F3 Knoxville

Pick up your 1 Stick


THE SCENE: 33 and cool

3 Cherry pickers

30 SSH

10 OH Claps

10 Seal claps

5 burpees

mosey to the smoke house and pick up a Coupon, then get a battle buddy and head up to the Basketball court

  • one partner does OHP while the other partner runs to the bearmuda triangle and does 5 squats then runs back and trades positions
    • 3x
  • Ater the three sets are complete one partner farmer carries the Coupon while the other does 10 merkins and catches up to him. The path is up to the Bearmuda triangle and back to the court.
  • Repeat with new excersisers
  • Coupon swings and merkins at the Bearmuda traingle.
    • 3x sets
  • Ater the three sets are complete one partner farmer carries the Coupon while the other does 10 merkins and catches up to him. The path is up to the Bearmuda triangle and back to the court.
  • Everyone mosey’s over to the flagpole
  • 30 hello dolly’s with the coupon over head
  • 5 count star gazers
  • mosey back to the smoke house

5 burpees

Y compare the troubles which we have to undergo in the course of the year-to a great bundle of sticks, far too large for us to lift.
But God does not require us to carry the whole bundle at once. He mercifully unties the bundle, and gives us first one stick, which we are to carry today; and there another, which we are to carry tomorrow. and so forth.
We can easily manage our troubles. If we would only carry the trouble appointed for each day, But the load will be too hear for us if we carry yesterdays burden over again today, and then add the burden of tomorrow to the weight, before we are required to bear it.”
John Newton
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
coffee afterwards

convergence January 7th.