F3 Knoxville

Double Scoop of Jucomajaro with 44 sprinkles


THE SCENE: 52°, Soaked street, dry skies.  Perfect.

Harry Rockets, Grass Hoppers, 8 Count Merkin, Growing Arm circles front and back, Cross Knee Plank, Mountain Climbers
Mosey to the favorite hill across the street, Jucomajaro.  At every other line did 44 “Sprinklings” of the following

  • N.E.S.W Lunge
  • Squats
  • Merkins (count down and up)
  • Cross Knee Plank
  • Bonnie Blair
  • Dry Dock
  • American Hammer

Flutter Kicks and Ring of Squatting Fire at top.  On the way down did the same exercises.

Once at the bottom, Ran for the top then picked up the 6.

Made it back in time for some Imperial walkers, Hello Dolly, Freddie Mercury


I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live but Christ that lives in me and the life I now in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave His life for me. Galatians 2:20

“The problem with a living sacrifice is that it keeps crawling off the alter.”

I’ve been reading A.W. Tozer’s Crucified Life.  Amazing book that makes it clear that the power of the Christian life comes from dying to self and living for Christ.

But there are so many obstacles and I find this to be so true in my life. I want that verse to be true of me, but there are things we must sacrifice.

  1. Safety
  2. Convenience
  3. Fun
  4. Popularity
  5. Worldly Success

“Fun” stuck out to me, but is worth considering.  We have fun out at our AO, we enjoy fun times with the family.  But not everything is fun.  And living the life God wants for us, Fun can’t be the first priority.

I was convicted as I read this is a Poem written on new years day 1945.  With yesterday being my birthday makes me ponder the year behind and ahead in a New Years kind of way:

With every power for good to stay and guide me,
comforted and inspired beyond all fear,
I’ll live these days with you in thought beside me,
and pass, with you, into the coming year.

While all the powers of Good aid and attend us,
boldly we’ll face the future, be it what may.
At even, and at morn, God will befriend us,
and oh, most surely on each new year’s day

The old year still torments our hearts, unhastening:
the long days of our sorrow still endure.
Father, grant to the soul thou hast been chastening
that Thou hast promised—the healing and the cure.

Should it be ours to drain the cup of grieving
even to the dregs of pain, at thy command,
we will not falter, thankfully receiving
all that is given by thy loving hand.

But, should it be thy will once more to release us
to life’s enjoyment and its good sunshine,
that we’ve learned from sorrow shall increase us
and all our life be dedicate as thine.

To-day, let candles shed their radiant greeting:
lo, on our darkness are they not thy light,
leading us haply to our longed-for meeting?
Thou canst illumine e’en our darkest night.

When now the silence deepens for our harkening,
grant we may hear thy children’s voices raise
from all the unseen world around us darkening
their universal paean, in thy praise.

While all the powers of Good aid and attend us,
boldy we’ll face the future, be it what way.
At even, and at morn, God will befriend us,
And oh, most surely on each new year’s day!

But here is the thing. That was written 1945 by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. In prisons on the first day of the year he was killed for his faith.
We have to be willing to give up our lives for God’s glory. Most of us won’t cash that check, but we need to write it and be willing to.
Show that by giving up
Saftey | Convienince | Popularity | Fun | Worldly Success
Instead set your mind on Christ and be able to, at the end of your life, not just the peak and say with Paul:
I have been crucified with Christ, It is no longer I who live but Christ in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave his life for me.

VQ Friday!

Feb 25: AO scouting at Melton Lake Park, Oak Ridge

Painting Cardinal’s widow’s house.  March 18

Wild at heart retreat: March 24-26 REGISTER HERE