F3 Knoxville

Tabata Chest and Arms



Partly Cloudy, 70 ℉. Feels like 72 ℉. Humidity 100%. Wind 2.1 mi/h from NE.


  • 25 –  4 count SSH
  • Michael Phelps

Mosey to CMU pile stopping a couple times doing 5-6 burpees while waiting for the six.

First activities follow a Tabata timing structure. So, using a phone or second hand or an actual tabata application.

  1.  Tabata timing 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest for 4 minutes. CMU press while laying on ground. AMRAP each of the 20 second work periods.
  2. Mosey about 50 yards out and back.  Shake out the arms.
  3. Tabata timing 3 sets of 3 cycles, 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest each cycle.  20 seconds rest in between sets. Each set consists of a cycle each of:
    1. Standard Shoulder Press
    2. Curls
    3. Overhead Tricep Extension
  4. Mosey about 50 yards out and back.  Shake out the arms.
  5. 10 tempo Merkins on CMU in cadence.  Really slow.
  6. 10 tempo curls with CMU in cadence.  Slowly.  Last 5 emphasizing the negative.
  7. Put up CMUs and Mosey to bleachers.
  8. Run to top of bleachers and back down followed by 25 Monkey Humpers. Rinse and Repeat until six has completed 3 sets.
  9. Up bleachers and down but now with 25 Squats.  Rinse/Repeat 3 times.
  10. Mosey back to AO stopping halfway, grabbing the curb to do 50 heal raises.

Jack Webbs to 10 and then a few ab exercises to handle last couple minutes. (American Hammers, Dolly Parton’s, Freddy Mercurys)

15 PAX


A Prayer for Submission to God’s Will
Lord God, my Refuge, I am frustrated and fed up with life right now. I need Your help. Remind me that You are sovereign and in control. Help me to let go and to trust You. I am sorry for trying to control every aspect of my life and I give over the driving seat to You. Keep me from feeling upset about things I cannot control and give me a new trust in Your promise to work everything for my good. Thank You that You love me. Amen.