F3 Knoxville

If You See Something Good, Learn From It…

THE SCENE: 55 degrees and dry

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
Cherry Pickers
10 tempo merkins
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
Moroccan nightclub 20
10 Windmills in cadence
5 burpees on your own
Side straddle hop in cadence


  • Mosey to the coupons lot w/ the person up front falling off for 2 burpees after a 5 count
  • Partner up
  • 50 thrusters
  • Run stairs 5 pull ups
  • AMRAP / 20 blockees
  • Run stairs 5 pull ups
  • 100 curls
  • Flutter kicks in cadence
  • Repeat
  • Mosey with the person in the back sprinting to the front to wall in the courtyard for step up knee ups 30 total
  • Spider-Man Derkins x 10
  • Flutter kicks in cadence
  • Line up on the curb
  • Walking lunges to the next line 10 merkins
    Bernie back
  • Sprint two lines 2 burpees
    Bernie back
  • Karaoke back to the 2nd line switching directions at the first line
  • Repeat from new starting point
  • Continue
  • Flutter kicks in cadence x20
  • Freddy Mercuries x 20
  • Mosey w/ a Jail Break to the flag.


  • Rocky Balboas on the curb (soccer drills)
  • Kick Flip’s Mucho Chesto

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
If you see something good, learn from it. If you see something bad, learn what not to do.

I believe this is a great mindset… If I would take that advice.

If we put God first, we can do anything we put our minds to. If we put God first, then the challenges we face: public speaking, changing careers, starting over, going for a promotion, being the best husband or father we can be, whatever it is… Our Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, The Hills and the Valleys (nod to Kickflip’s message), the sun and the moon, makes these things seem small, we can accomplish anything. Knowing He’s in your corner and He will help us if we ask Him to, that’s amazing to me.

God gives us victory!

Thank you gentlemen for challenging me! I have nothing but respect for you guys.
“They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly. “
— Psalms 112:8

“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
— Philippians 1:6 NIV
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Hills and Valleys

THE SCENE:  So nice.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

Cherry pickers
Al Gore
Michael Phelps
Down/up dog
Mountain climber

Mosey to the big lot.  Run across.  At each line, turn 90 degrees (i.e., sprint, side shuffle, bernie, side shuffle, etc.)

Flutter kicks


Mosey to the coupons.  Grab a block.  Walking 20 curls, 20 overhead presses, 20 tricep extensions

Line up at the cones in a low plank.  At “3-2-1, Go!”, get up and sprint to the top of the hill.  First person to touch leaves on a tree wins and gets to watch while everyone else does burpees at the top.

Back down the hill.  Winner starts 50’ further back.  Do one block exercise then hill sprint again.
Repeat the sequence – each time adding one more block exercise.

  • 5 plyo merkins
  • 10 block pullovers
  • 15 heavy LBCs
  • 20 lunges (10 each side)
  • 20 single arm thrusters (10 each side)
  • 10 CMU swings
  • 6 uneven merkin T planks (3 each side)

Murder bunny thrusters up the hill.

Walking 20 curls, 20 overhead presses, 20 tricep extensions

Twenty-ones on the steps.  CMU exercise (your choice) + pull ups.

Rack ‘em.


Indian run in two lines.  PAX call out 3-2-1-Go!, last man in each line races up the middle of the lines.  Repeat until we are close to the flag.

Mountain climbers



15 for bootcamp, 3 for rush


It was common in ancient pagan nations to perceive each god or goddess as having a particular domain or sphere of power on earth.  A goddess of fertility…  A god of the forests, or the river… Monotheism was unique and the idea that any god was supreme in all areas was unheard of.

