F3 Knoxville

Be Ruthless


THE SCENE:   High 50s and calm.

  • LBAC F/B
  • Seal jacks
  • Projectivator
  • Squat baby pumps
  • Merkin baby pumps
  • Hillbilly mountain climbers


Mosey to the guardrail.

  • 20 dips + 15 derkins + 10 split squats left. Bear crawl to the curb, crawl bear back.
  • 20 dips + 15 derkins + 10 split squats right. Bear crawl to the curb, crawl bear back.

Mosey to Jucomanjaro.  Grab a block.

First, do all exercises and run to Cone 1 and back.

Each successive round, drop the highest rep exercise – and run one cone farther

Exercises were;

  • 40 Tricep extensions
  • 35 Goblet squats
  • 30 Curls
  • 25 Rows
  • 20 Derkins
  • 15 Thrusters
  • 10 CMU swings
  • 5 Blockees


Round 1:  40 + 35 + 30 + 25 + 20 + 15 + 10 + 5 + Run to Cone 1

Round 2:  35 + 30 + 25 + 20 + 15 + 10 + 5 + Run to Cone 2


Round 8:  5 burpee jumpovers + Run to Cone 8



Sprints – winner leads 10-ct of core exercise

Jail break!


15 of the best men that I know

What is something baby Moses and baby Jesus had in common?  In two incidents separated by more than a thousand years, they each survived the mass murder of their contemporaries.  In both cases, a paranoid monarch degreed shortly after their birth that all male babies be slaughtered.  Those in power were fearful of losing that power.  Pharaoh saw that the Israelites were growing in number and decided to cull their population to preserve his reign.  Likewise, after being told that a mighty king had just been born but not yet identified, Herod had all the baby boys killed to protect his throne.

Their strategy was coldblooded and cruel…  Why did they have babies killed?  Because they knew this to be true – that if you can kill something in its infancy, then it never grows to maturity.  It is far easier to snuff something out when it is tiny, because it is more vulnerable.  If that ruthless tactic can be used for evil, then it can be used for good.  Brothers, I want us to steal this strategy away from our enemy and use it to fight our battles.  Every day, we war against sin and temptation.  But what if we could kill them as babies, so that they never grow up to destroy us?   

In Genesis chapter 4, we find Adam and Eve’s sons after they have each made sacrifices to God.  When God favors Abel’s offering instead of his, Cain becomes envious and bloodthirsty.  God meets him in that moment and says, “…watch out, because sin is crouching at the door, ready to pounce on you! You must master it before it masters you.” (Genesis 4:7, The Voice translation).  That imagery of sin… crouching…pouncing…makes me think of a lion getting low in the grass so that his prey either does not see him – or if they do, they think he is just a harmless little thingPounce, you’re dead.

Is there baby sin crouching in your life?  So small that you cannot see it unless you’re really looking… Whimsically tiny and apparently harmless… A little anger?  A little jealousy?  A little lust?  A little arrogance?  Each of these, when it is all grown up, can bring RUIN to a manBe ruthless and KILL that vulnerable baby sin before it grows up and is far harder to kill.

One example from my life:  During a season, I was consumed by a lust for images of fake women.  Mercifully, I’m not fighting that particular battle this week, this month, this year… But here’s something that I’ve just recently noticed.  Every time I open Facebook on my phone, I see fitness videos and pictures.  Three times out of four there’s a woman working out in see-through yoga pants, or a sports bra, or – I kid you not – when I was preparing for this, I opened Facebook and the very first video that popped up was a woman working out in a thong bikini (what kind of person works out in a thong?!).  Baby lust.  Baby sin.  Facebook, “stop showing me crap from this group…”.  It’s such a ridiculous little thing – but I had to snuff it out before that baby lust grew up and enslaved me (again).

God, help me to hate all sin in my life with a righteous and passionate hatred.

Search out the baby sin in your life.  While it is little and vulnerable, KILL IT.  

“You must master it before it masters you.”  Genesis 4:7


Prayers for JJ’s family, for Josh’s family, and for Andrew’s family.

Hat tip to Levi Lusko