F3 Knoxville

positive habits and sophomore hill


The Scene

36 and chilly

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


Bear Crawl (F/S/B/S)

Tempo Squat

T Merkins

SSH w/ Silent Count after 5 to 20 (If everyone stops at the same time no burpee penalty)

Imperial Walkers

Mountain Climbers

Skater Hops


Mosey to CMU Pile and grab 2 coupons per person and head to Sophomore Hill

All pax start in the first corner, Granny Shot Drag CMU up Sophomore Hill to the first corner then jog back down to the start and perform the first exercise, run back to CMU and Rifle Carry Across to the next corner stopping every 5 steps for a blockee, then jog back to the start (whichever way you want) and perform the second exercise, run back to your CMU and duck walk with the block down the hill to the next corner, jog back perform next exercise and go find your coupon again, Bernie with block to the next corner and perform the next exercise. Then repeat the sequence until all the exercises are complete.

10 DB Thrusters

20 T-Merkins 

30 SSH w/ block

40 Split Squats (20 E/S)

50 Skater Hops

60 Mt Climbers (2 Count)

70 Shoulder Taps (2 Count)

80 Freddy Mercury’s 

We got through the mountain climbers/shoulder taps when recover was called. Return coupons to the coupon pile.

Hold plank until everyone has returned the coupons. We sprinkled in some shoulder taps while waiting. . 

Freestyle mosey (sprinkling in some karaoke and Bernie’s) toward AO stopped half way for some fist bump merkins. 

Freestyle mosey stopping again for some stinky Freddie Mercurys.  

Continue the mosey then Butter Knife called jailbreak back to the shovel flag. 


Just enough time for some LBC’s and pickle pounders


14 HIM’s


Q1.1 talks about the commitment to accelerate your Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.

Every day we face countless decisions that will either take use down the right path or lead us another way.  We are either accelerating or we are decelerating when making these decisions there is no neutral. The accelerating decisions do not get any easier to make they just become engrained within us. (i.e. getting up and out to an F3 workout)

A HIM needs to develop guardrails in his life to allow for continued acceleration. Guardrails are the routines in our life that allow us to take more action with less thought. We need to develop these positive habits in our life that eventually will automatically happen without any thought. 

The faster the HIM wants to accelerate the stronger these guardrails have to be. The stronger the guardrails are the more momentum we gain in our Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. 

What positive habits/routines do you already possess and what are 2-3 positive habits/routines you can begin to form to re-enforce your guardrails to allow you to accelerate faster as a HIM?

Proverbs 25:28 “Like a city whose walls are broken through is a man who lacks self-control.”