F3 Knoxville

Thankful for Friends Like You

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: Cloudy, muggy, low 80’s.

20 Side-Straddle-Hops, 10 Imperial Walkers, 10 Plank Jacks, 10 Twisties, 10 Rockettes, 7 Little Baby Arm Circles and 3 Pterodactyls forwards and backwards, Little of This and That
Mosey to shaded parking lot that is across the street from the parking lot to entry of ball fields.  We will go around the parking lot counterclockwise stopping at each corner to do exercise then move to next corner in the following fashion:

  • Corner 1:  20 Carolina Dry Docks, Bear Crawl to Corner 2
  • Corner 2:  20 Merkins, Bernie Sanders to Corner 3
  • Corner 3:  10 Gas Pumps, Lunge to Corner 4
  • Corner 4:  10 Shoulder Taps (both shoulders = 1), Sprint to Corner 1
  • Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to Pavilion.  We will do 20 step ups on benches of picnic tables where both legs = 1

Mosey to bottom of Cardiac.  We will run up cardiac stopping along the follow areas to do the listed exercises:

  • Curve 1:  20 American Hammers
  • Curve 2:  20 Hello Dollies
  • Curve 3:  20 Decline Merkins
  • Curve 4:  20 Bench Dips

Mosey to parking lot by entry of ball fields.  We will go around the parking lot counterclockwise stopping at each corner to do the following exercises and them moving to the next corner in the listed manner:

  • Corner 1:  20 Squat Jumps, Sprint to Corner 2
  • Corner 2:  20 Squats, Bernie to Corner 3
  • Corner 3:  20 Big Boy Sit-ups, Sprint to Corner 4
  • Corner 4:  20 Iron Mikes (both legs = 1), Bernie to Corner 1
  • Rinse and Repeat.

Mosey to bottom of Mini-Cardiac.  We will Bernie Sanders to park sign, then sprint to top.

Mosey on trail going along the roadway, then turn south toward the stop sign at the northeastern corner of the admin bldg.  We will do 20 Flutter Kicks.

Next, we will sprint to start of rail by road, lunge along rail, then sprint along road until it is close to the Bat House.

Next, we will run at own pace to big tree by road that is north of the bat house then run back and go down the steps by the bat house then run back up to AO.

20 men, no FNGs
Thank You Friends

Thessalonians 5:11:  Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

Gents, I am so lucky to have brothers like you who encourage me.  When my wife went through treatment for breast cancer right when Covid-19 first hit, you guys were constantly giving my words of encouragement, offering to bring me food, and sending messages to me.  When I had my hip replacement surgery last year, you guys were encouraging me again.  Now, I will be having total shoulder replacement surgery this Thursday.  I know some of you guys have already been praying for me.  It is so good to have strong men, brothers, like you who are keeping my six.  I am going to miss the F3 workouts for the next three months.  Of course, I will be jabbering on Slack as soon as I am out of treatment.  I will be coming to Asylum PM “board meetings” as soon as I am able.  And, when I am able to walk or ride a bike, I will be meandering around the Asylum while you guys are working out.  Praise the Lord for brothers like you.  Thank you God, for the boost in my life that my F3 brothers continually give me.
Prayers for Crispr’s friend, for Pop-a-Top’s friend’s mother, for Abacus’ mom, for Lilydipper’s surgery, and for the upcoming F6 Dad and Child campout.
Dad and Child Campout coming soon.