F3 Knoxville

brickyard invasion JUCO


THE SCENE: Cool  32’F
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  Screwed that up!   10 Burpees


had to get to the Coupon PileMosey– walked  M.A.R.S up 10  and Down 10

Mosey — Imperial Squat Lunger 10

Mosey– Walked     Over head Claps

Mosey — A little of this, that, get some more, do not forget that
With your Chilled Coupon,


Push-ups, straight arm raises, squat thruster, squat, twists

( on paper it looks so easy )


had to get back to the A/O

Mosey — 10 ct LBC

Mosey — 10 ct Bicycles

Mosey — 10 ct Flutter kicks

At A/O gut buster No feet on the deck!

100 Flutter kicks, 75 hello dolly’s, 50 Bicycles, 25 box cutters

Ladder Run the parking lot

27 HIMs Strong
you may not always understand someones path, and seeking out to understand their path may not work.  But know that the lord put you in that individuals path for a reason.  you are given a choice just as everyone else is.  What will you do with your choice.


I call to mind the merciful story of God’s love that we heard today in a spiritual retreat for the clergy.   the Priest speaker said that God knows the struggle of those who are addicted.   He knows that their efforts are flawed and weak.   God also knows that with-in the fog of confusion, there is a soul crying to God for his help.  Like the good thief on the cross, you son will have the chance to hear the words, “Today, you will be with me in paradise.”

-Fr. Val Bartek