In 1 Kings Chapter 20, we read about the Israelite city of Samaria under attack by the Syrians, a rival nation.  The Syrian king gathered 32 other kings – and brought a massive army to besiege the city.  Against all odds, and with their God’s intervention, the Israelites repel the attack.  The Syrians retreat and regroup to strategize.  Since the city of Samaria is in the hill country of Israel, they mistakenly think that the God of the Israelites must be a god of the hills.  So, they make a new plan, assemble another massive army, and attack Israel again – this time in the plains (where, presumably, the Israelite God does not dwell and has no authority).  Speaking on behalf of God, a prophet tells the Israelite king, “Because the Syrians have said, “The Lord is a god of the hills, but he is not a god of the valleys,” therefore I will give all this great multitude into your hand…” – and He does.  The Israelites rout their enemy in the valley, just as they did in the hills.  The one true God is sovereign over all – He is a God of both the hills and the valleys. 

For me, May 20 is a date unlike any other.

Five years ago, May 20th, my son Caleb was born.  He is a beautiful kid – he is everything that you would want in a son; wicked smart, good natured, daring, funny, creative, kind, loving – he is a great kid.  The day he was born into this world was joyful and exciting and amazing – it was heaven!  May 20th is the anniversary of one of the best days of my life!


One year ago, May 20th, I was heartbroken.  My wife was pregnant again, but this time the pregnancy was not going well.  Several days before, we had been told that the baby had no heartbeat, and we would very likely have a miscarriage in the coming weeks.  We prayed that God would reveal his strength in a miraculous way and the baby would live…But short of that, if we had to walk that terrible road in the next few weeks, we prayed that the miscarriage would not happen on Caleb’s fourth birthday.  But it did.  The day we lost that baby was devastating and painful and raw – it was hell. May 20th is the anniversary of one of the worst days of my life. 

Life’s hills and valleys – the one true God is sovereign over them all.  Life is full of both wonder and wounds.  How does our faith stand up to them?  The “hills” of life can draw us closer to Him in joy and with grateful hearts – or they can arouse in us an arrogance which causes us to forget His presence.  The “valleys” of life can drive us into His arms and onto our knees – or can drive us to curse and blame our Creator with misplaced resentment.

We need to keep working toward having a faith that thrives in both the hills and valleys of life.

Closed with a pair of Pslams.

For when you go through a valley –

Psalm 4: God, you are my righteousness, my Champion Defender. Answer me when I cry for help! Whenever I was in distress, you enlarged me. I’m being squeezed again—I need your kindness right away! Grant me your grace, hear my prayer, and set me free!

For when you are on a hilltop –

Psalm 100: Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.  For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.


This workout and word was inspired by Monday’s great workout and word – offered up by the true HIM, Mailbox.


Prayers for our good friend, Spotter, and for his family

Prayers for Stitch’s family relationships

Prayers for Jordon

What goes up must come down

THE SCENE: Perfection including a beautiful sunrise

Eased Fingerfood back into it with a little reach for the sky and let it hang.   Threw in some baby arm circles forward and back.   Dropped for something new called countdown low plank or something like that.   Held plank and then dropped to 6” low plank hold for 10 count, back up then down for 9 count, etc.   Finished with some Windmills.  By that time Houndog had arrived and we knew it was time to get on with it.

THAT Thang:

Mosey across HV road stopping in front of AnytimeFitness for a few side plank dips, continued our journey over to Mt Juconte.   Started at bottom and gave it all she got to get to the top of the 13.3% grade.   At the top found a few transported coupons and did some curls into overhead presses.   On way back down did a little Route 66 with some Derkins at each tree.   Finished up with 20 Heels to Heaven at the bottom.

Rinse and repeat with Squat Thrusters up top, Squats on Route 66, and Box Cutters on round 2.   Round 3 was again back up…bench press / skull crusher combo, with SSH Route 66 back down and Big Boys to recover.   We were having to much fun at that point that not even Erector would join for Round 4.   But everyone else did as we finished back up top with coupons swings, Monkey Humpers on Route 66 and maybe some other AB work or maybe not..can’t quite remember.   Headed back to the “flag” and waited at the light for everyone in HV to drive by missing out on any extra Mary

No Time…

14 HIMs…13 of who could remember their F3 name.   But we were glad to have FingerFood back even if we had to help him with his name.


