F3 Knoxville

Bears and laps

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: Super muggy, humid and gloomy
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  – No FNG’s so it was brief

Split Jacks, high knees, butt kickers, Rockettes, some yoga and stretches.  Bernie up baby Everest.

-So, I wanted to do something terrible.  Went to the newest path on the NE part of the park.  First light pole – 5 dive bombers, bear crawl to the next light pole, jog to next light pole and start the cycle again.  We did this until we reached the road.

-Jogged to the Overlook.  Did 25’s with merkins and BBS, did a lap around the oval in front of the admin building between sets.

-Back to the AO.  Bear crawl 360 down the parking lot, then Super Mario back, then Frankenstein back again.

– Finished off with a super terrible Ring of Fire that was Al Gore/Jump Squats.  Kinda like a failure to launch.


Did 10 O-Rings in each direction in honor of the failure to launch.

16 Pax, no FNG’s.

Jesus gave us the parable of the seed and the mustard tree to show us that we are all works in progress with small beginnings and then a final fruitful glorious form.  Realize that growth, difficulties, change is all part of God’s plan for us.  Ignore words of discouragement if your path is currently not what you’d like it to be, listen to the words of encouragement as you move forward.
We prayed for Katie who recently had bypass surgery.
Safe Haven still needs donations.  CSAUP coming up at Dog Pound.