F3 Knoxville

See M U? Yes, I See M U, Do you?

The Dog Pound

The Scene: 54 degrees cloudy
F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Warm up:
20 Baby arm circles
20 Rocketts
10 mericans
5 burpees

The Thang:
Mosey to CMU pile.
Mosey to parking lot by rink
Divide into groups of 4
Put CMUs in even stacks on one end of lot. Pax on the other. (50 yards apart)
One team member runs to CMUs and brings them to team however many trips that takes.
Remaining members do:
200 push-ups, 400 squats, 50 burpees
Repeat with all members running to CMU s till 6 catches up on first round.

20 curls-sprint to other end and back
20 overhead presses-sprint & back
10 tricep raises-sprint & back

Indian run around lot while carrying CMU (overhead for advanced) Two groups opposite directions.x2

Mosey to Return CMUs

Mosey to track, two groups run opposite direction doing burpees at each corner 2,4,6,8
10 burpees at end together

Mosey to AO
Calf raises till 6 catches
Bear crawl from fence to cones (30yds) and back and sprint to cones and back.
Repeat 2x

20x Imperial walkers
20x Rocketts
30x LBCs

Kids attitude towards death and heaven. Example of my daughter Molly. We told her about her grandmother dying and that she is in a much better place with God in heaven now and she simply replied: “that’s great! Can I have a waffle now.”
She got it, she simply knew that her grandmother was in a better place, that she is with our father in paradise. A comforting fact that we can bank on as believers.
It can also motivate us to reach out to the lost and help lead them to eternal peace and fellowship with other believers in paradise.