THE SCENE: 60s…warm
- Merkins IC x10
- Tempo Squats IC x10
- SSH IC x 20
- This/that/these/those/Michael Phelps
- Grab a battle buddy & mosey to the tennis court
- DORA: 100 Burpee, 100 Iron Mike, 100 Big Boy Situps
- Running partner bear crawl forward across the court & crawl bear back
- Mosey to hockey rink – keep your battle buddy
- DORA: 100 Merkin, 100 Squats, 100 Little Baby Crunches
- Running partner runs to the other side of the rink & back, stopping for 2 burpees each time they cross the center line
- Mosey to Pee Rocks – same battle buddy
- DORA: 100 Curls, 100 Overhead Press, 100 Tricep Press
- Running partner runs to the grass & back
- Box cutters x 25
- Freddie Mercury x 25
16 total: Ratchet, Onesie, Respect, Frosty, La-Z-Boy, Shooter, Tweet-E, Bowflex, I-Beam, High Heels, Sparky, Squirt, Flute Loop, Toto, Abacus, Bartman
Proverbs 13:20 – Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.
Who are you walking with? Who are you spending time with? The proverb isn’t saying you always have to be with people who are smarter than you….it says to associate with those who are wise. These are people who are seeking Christ in their life. These are people who lift you up and edify you, rather than tear you down. These are people who are honest enough to tell you when you’re wrong. So….who are you surrounding yourself with?
Hardship Hill is 2 days away. Pray for safety for the teams and for a good time to be had by all.