soot”)
  • PT
    • Assemble battle buddy teams
    • Que hype workout music via bluetooth speaker
    • (1) Each BB team sprints to the top of Big Ball amphitheater
    • (2) Each person executes 8 pull-ups (overhand/underhand)
    • (3) Each BB team sprints around the perimeter of the Big Ball pond = The Long Lap
      • 75% speed of higher
    • (4) Upon return to Big Ball amphitheater stage –> 25 x 4 LBC (Little Baby Crunches)
    • (5) Hold plank position until QIC says “Recover”
    • Rinse & Repeat 5x
    • Mosey American Indian Style to parking lot adjacent to UT’s The Hill
      • Sporadic squats 3x en route
    • Mosey Back to AO
      • Take the Field: Sprint the field separating PAX from Big Ball AO startpoint

11 PAX + 2 FNG = 13 total

PAX: Abort, Cowbell, G-6, Petey, Pfeiffer, Plunger, Quarantine, Rascal, Rousey, Swanson, Steam

FNGs: Daniel Anders – 22 – Soot & Eric – 21 – Stagehand
Hijacking the song “Pray For Me” by Kendrick Lamar & The Weeknd

Hijacking a song = taking a song’s lyrics and “hijacking” them to fit for your own life or have deeper meaning

“I’m always ready for a war again, go down that road again, it’s all the same.” “Tell me who’s gon’ save me from myself, when this life is all I know.” “Tell me who’s gon’ save me from myself, when this life is all I know.” “Tell me who’s gon’ save me from this hell, without you, I’m all alone.”

“Who’s gon’ pray for me? Take my pain for me? Save my soul for me?”

This song spoke on many levels to me. We as men all go face wars every single day that are unique to each one of us. I don’t know what war(s) you’re facing as a man right now, whether tit’s at home, at work, in your relationships or marriage, or wherever that may be for you. Sometimes the wars that we are in the midst of feel like hell, or like we’ve been down this road before, or that we’re all alone.

So when you’re in the midst of whatever war you find yourself in – sometimes you’re fighting yourself – only one thing can save you and make you a better man because of it – God’s grace and love.

Another level this spoke spoke to me through was how much pain Knoxville is in right now. There are so many people hurting because of sickness or whatever else is going on in their lives. High Impact Men make a difference. As High Impact men – let’s continue to pray for our city and share the load and burden that some of our brothers are carrying right now.

Fight the Good Fight & Keep the Faith!

Even more Route 66

THE SCENE: Upper 20s, no clouds, stars shining:  Perfect

SSH x 20 IC

Tie Fighter (in lunge position) BAC x 10, then switch legs and reverse BAC x10, IC

Cherry Pickers X 10, IC

Tempo squats x 10, IC
Mosey to new trail by the new bathroom, Route 66 with burpees up the hill, early finishers wagon wheel to the six to finish up;

Mosey to trail toward basecamp.  Route 66 with BBS, bear crawling between every other light post

20 Merkins on your own, run up Everest.  AG till everyone is up top

Grab a Battle Buddy, one BB gets a coupon from the rock pile and does curls while other BB runs to top of the space station and back, switch off.

Next round, BBS with rock while BB runs again, switch up

Quick mosey back to AO with a stop for some burpees

Gibbler leads in some flutter kicks and box cutters

Finish strong with ATMs

We all struggle.  Embracing that struggle builds character.  Lean on faith and family to help us through, and remember God’s words in 2 Cor 12: “My power is made perfect in weakness.”  And Paul’s rejoinder:  “For when I am weak, I am strong.”

Welcome to our FNG Kentucky.  Will update the tags when he’s in our system

Wesley House this Sunday afternoon at 2 pm, rain or shine.  Bring the M and 2.0s.  We’ll be working out and spending time with the kids and presenting them with the balls we’ve collected.  Thanks to Bowflex and Doubtfire for heading up a great effort.