Two biggest lies in America….the first one is by clicking this box I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the terms and conditions listed above and number two is our answer to the question “How are you?”  As men especially I think it is easy to hide and avoid sharing feelings, weakness, or hurt.   I am not good about it either, typically because I feel what I am going through is minuscule compared to the challenges of others.   But I do also think it is good to honestly answer that question too as it allows others to be open about their feelings too, especially when you know they are in a rough season.   But I specifically want to do a better job about reaching out to friends that I know are hurting.   Just as we remember birthdays…we also need to remember sad days / challenging times in our friends lives and acknowledge and reach out to them to let them know it’s okay to not be fine on those days too.   

Recently Facebook has reminded me about the anniversaries of loved ones lost and the continued grieving of those closest to them.   I want to be a better friend and family member that I don’t rely on Facebook to remember to reach out to my friends on their sad days.   Let’s remember and practice Romans 12:15 on a routine basis.

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:15‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Prayers for DartGuns Uncle and Survivors friend who is recover from cancer treatments.



Be Prepared for 7-11’s and a Pyramid Scheme

THE SCENE: 56 and somehow no rain during a Pool Boy Q.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – Given. Hopefully we can get make this COVID precaution disclaimer a thing of the past soon.

10 x Moroccan Night Club IC
10 x Tennessee Rocking Chair IC
5 each leg x Forward Lunge
5 each leg x Side Lunge
10 x Tempo Merkin IC
5 x World’s slowest burpee (aka Slurpee!)
5 x each side Rainbow drop
Reach for the sky
Let it hang

Falling Indian Run – Front of the line “falls off” to the side and does squats until the end of the line gets to where you are.

We found a 7-11 on the hillside across the road next to the upper lot corner and just had to stop! We had 3 each rounds of breakfast, lunch, and dinner:

7-11 Bottom (7 reps) Top (11 reps)
Round 1 LBC (4-ct.) OHC (4-ct.)
Round 2 Merkins Squats
Round 3 Slurpees Lunges

A core exercise was led by the first PAX done until the 6 finished the last round of the current meal. A 15-count was given between rounds and a 30-count was given before moving on to the next round.

Next mosey about 50 steps to the upper lot actual big parking lot and the Q asked “who likes Pyramids?” (to no one’s surprise no hands were raised because they knew where I was headed haha).

The 1-2-3-4 Pyramid (see previous backblast: Repeatedly Building a Pyramid):
Bernie to 1. Do 1. Run to Start. Bernied to 1. Do 1. Bernie to 2. Do 2. Run to 1. Do 1. Run to Start. Build to 4 and then go back down.

Big parking lot pyramid – Bernie there, run back
Exercises (x 10)
Parking Spaces Line 1 Tempo Squat
Parking Spaces Line 2 Carolina Dry Dock
Parking Spaces Line 3
Mountain Climber
Parking Spaces Line 4 Rainbow Drop

I’d hoped we’d get all the way up and down from 1 to 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 back to 1 but only got through 1-2-3-4 then had one of the PAX call a core exercise and then recover when the 6 arrived.

Mosey back to the Shovel Flag, 1 wagon wheel. Dealer’s choice until time was called (see the Moleskin for a fun story).

10 PAX including 3 Rushers

I signed up for this Q yesterday evening when there wasn’t one signed up yet. But I prepared it a couple of weeks ago when 5k stepped up and grabbed a Q that was open. Lately we’ve had a bit of Q-lethargy, so I thought having a “pocket-Q” (but really more than just a pocket Q but a fully pre-prepared Q) would be helpful. This is what came to mind when thinking about what I should have ready to say as well as I hope will be an exhortation and challenge to those at any point in the process of consistently taking the next step aka growing in sanctification in Christ in all aspects of life:

1 Peter 3:1515 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,

There are 3 things we can take from this:
1. Diligence & study – We need to be working not only to lead but lead well and develop skills so that we’re prepared for what is coming, not just hanging on to the present day’s troubles but really getting ready for battle:
2 Timothy 2:15 – 15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. (see Jeremiah 12:5 for the extra mile challenge of the OT):

2. Availability – Not only do we need to slow down and have time to be available, but we also ought to consider what we should be doing with even our “rights” to things so that we boast only in Christ and are available for others at a sacrificial point. Paul is an example here for us:
1 Corinthians 9:15 – 15 But I have made no use of any of these rights, nor am I writing these things to secure any such provision. For I would rather die than have anyone deprive me of my ground for boasting.

