F3 Knoxville

Schedule Your Priorities

The Project

THE SCENE:   56 and drizzly
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

  • Seal claps
  • Burger Squat Jumps *
  • Angel crunches
  • Gas pumps
  • Plank jacks
  • Catalina wine mixer


Mosey to the library quad.  Four corners.  Complete exercises as written – EMOM run a lap around the fountain.  Move quadrants as a group – at the pace of the fastest man.

  • 20 Squat + Box Jump
  • 40 BBS
  • 60 Lunge pulses
  • 80 Merkins

Mosey to the playground – max pull-ups.

Mosey to the amphitheater.  Pyramid.  30 seconds each.  Round 1 do exercise 1, Round 2 do exercises 1 and 2, Round 3, do 1, 2, and 3…etc.

  1. Stretch OYO
  2. Boggart Circle **
  3. SSH
  4. Mountain climbers
  5. Burger Jump Squats *
  6. Gas pumps
  7. Catalina wine mixer
  8. Angel crunches
  9. Plank hip dips
  10. Body builders


Only had time for this week’s plank challenge – 80 seconds


Me and 8 of the best men that I know


The Word this morning starts in Mathew 8… It’s soon after Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount.  He and his follows were in Capernaum, getting ready to leave.  A disciple comes and says, “first let me go and bury my father.” Jesus responded, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead.”  That seems kind of harsh, Jesus.

I was reading in a couple of commentaries – Ellicott’s and Barnes’ – that the word “dead” is used in this passage in two different senses.  The Greek term, nekrous, can mean “dead; corpse” – but it can also be used to express indifference toward a thing; or, rather, to show that a thing has no influence over us.  Roman 7, “dead to the world…”, “dead to the law…” – Romans 6 “dead to sin…” – those all use the term nekrous – to mean “not influenced by”.

So, perhaps, Jesus is using a play on words to say, “Let people who are uninterested in my work – people who are indifferent to spiritual things – let THEM perform routine duties.”  The statement implies… “so that you can spend your time living a higher calling.” Jesus and his band of misfits were healing the sick (!), raising the dead (!), casting out demons (!)…let someone who is not interested in those things do the lower conventional duties (or leave them undone).

Everyone has a finite amount of focus, time, and energy.  We need to prioritize the higher things over the lower things. 

I’m reminded of a Stephen Covey principle, “put first things first”.  He talks about the 4 quadrants that we can use our time – and implores us to convert our Q3 time (where most of us spend the majority of our time) into Q2 time.  In a nutshell…don’t spend all of your time doing unimportant urgent things.  Sacrifice those things so that you can focus on important non-urgent things. 

Here are a couple of Covey quotes;

“Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.”

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”

What are the Q2 things?  Not urgent – but important?  Things like;

  • Spending time reading and praying, because that brings me life and then I can offer my best to others…
  • Spending time playing with my kids, because I know that I’ll blink and they’ll be grown…
  • Making time to make love with my wife (hard with a baby in the house), because otherwise we feel a lack of connection to each other…
  • Going to bed early so you can make the F3 workouts and spend time with your F3 brothers

Challenge:  Sometime this week, sacrifice (or delegate) a routine responsibility so that you can do something that is not urgent – but is important.  I’d love to see you respond to the BB thread and let us know what it is you did.  Something like,

  • “I left the clothes in the dryer for a few hours so that I could play with my kids before they went to bed.”
  • “I wanted to spend more time with my pillow, but I rolled out of bed to make the F3 workout”
  • “I paid a guy to come replace my water heater so that I could spend my Saturday catching up with friends who I haven’t seen in a year.”

Colossians 3:2, “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”


* Burger Squat Jump:  T-Claps to Guardrail for naming this exercise!  A “Burger Squat Jump” is a wide squat, jump and bring your feet narrow, narrow squat, jump and put your feet back wide.  That’s one.  In-N-Out…

** Boggart Circle:  T-Claps to Cross-check for naming this!  It started out as us doing 30 seconds of SSH in a circle…  Impromptu and out of boredom, we started a thing…  One man would call the name of a man across from him, then they would do traveling SSH to switch sides with each other.  Since we did this 8 times total, later versions got crazy with rotating SSH, dosey-doe movements…it was totally riddikulus – which is how it got the name. (Sidebar: Pool Boy likes Harry Potter but hates SSH…I wonder what he’ll think of the Boggart Circle?).


CSAUP this Saturday!