F3 Knoxville

Christmas in July

THE SCENE: Gloomy morning. Rain came in about halfway through

Mosey to the greenway

A throwback to the 12 Burpees of Christmas, we ran down the greenway, with stations at each light post. We ran to the light posts in order, stopping at each one we have passed on our way back to do the exercises. Started at 1, PAX got to around 8 before Q rounded everyone up to complete the exercises at the end that we didn’t get to. Exercises are as follows

1 Burpee

2 Bodybuilders

3 Hand Release Burpees

4 Single Leg Burpees

5 Double Merkin Burpees

6 Tempo Burpees (4 count on way down of Merkin)

7 Iron Burpees (Iron Mike at top of Burpee)

8 Shoulder Tap Burpees

9 Peter Parker Burpees

10 Burpee Broadjump

11 4 count Bearpee

12 Jackees

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Story of a boy and girl. The boy traded his marbles for the girl’s candy, but kept his favorite marble for himself. That evening, the girl was happy with her new marbles, but the boy couldnt help but think that the girl had cheated him as he had cheated her. It is best to approach relationships giving it your all, because if you hold back, you may be less pleased with your relationship.s
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Really more SSH???

THE SCENE: Nice fog had set in, the humidity was as thick as pea soup. Q tired to get some music going, but the mumble chatter filed the air!

  • High Knees down and back
  • Side Shuffle up left back right
  • High Skip – down back
  • Heel Kicks- down back

Circle circle Circle-

PAX forms a circle, size of the circle increased with each round. RD 1 arms length, Rd2 3 body distance Rd 3 hells on edge of the court. PAX used cones to mark their spot.

Each pax moves a 50 lbs ruck around the entire circle using the method prescribed by the Q. Once they get back to their start spot they will deliver the ruck to the next pax using the movement prescribed.  Rest of the PAX is doing exercise prescribed till the ruck gets to them.

  • RD1- Ruck is moved by Bernie around the circle; rest of pax is doing squat jumps. Forward lunge to deliver ruck to next pax
  • RD2- Ruck is moved using side shuffle to the right; rest of pax is doing SSH’s. Side Lunge to deliver the ruck to next pax
  • Rd3- Ruck is moved doing side shuffle to the left; rest of pax did plank holds, squat holds, and SSH’s. Reverse lunge to deliver the ruck.


5 Min EMOM- Burpess and suicides.

  • Rd 1 – 2 burpess, three line suicide ( foul line, three point line, half court)
  • Rd 2- 3 Burpee’s , three line suicide ( same as RD1)
  • Rd 3 – 3 Burpees , Three line suicide ( Same as last two)
  • Rd 4- 3 Burpees, 4 lines ( Foul line, three point, half court, opposite three point)
  • Rd 5- 3 Burpees, 4 lines


Leadership starts with asking questions. The best leaders understand that we empower those we lead by asking questions and being though proving leaders not demanding leaders. I shared an exert from an article on Socratic Leadership. The goal is use questions as a powerful leadership tool. ” Questions can also be used to communicate beliefs, set cultural norms, and push the edges of peoples thinking.”
We recently discovered that my 11 yr old step son has been looking at pornography. As parts this is never an easy conversation. I ask that we have the strength to approach this in a manner that encourages our son to come to us to ask questions not to push him to be afraid.
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Exact Moment In Time

THE SCENE:  70 degrees F, 93% humidity, partly cloudy skies.


SSH, Overhead hand claps, Imperial squat walkers, cherry pickers

Skip, Bernie, Karioki x2 across AO
Circuit 11’s Progressive Light Poles (Always return to start.  Like a Route 66 except the run from starting point gets progressively longer.)

1 T-Merkin/10 Box Cutters

2 T-Merkins/9 Box Cutters

Continue sequence until:

10 T-Merkins/1 Box Cutters

Dora on the basketball courts area using the seven perimeter benches.

Burpees x12

SSH x12 (4 Cnt)

WWII’s x12

Declined Dry Docks x12

Bench Jumps x12 (or 24 Step Ups)

V-Ups x12

Dips x20

ABCs and LBCs to cash out.
9 HIMs plus 2.0 Webelo

Alex Cravens, the Youth Pastor at Butterfield Church in Russellville, Arkansas, recently posted.

