F3 Knoxville

Monday Mashup


THE SCENE: Typical Aug; none of that chapped skin, nice and moist air.

Cherry Pickers, Overhead Claps, Peter Parker Merkins, Mountain Climbers and Snowboarders

Animal movement across the big parking lot: Bear crawl, Crab walk, Frog jump, duck walk, inch worms.   Mosey the rest of the way to the coupon pile. Split up in groups to do 2 rounds of

5 Pull ups, 10 Leg lifts, 15 Big Boys, Wall sits till the group was done and came down together.

while the other half

5 Ausie Mtn climbers, 10 Snowboarders, CPR (Curl, Press, Tricep) till the other group got there.

Grab 2 coupons, Hot lava across the street, CMU carry up the hill for 10 Diamond merkins, 20 Squats and then crawl bear down the hill and bear crawl back up. Repeat Squats and Merkins.

Some work outs on the way back (Heel touches, tricep dips, box jumps/step ups, Planks)  No time for Mary

Welcome @ FNG’s:  Island hopper & Base Salary  (Yes, that’s Commission’s brother, who also happened to crash a fork lift into the base of the building during a safety audit)
Not an easy word today

“bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other;
as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Colossians 3:13″
Makes me think of the Lord’s prayer part that goes: and forgive our sins, as we forgive those who have sinned against us. Matthew 6:12
Quote: “Jesus never focuses on the failure. He focuses on the restoration.” Louie Giglio
Jesus was way harsher on the Pharisees than he was on those ‘living in sin’, caught in adultery or socially outcast b/c life wasn’t together
We need to take this as a reminder to search our hearts for these and others:

  • Pride, Arrogance ​
  • Selfishness​
  • Un-thankfulness​
  • Laziness​, gluttony, gossip, slander, not complimenting our wives and kids
  • Neglecting scripture/ worship/prayer/community ​
  • Putting out hope in: $, job, person, vacation​
  • Harshness & Impatience​, Complaining, Critical Spirit​These things are forgiven and confessing them allows for restoration! Know you are forgiven and in turn forgive others