F3 Knoxville

The Pavilion Grinder

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: 72 degree Hot Box

25 SSH on the 4ct

Tai Fighters x10 L and R

Tempo Merkin x10

Curb for Rocky Balboa’s x20 Mosey to other end of lot for 12 4ct Plank Jacks, Back down for some “This and That”, Butt Kickers to mosey to Pavilion
35 Minute Timed Workout

  • 1 Min SSH
  • :30 Al Gore
  • 1 Min Burpee
  • :30 Plank
  • 1 Min SSH
  • :30 Wall Sit
  • 1 Min Burpee
  • :30 OH Claps
  • 1 Min SSH
  • :30 Squats
  • 1 Min Burpee
  • :30 Plank
  • 1 Min SSH
  • :30 Wall Sit
  • 1 Min Burpees
  • 2 Minute Run
  • 1 Min Table Row
  • :10 Sec Rest
  • 1 Min Dips
  • :10 Sec Rest
  • 1 Min Merkins
  • :10 Sec Rest
  • :30 Table Row
  • :10 Rest
  • :30 Dips
  • :10 Rest
  • :30 Decline Merkins
  • :10 Sec Rest
  • 2 Minute Run
  • 1 Min Wall Sit
  • 10 Sec Rest
  • 1 Min Squats
  • 10 Sec Rest
  • 1 Min Step Ups
  • 10 Sec Rest
  • 2 Min Run
  • 1 Min Flutter Kick
  • 10 Sec Rest
  • 1 Min Box Cutters
  • 10 Sec Rest
  • 1 Min Big Boys
  • 10 Sec Rest
  • 2 Minute Run
  • 1 Min Seal Claps
  • 1 Min OH Claps
  • 30 Sec Seal Claps
  • 30 Sec OH Claps


No Time
It’s easy to get into a workout and make it about us.  How hard it is for us.  To think about ourselves.  We do it too often.  Encouraged each brother to look outside of themselves.  To reach out to another brother today.  To check in.  To say they had their 6.