3. Gentleness & respect – When we are prepared and available, we don’t have to resort to the lower forms of argumentation (and we know this really isn’t argumentation but simply “trying to win or get the other person to stop making an argument), but instead can actually address the higher forms of argumentation. This is why the follow scripture actually cannot be argued with or as v.23 puts it “against such things there is no law.”
Galatians 5:22-23 – 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

Application questions:
Q1. What is the Gospel? Can you explain it in 60 seconds or less when asked ‘what do you believe?’ (see Interpol’s BOM challenge for more on this)
Q2. Are you living in such a way to be asked for the hope that you have?
Q3. How are you doing in these 3 areas of application to giving a reason for the hope that you have?

Several PAX led Dealer’s Choice including Erector who returned from Rush and called out just about every core exercise we had already done today. It was so much fun to see him brainstorming and then he ended up with calling “side crunches” and my 6:15 watch alarm went off and I jokingly called “time!” but then Booster said “I don’t want a 3 pack”. So I let us finish even though it was a *little* bit past time haha. (also Erector after trying not to repeated his “10 crunches on each side” from his ImpromptQ on Monday (way to step up and embody exactly what I talked about today!)

Prayed for Scott (Spotter’s Uncle who’s having a biopsy today so pray for him there), Chaco’s family (sister passed away from addiction), and Wanderer’s son (congrats on your HS graduation, Leonard!)

After this BB guess what I’m doing next? 1. Preparing for my Q at Shamrock on Friday and then making another “full pocket Q”. You can do it too!

Also also, I’m willing to co-Q or do whatever part of a Q you want me to lead just reach out and we’ll jump in the Pool together – get it?! 😀

Convergence at Big Ball June 12th – from Judge Judy:
On June 12 we will have a special Convergence at Big Ball. We will have a workday afterwards at Wesley House. 2.0s (boys and girls) will be invited to both the workout and the work day – to observe their Dads in action. We will workout, then meet at the WH for coffee, food and a speaker. Then we will do some cleaning, painting, landscaping for as long as guys can stick around.

Pocket Q JUCOmanjaro

THE SCENE: a little drizzly at JUCO

15 SSH, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo Merkins, 15 Moroccan night club, 15 Imperial walkers, 10 tempo squats
When you sign up to Q at the last minute the night before, a trip up JUCOmanjaro is always a good choice. Mosey to the base of the hill. Starting at the bottom and at every 4th mark on the way up, perform 15 Merkins and 15 big boy situps (5 stops). Mosey back down. Do another trip up with 5 burpees and 20 squats at each stop. Mosey back down. There wasn’t enough time for a third trip, but we ran to the first cul-de-sac and back down. 15 flutter kicks to catch our breath.

Mosey to the Maple Street shopping center to begin our Mary. 15 Freddie Mercury and run to the next corner. 10 Peter Parker Merkins and mosey to the flag.

10 side crunches on each side.
7 worked hard today
YHC is not a good on-the-fly thinker, but I figured this morning I could share a little summary of some of the reminders that I often need. One of those is being a good example to your children. It is painful to see two spatting children that sound just like you when upset. Remember they are watching you.

The next thing I thought of was the need for fellowship. We get a great resource for fellowship through F3, but we need to take advantage of it. Be courageous and reach out to someone to be that brother you can lean on during hard times. We need those kind of relationships in our lives.

Finally, be ready. The Bible compares Jesus’ return to a thief in the night. We don’t know when He will return, but we need to always be ready. If we have sin in our lives, we need to address it ASAP.
Sign up to Q, so you don’t get punished on JUCOmanjaro!