F3 Knoxville

Philippine Independence Day

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: Gloomy with a temp of high 70s. Anticipating the rain but fortunately did not drop. Instead of the usual meetup place, gents met up in the Lakeshore Shelter which is on top of the south parking lot near the Chapel.


Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community.  I’m Jetlag and I will be your Q today.  I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history.  Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse.  The goal is to get better together!


Warmup: 12reps on a 4ct

  1. Windmill
  2. Side straddle hops
  3. Baby arm circles
  4. Reverse baby arm circles
  5. Plank jacks
  6. Plank front reaches

Workout 1: 2 rounds 12s in cadence at the Lakeshore Shelter

  1. 12 pullups
  2. 12 merkins
  3. 12 rows
  4. 12 shoulder press
  5. 12 biceps curls
  6. 12 triceps extensions/dips
  7. 12 step ups

Workout 2: Basic suicides in the parking lot
4 stations: 4 burpees each x 12 squats at the baseline
Finish with 12 burpees at the other end of the parking lot

Workout 3: 4 rounds in cadence at the driveway going out the parking lot

1. Start: merkins 4ct
2. Stop sign: mountain climbers 4ct

Workout 4: Around the Chapel 12s 4ct

  1. 12 Side straddle hops
  2. 12 squat jumps
  3. 12 butt kicks
  4. 12 frog jumps
  5. 12 high knees
  6. 12 lbcs

Workout 5: Back to Lakeshore Shelter

  1. Merkin Jacks 12x
  2. Kick Squat Jumps 12x
  3. Flutter hammer pumps 12x 4ct


27 HIMs. No FNGs. Mickey not tagged.

Couple of days ago, I stumbled upon a viral video performance of Jane Marczweski, professionally known as “Nightbirde” from America’s Got Talent (video link here: https://youtu.be/bTJ3eeYrHI4). During the audition, however, Nightbirde shared some tough personal news — she had “some cancer” in her lungs, spine and liver. Nightbirde also later revealed that she was given a 2% chance of survival.

While singing her original song, “It’s Okay”, Nightbirde’s authenticity and ethereal vocals took center stage. The song is about getting lost, losing, or being down and it’s okay. Focusing on small wins in our daily lives makes us successful. Things may not turn out the way we want it to be, and it’s probably because God has better plans for us.

She ended her performance with a quote: “you can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy”. So gents, I hope you keep focusing on those small wins in your daily lives, keep your chin up and know that the man above has better plans for us when you’re feeling down and lost sometimes. Waking up and being there in an F3 beatdown,  smashing thru the workout is already a win for each and everyone of us and it means a lot just you being out there for your brothers.

“If you’re lost, we’re all a little lost and it’s alright. It’s okay.” – Nightbirde

Prayers for Jinxy and Lilydipper as they continue to heal. Praise for Dung Beetle who’s leading his first worship next week in their church.

Wesley House volunteers needed; CSAUP at Dog Pound end of July.