F3 Knoxville

Feeling Froggy


THE SCENE: 73 degrees and breezy


Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


10 Baby Arm Circles (Forward and Backwards)

10 4-count mountain climbers

5 froggy merkins

10 tempo squats

10 4-count high knees

5 count motivator


Break into 4 groups and Indian Run to the CMU pile/stairs 

12 minutes 

1’s and 2’s will grab CMU and go to the starting line 

2’s will be performing CMU OH carries chalk line to chalk line (2 blockees at far line) switching sides on the way back

1’s will do CMU thrusters until 2’s complete their OH carries 

Switch when carry crew gets back to starting line.

3’s and 4’s will go to stairs

3’s run to the top perform 25 merkins and 25 SSH then head back down

4’s at bottom of stairs 10 shoulder tabs and 10 mountain climber taps until group 3’s returns then switch

Groups will switch at the 6-minute mark


Run Indian (Bernie Indian Run) to F2 parking lot for some small group fellowship

12 minutes

Groups from previous exercises will circle up (6 ft apart) and assume the plank position and one at a time will perform the following exercises while the others plank working their way around the circle. When finished with an exercise all members of the group must run and touch a tree. 

5 burpees

10 lunges

10 4 count flutter kicks

5 froggy merkins

10 monkey humpers

10 imperial walkers

**Repeat if group finishes before time/Everyone got about 2 rounds


Mosey to F3 parking lot

5 minutes 

Bear crawl width of the parking lot then perform 10 squats

Froggy jump width of the parking lot back then perform 5 BBS

No Time

16 + 7 for rush (1 FNG but he left before we could give him a name) + 1 observer


Romans 8:28

”28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

We see the greatest example of this in the cross. The most broken and twisted thing imaginable—the murder of the Son of God—became the greatest good thing the world has ever known.

With everything going on and the world seemingly breaking around us, it is hard to see things working out for good but we can trust all of God’s promises. Because of this, we can have hope for the future. 

F3 has changed my life over the past 3 months and I had a blast VQing. Thank you all!