Don’t feel sorry for or fear for your kids because the world they are going to grow up in is not what it used to be. God created them and called them for the exact moment in time that they’re in. Their life wasn’t a coincidence or an accident. Raise them up to know the power they walk in as children of God. Train them up in the authority of His Word. Teach them to walk in faith knowing that God is in control. Empower them to know they can change the world. Don’t teach them to be fearful and disheartened by the state of the world but hopeful that they can do something about it. Every person in all of history has been placed in the time that they were in because of God’s sovereign plan. He knew Daniel could handle the lion’s den. He knew David could handle Goliath. He knew Esther could handle Haman. He knew Peter could handle persecution. He knows that your child can handle whatever challenge they face in their life. He created them specifically for it! Don’t be scared for your children, but be honored that God chose you to parent the generation that is facing the biggest challenges of our lifetime. Rise up to the challenge. Raise Daniels, Davids, Esthers, and Peters! God isn’t scratching His head wondering what He’s going to do with this mess of a world. He has an army He’s raising up to drive back the darkness and make Him known all over the earth. Don’t let your fear steal the greatness God placed in them. I know it’s hard to imagine them as anything besides our sweet little babies, and we just want to protect them from anything that could ever be hard on them, but they were born for such a time as this.

Just think about this and then think about what your own kids have already accomplished in life … no matter their age.  In all likelihood, you will think of some pretty incredible stuff.  You will also believe that Alex Cravens post is spot on.  Don’t stop with that, let your kids know how incredible they are.  You might catch them off guard and best of all, you might inspire them to achieve greater things.

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A Hill of a Time

THE SCENE: 65ish absolutely beautiful

SSH IC x 30

Tempo squat IC x 11

Tempo Merkin IC x11

LBAC IC x 20

Mosey to parking lot adjacent to tennis courts. Deck of cards set up. Draw a card and numerical card correlates to number of burpees completed at top of the hill next to school. Come back down and tempo squat waiting for the PAX. If a face card drawn, exercises as follows:

Jack: burpee broad jump to stop sign

Queen: Bernie up hill

King: Lunge to stop sign

Ace: bear crawl —> crawl bear

Mountain climbers IC x 30

Catalina wine mixer IC x 11

Hold iron cross claps IC x 20

LBCs to close out last 30 seconds

10 HIMs including 1 FNG
I have been lacking self discipline over the course of the past month. I have lacked motivation in all facets of my life. I returned to church Sunday and the message really stuck with me. The message was about Ananias in the Acts of the Apostles. Ananias was told by Jesus to restore Paul’s eyesight and ultimately changed the way he lived. Ananias at first questioned whether this was the right thing to do as Paul had persecuted disciples and sought to inflict harm in those early followers of Jesus. However, Ananias was obedient and put his own questions aside and intervened on the behalf of Paul. Paul later became instrumental in spreading the faith across various regions.

Like Ananias, we sometimes don’t want to do things as we all have our own opinions and beliefs. We should strive to be more like Ananias and do those things we might not want to do and reach people when it may seem like a burden to us. Sometimes the end goal is bigger than ourselves alone and can make quite an impact on others as it did in Paul’s life and all those he reached through his ministry. Who has been an Ananias to you? Who can you be an Ananias to you within your family/ work life?

Story of Paul and Ananias in Acts
Welcome Sheets (Alex Hayes)!

Hops in the Hills this Saturday

Round and Round

THE SCENE: Low 60s and beautiful

SSH and LBCs
8 exercises in a big circle.  Start at any cone with your CMU and do the exercise.  When complete move forward 2 cones and complete the exercise and then move back 1 cone and complete the exercise.  Repeat this pattern until recover is called.  While doing this Round and Round by RATT is playing on a loop.
The exercise are as follows and all are x 25:

  • Overhead Press
  • Goblet squats
  • Curls
  • BB Sit-ups
  • Merkins
  • Dips
  •  Dry Docks
  • CMU Swings

Bear Crawl and Crawl Bear, LBCs, and WWII sit-ups
5 HIMs did incredible.
Share F3 with friends because you never know who is listening and might show up.
This was my 1 year F3versary. I’m pretty sure that’s a thing.
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